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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] New logo trial

From: Maât
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] New logo trial
Date: Mon, 05 May 2008 22:00:49 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080305)

Dave Hall a écrit :
> I have chatted with Pascal about this on IRC.  I think if we want to
> change the logo we should have a proper design competition.  I like the
> current logo, but I am not overly attached to it, but I do like it more
> than Pascal's version.

lol i said in irc channel that i considered the current logo a little
bit too dull  to be attractive for people and energy

i just tried to make a logo with a little more color to give a little
more "modern" image of phpGroupWare

but that was just for the fun of it... at the moment i don't see it as a
candidate for current logo replacement :)

i dont understand why do people focus so much on it rather than on the
rest of the document...

> I think it would be good if Pascal could check the ODF file into SVN.
> People can then use tracked changes to propose edits.  The more
> hands/eyes on this the better.

that will be done when i have something a little more advanced... for
the while the document is too likely to change drastically.

please all be patient enough to wait for a week or two (maximum) before
seeing .odt committed... and involved enough to give me loads of
feedback comments and help ;)

>> 2) page 16: why do you clone the template object?
> You should only reference it.

ok that will be changed in next draft, thanks :)


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