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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Re: php 5.2 patch - test tarballs now avai

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Re: php 5.2 patch - test tarballs now available
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 23:43:34 +1000

On Thu, 2007-04-26 at 06:17 -0700, datasurfer wrote:
> hello,
> I install the new version under php5 but it don't work.
> I can install the tables/applications and install the languages.
> But the step "configuration" in setup don't work.
> After the click the "save"-button nothing is saved and i see only a white 
> page in the browser.  :?
> The table "phpgw_config" has only 20 rows... I miss rows like "temp_dir" or 
> "files_dir" in the table.
> I use PHP Version 5.1.2 and mySQL 5.0.18 on Apache/2.2.3..

Strange.  I tried with the following environment:

php 5.2.1-0ubuntu1
apache 2.2.3-3.2build1
mysql 5.0.38-0ubuntu1

It worked fine, with all 29 lines added to the config table.

Can you email me a copy of your phpinfo() output?


Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
API Coordinator
e address@hidden
j address@hidden
sip address@hidden
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