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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] XSLT-version

From: Sigurd Nes
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] XSLT-version
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 21:00:05 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (Windows/20040913)

As long as you don’t abandon the XSLT approach...


Dave Hall wrote:
On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 10:27, C K Wu wrote:

I have the same query or worry Sigurd has. It seems the XSLT version or nextgen had gone quiet for a long, long time. It would be nice to have an update on current development.

* These are my own personal opinions
* It is the wee hours as I am bashing this out
* I have been coding for 3 days straight so my brain is
* All timelines are as solid as quick sand

Here is a quick overview of where the project is at:
* Around 10 active part time developers contributing to the code base
* Several key apps unmaintained
* CVS branches majorly out of sync
* Lack of clear direction

State of 0.9.16 branch:
* Some bugs to be fixed
* feature frozen
* Has some nice features in it
* Lots of feature patches floating around

State of HEAD branch
* Generally behind 16 for apps
* API is a mish mash of 14 and new features
* Few 16 security issues fixed
* Actively developed by 2 people (Sigurd and ceb)

State of nextgen branch
* Behind other branches
* Not backward compatible
* Developed by 2 people (seek3r and jengo)

State of skwashd - not a CVS branch ;)
I have put in a lot of time into the project, but at the moment I have a
lot of things competing for my attention.  As I am to become a dad in
January I have decided to chase the money.  January is approaching like
a freight train.

So where does this leave the project?
I have been thinking about this for the last 2mths.  I have been working
on a draft strategic document for the project.  The "Never Ending
Document" aka NED. The problem is that I either get distracted by work,
or find a whole new section to write so it is never finished.

To give a on word answer Sigurd's question, if I get my way - never. Sorry to sound harsh, I don't believe that HEAD in it's current state
can provide a quality release platform.

Here is a rough outline of what is in NED.  (NED is like a Christmas
pudding, its good, it takes time and the more alcohol you add the better
it is ;) )

* NED is formalised into a proper doc - ~1wk
* We create a new branch from 16 - called pre1 (similar)
* Useful features from HEAD are back ported - ACL2, server side xslt etc
* pre1 is released as 0.9.18 - late 2005
* + some testing is released as 1.0 - early 2005
* Development shifts to nextgen

IMHO we need a clean break from the very old codebase that is phpgw.  We
also need people to contribute to the project.  Code,  document,
translate, delegate, donate, but don't procrastinate ;)

I think I heard some shout BS Bingo
( time for me
to wrap it up.

Please discuss, I want to know what others think.  We need more than a
name, we need to develop a community around a code base.


Dave Hall(aka skwashd)
Frustrated, Time Poor Hacker :(


Sigurd Nes wrote:

Is there any scheduled date for the release of the XSLT-version (0.9.18)?


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