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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] phpgw_info - Groups

From: Benoit Hamet
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] phpgw_info - Groups
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2005 09:39:22 +0100
User-agent: Debian Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20051002)

Hi Mauricio,

Take a look into phpgwapi/inc/class.account_{...}.inc.php

You will find a function named Membership and another named Members IIRC.



Mauricio wrote:
> Thanks Alex!
> I discover that few minutes ago!!!
> I was confused about if phpgw_acl.acl_account had some relation with
> phpgw_accounts.person_id...
> I didn't get newer versions of phpgw, but I susgest to put someting on
> api to get the group (id and lid) of a user (if it isn't alread there).
> Later I talk about what I'm working on....
> Regards,
> Mauricio.
> alex wrote:
>>>> My phpgw_acl table doesn't have any row like that.
>>>> Nop app = phpgwapi or location = phpgw_group
>>>> The nearest to that are:
>>>> acl_appname | acl_location | acl_account | acl_rights
>>>> phpgw_group      1      4      1
>>>> phpgw_group     7     8     1
>>>> phpgw_group     1     3     1
>>>> phpgw_group     7     3     1
>>>> phpgw_group     2     6     1
>>>> phpgw_group     1     6     1
>>>> But I didn't understand that yet...
>>>> What am I missing?
> Nothing, actually.... if my memmory doesnt fail, that table says account
> _id number 4 is memeber of group with account_id 1, 8 is in group 7, 3
> is in groups 1 and 7 and 6 is in groups 1 and 2.
> Yes... thats the way its implemented.... if i remember corrected.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Mauricio.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Dave
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