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RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] Release planning (was XSLT-version)

From: Christian Boettger - Mailings
Subject: RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] Release planning (was XSLT-version)
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 15:06:00 +0200


> From: Brian Johnson [mailto:address@hidden
> Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 2:38 PM
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] Release planning (was
> XSLT-version)
> I think that if pb has stuff to contribute, then great!!  But 
> it needs to be submitted unless they are committing it themselves.

0.9.16 is feature-frozen, which is OK. This includes a ban on any database
change (if if it's more a bugfix than a feature).

So we can't possibly submit anything to 0.9.16 or even commit ourselves.

HEAD is not in a working state, worse: it's in an undefined state. So we
can't really commit anything there which is based on 0.9.16 code (which is
newer than HEAD code).

So we don't really have a target to commit into.

We would urgently need a real development branch, where developments based
on 0.9.16 can be submitted to. Obviously, everything worth salvaging from
the current HEAD should be included there as well.

> In general I think that any contribution that does not 
> greatly change the function of an app should be accepted.  Any greater
> should be discussed on the dev list first.

at the moment, there is a strict feature freeze for 0.9.16, may it be minor
or major changes. And this is OK, otherwise this version will still be
called 0.9.16 in ten years time...

> Can we establish written rules for committing changes?  

not really, I'm afraid.


CB aka bofh42

Dr. Christian Böttger
Leiter Softwarelösungen
pro|business AG
EXPO Plaza 1
30539 Hannover
Tel.: 05 11 / 6 00 66-331
Fax: 05 11 / 6 00 66 -355

e-mail: address@hidden
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