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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Request to CT

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Request to CT
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 06:40:47 +0800

Noted, added to the agenda for the next meeting - some comments follow.

Brian Johnson <address@hidden> wrote:

> I don't know if there is a procedure for this yet so I am posting 
> here.
> To the CT team.
> Please consider this proposal
> I have repeatedly requested a public write access wiki for use as a
> documentation development platform with little action resulting.

There has been action, but it takes time, something which we are short
on atm.

> I firmly believe that the phpgw docs need to be expanded and 
> edited.  I think
> that no single person has time to do this.


> I understand the need to have control over the official documents 
> so have
> proposed the use of another wiki as a development platform

I am happy for the official docs to be in sitemgr, plain text and PDF
available from, and the wiki as a dev platform.

> In addition, it could act as an impromtu additional source of docs 
> when our
> main site is unavailable

Not if it is hosted on it won't ;)

> I understand that there is limited time available from people so I 
> have now
> set one up myself

I do not support the use of tikiwiki as a repository for our docs.  We
should use tavi (which has been ported to phpgw).  I would also like to
see us use a whole phpgw install for docs.  PDFs and plain text in the
vfs etc.

> Please consider adopting my site as an official development area 
> until another
> location can be established and have the domain 
> point a
> subdomain to it.

I do not support the use of a phpgw domain which points to a site which
does not use phpgw software.  I also have some issues over the accuracy
of the information which is in the wiki.  I have corrected this and my
changes were removed.

> Since the CT was established to create a democratic oversight to 
> the project,
> I make this request to the CT and ask that they vote on it and 
> provide me with
> the meeting minutes (or log as the case may be) of that vote and 
> any related
> discussion.

A summary of the meeting will be posted.

> I will be available to join the CT via the internet for discussion 
> if desired.

This will be considered at the time.



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