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[Phpgroupware-developers] phpGW Demo site

From: Christian Boettger - Mailings
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] phpGW Demo site
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 11:46:23 +0100


we would like to host a phpGW demo mirror (i.e. or This would be done on a separate machine (root
server) hosted by some Provider in Germany, not on our normal webserver. The
cost for the (rented) machine and the running cost will be sponsored by
probusiness; no other sponsors will be involved. 

There will be other demos as well on that machine, but under different DNS
domains and in separate virtual servers (Apache).

We would very much like to use SuSE Linux as a basis, simply because we have
the internal support structure for that. SuSE will *not* be a sponsor for
the box.

Any comments?


Christian (aka bofh42 on IRC)

*****    Open Source und Linux im professionellen Einsatz    *****
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Dr. Christian Böttger                  Teamleiter Softwarelösungen 
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