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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Organising apps in svn

From: Dr. Christian Böttger
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Organising apps in svn
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 13:01:32 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071031)

Maât schrieb:

For svn trees organisation this is only a question of keeping things "stupid simple"... and hiding communication about apps statuses inside the pathes of svn repos will make phpgw even harder to get in that it is now i think.

basically we have two independent sorting criteria here: core, devtools, applications on one hand (regardless of status) and features criteria like supported, orphaned, ... on the other. Perhaps even a thrid, again indepented set like minimal setup, standrd, full, <various flavors).

Isn't that what tags etc are for? Moving around applications from one tree to another on status change seems to be unnatural to any version control system. But having a logical tag named "supported apps" or "phpGW taylored for <whatever>" resulting in the checkout of all code in that status (core + apps) can be a very handy feature.

It's not "hiding the information in the path name", it's more "putting it in there additionally" - more communication.

just my 2¢



*****    Open Source und Linux im professionellen Einsatz    *****
Dr. Christian Böttger (Dipl.Phys.) DF5OP        Open Source Broker
EMail address@hidden / address@hidden

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