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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] porting to proposal-branch

From: Dan Kuykendall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] porting to proposal-branch
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 09:02:25 -0800
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Dave Hall wrote:

Hi Sigurd,

The proposal branch is just that, a proposal.  I think there will be a
lot of discussion before any of it is implemented.
Its more than a proposal at this point. Im sure there will be lots of discussion, but at this point Im moving forward with the codebase rather quickly. The only thing making it a proposal is what the developer base will decide to do with the code that jengo and I are building, and at what point it because the "official" framework of the project,

I think we should get 16 out, work hard on making head 18, a well tested
18.001 should become 1.0
Correct, the main focus of the team should be on getting 16 out. But if developers want to come checkout the new code and look at porting their apps, I welcome the additional development help.

Dan Kuykendall

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