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[phpGroupWare-developers] Fudforum working with some tricks

From: Giorgio Pioda
Subject: [phpGroupWare-developers] Fudforum working with some tricks
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 02:32:10 -0700 (MST)


The setup script is messed up

I copied by hand the files contained in the fudforum/setup/base in the correct 

(/var/lib/phpgroupware/files/fudforum for the NON-WEB-Based and 
/usr/share/phpgroupware/fudforum for WEB BASED)

I then disabled the part of setup/index.php (the file is in /fudforum/index.php 
and NOT in /fudforum/setup/index.php) responsible for copiing the filestructure

Then running a coupple of tinme the application I finally got the error that 
/usr/share/phpgroupware/fudforum/theme/default/index.php were missing (this 
means that the locale creation in the setup/index.php is also broken) so I 
copied it from my old installation (yes I am lazy) and BANG! Fudforum works.

I hope that these hints will help in fixing it in the sources. 

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