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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Nested db-objects

From: Maât
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Nested db-objects
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 18:11:11 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080504)

Dr. Christian Böttger a écrit :

Well, it *has* to be "ready when ready" just like Debian. No body pays us - it's all voluntary work. So how can anyone really impose any deadline? Noone has a handle on the time people are able to commit to the project.

Having said that: yes, we can agree on a date when we all agree to plan to realese .18. But still, that's just a vague plan and nothing to be enforced.

/me will reapeat endlessly "Release early... Release Often...."

Of course there are stupid things (you might even call it crap) - but we cant really rewrite the whole code all the time.
But we can and should fix stupid things on the way as we see them.

yes and quality team can help keeping the fire lit up under the cauldron :)

The code is working - and we need one foot on the ground.

This is a somewhat dangerous proposition, regardless of the truth it holds.

Well as far as i am concerned the code is NOT working... but we obviously need to move on... that's why an alpha release and a heavy debug phase is welcome.

We cannot afford to refrain from imposing rules e.g. the separation between business logic and storage - otherwise we will have a heap of crap in the near future. We have to be strict in some of these things.

I (very respectfully but very strongly) disagree... i explained already twice why

Of course we need to improve quality and work hard to solve design weaknesses... but please be careful : sometimes being strict brings more harm than good !

quality improvement is a long run deal... phpgw will have the time to die before...

The release early/release often need is something we completely forgot and we will have to remember it quickly if we want the project to survive

In my opinion, the main reason (besides the trival one of lack of developers) for .18 taking so long is that we aloowed for much too long that such "crap" and "it's working for me, let's ship it" found it's way into the code and stayed there forever.


Christian aka bofh42
Release Coordinator phpGW
The first reason above all is psychological... understandable loss of motivation after egw fork. Every community suffers when such splits occur... and in our case it was very painful... Many difficulties we had in near past are fringe effects of that main reason.

For the reason you give i must express a late disagreement : accepting (temporarily) poor designs as proof of concept in trunk or even branches then cleaning things for tagged versions is the way nearly every opensource project works...

And releasing often even with features declared "immature" is also a standard for most opensource projects (included kde and kernel and openoffice and subversion and many others)

Working with stable and testing and developpement versions is currently difficult because our subversion tree does not allow apps to use their own trunk/tags/branches so that quality and release team can choose, for each elected app, a specific tag for inclusion in a specific phpgroupware version.



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