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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Organising apps in svn

From: Maât
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Organising apps in svn
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 13:17:35 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080504)

Dave Hall a écrit :
i would see a phpgroupware directory with :

 +-- branches
 +-- tags
 +-- trunk
        + admin
        + developer_tools
        + doc
        + phpgwapi
        + preferences
        + setup
        + about.php
        + ...
        + xmlrpc.php

Developer tools doesn't really belong here.  Also the core modules will
need to go here.
Developper tool should be part of core system as it is not really an application but a real part of the framework allowing developers to create applications ( inthe same way special things in setup allow to create tables descriptions

There should also be a higher level,
 * core (which is what is outlined above)
* maintained (actively maintained modules - nothing at this stage), * supported (security support only - all modules atm)
 * orphaned (everything currenyly under old)

Modules can be moved from supported to maintained once they are audited
and meet agreed release/security criteria.
That's why i insisted on the difference between repos organization and applications statuses... wether an app gets supported or not should not involve modifications of repositories : history will be painful to follow and big moves in repositories are not recommended

Statuses ( core maintained supported and whatever ) should only impact integration in tar.gz flavour packages and be reported on website and download page

Reflecting global app statuses in svn organization is something i would never recommend.

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