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RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] PHPGW DevCon during CeBit

From: Christian Boettger - Mailings
Subject: RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] PHPGW DevCon during CeBit
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 17:01:47 +0100


> From: Kai Hofmann [mailto:address@hidden
> To: 'address@hidden'
> Cc: Phpgw Doc Team (E-Mail)
> Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] PHPGW DevCon during CeBit

> we at probusiness are thinking about organising a (small) phpgw DevCon
> here in Hannover during the CeBit 2004 (18-24.03.).

Well, actually, we're not only thinking about it, but are planning it

> Because we are located only a few hundret meters from the CeBit area,

Basically, we are located just at Entrance East of the CeBIT area...

> and some of the phpgw developers might be here in Germany to visit the
> CeBit(?) it might be a good idea.

or: we hope that people might decide to come over for the combination of
CeBIT and phpGW-DevCon, even if they wouldn't for one of the events alone...

> From our point it would be a good thing to meet each other 
> face by face and discusse 
> the future of phpgw as well as technical things etc.

plus: have a good time ... ;-)

As Kai stated, we cannot pay any travel costs or accommodation. But we can
help finding travel connections and such. Our secretary can look up hotel
lists and such.


Christian Böttger aka bofh42

*****    Open Source und Linux im professionellen Einsatz    *****
**  komplexe Mailserver, Groupware, Office: sprechen Sie uns an **
Dr. Christian Böttger                  Teamleiter Softwarelösungen 
pro|business AG, EXPO Plaza 1 (Deutscher Pavillon), 30539 Hannover
E-Mail: address@hidden,  Tel.: 0511/60066-331, Fax: -355  

Besuchen Sie uns auf unserem Tag der offenen Tür 
  "Kosteneffiziente Serverkonsolidierung durch
          Virtuelle Infrastruktur mit VMware" 
am 29.01.2004 bei probusiness AG, Hannover,
am 10.02.2004 bei probusiness SI AG, Frankfurt. 
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