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[phpGroupWare-developers] is the db class reentrant ? (following an old

From: Benoit Hamet
Subject: [phpGroupWare-developers] is the db class reentrant ? (following an old post of sigurd in 2005)
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2008 17:10:56 +0200
User-agent: IceDove (X11/20080305)

Hi all,

I was trying to "quickly fix" the note apps for some notices about
get_var, when I notice some weird thing :

Notes display only one note ...

Further investigations let me point this :

in notes/inc/ I got :

around line 130 :
  while ($this->db->next_record())
     $ngrants = $this->grants[$this->db->f('note_owner')];
     $notes[$this->db->f('note_id')] = array
      'note_id'       => $this->db->f('note_id'),
      'owner_id'      => $this->db->f('note_owner'),
      'owner'         =>
      'access'        => $this->db->f('note_access'),
      'date'          =>
      'cat_id'        => $this->db->f('note_category'),
      'content'       => $this->db->f('note_content', true),
      'grants'        => $ngrants

of course, removing the line 'owner'         =>

solve the problem, which let me think about a reentrant problem (so a
new query is done using the same db object, and so next_record() is
totaly wrong next time ...).

I Guess we already discuss this [Yeah : search for "Is there some
problem using adodb?" in 2005 archives] ... but do we have an "elegant"
solution for this kind of problem ?
clone the db object in the sonotes ? (beurk)
perhaps better, let accounts having it's own cloned db object (little
better, since like that it won't hurt when using ldap as backend).
avoid this kind of code ? :)



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