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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Organising apps in svn

From: Maât
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Organising apps in svn
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 14:30:23 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080504)

Dave Hall a écrit :
But it is for developers, not people who just want to install and use
phpgw as is.  developer_tools should be a standalone module, it is not
broadly useful.
setup to generate database structure definitions is no more useful... but it's in setup !

Atm we need more to attract new developers tnat to gold plate the project removing a few files that user will never see if they are there or not.

But for a new potential contributor getting started with just one svn co will be a good point.

  Also in its current state it isn't useful at all as it
is broken.
lol... perhaps we could consider fixing it instead of kicking it aside  :)

I think it makes it very clear to people the state of a module before
checking it out.  It also makes it clear to new contributors where to
focus their energies.

you consider potential contributors clever enouh to make recursive svn co and choose the applications they need to have a working phpgw dev directory structure ... but too stupid to make the difference between supported and unsupported apps ?

i bet you're kidding :)

Architecture and organisation never replaces comunication... but both must go together.

For application status and effort focusing this is a question of communication and community coordination.

For svn trees organisation this is only a question of keeping things "stupid simple"... and hiding communication about apps statuses inside the pathes of svn repos will make phpgw even harder to get in that it is now i think.

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