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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] 1.0 feature requests

From: Pascal Vilarem
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] 1.0 feature requests
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 10:51:29 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040913)

my 2 cents :

perhaps a strong workflow system that we can use for sereral purposes :
-- electronic document approval and review
-- reminders ( tasks & projects, appointements, meetings, electronic document management... ) via mail or via messenger module
-- other processings (bugs or requests management for example)

a new document management system where we can  :
-- share docs...
-- define ACLs...
-- create revisions...
-- post comments for each doc...
-- keep a track of docs history...
-- approve/validate docs (using the workflow ;-) )...
-- alert concerned users when a doc is updated

for project/task management : a great planner ( gantt ) with tasks, ressources and critical path...

a great PDA synchro (if my memory is good Lex is still working on this point)

perhaps merge redundant modules like todos, notes and infolog ?


address@hidden wrote:

[ Repost from news on ]

Until Friday Oct. 10th 2004, we are asking the community to submit feature
requests they would like to see in 1.0. Please submit them to the
developers' mailing list with the subject "1.0 feature requests". Do not
submit requests directly to developers, or the messageboard.

Sometime over the next week, the Coordinators Team will vote on the list.
Not everything will be added. We will release the list once it's
finallized, then this will be a "set in stone" list of features for 1.0.

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