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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Future ... and Poll

From: Maât
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Future ... and Poll
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 08:38:01 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20091009)

Chris Weiss wrote:
>>>  - do you think that having a groupware able to communicate with other
>>> groupware is important ?
>> yes this also is a killer feature that no other groupware offer atm
> this depends on what you mean by "communicate".  From where I'm
> standing, most serious groupware systems can communicate with other
> systems.
> as a use-case example, my vendor sends me a meeting request, I accept
> and it gets added to my calendar and he gets a response confirming I
> accepted.  This works now, I've been a part of it with Exchange on one
> side and gmail/gcal on the other.  I would expect any groupware that
> supports email and iCal would work too.
> if you mean something beyond that, like calendar and
> addressbook/contacts sharing, some groupware's also already do this.
> things like LDAP and iCal make it rather easy.
> At work we're using Kerio, and it goes as far as to provide a link to
> users so they can let others subscribe to their Kerio calendar from
> anything that supports iCal.  it's read-only, but it's still
> communication.
Yep... you're right i must explain what i meant.

when i want to plan a meeting some groupwares allow to check local
people availability... but for other not locally known pople this is not

groupwares able to communicate with each other could ask for
availability to have a meeting distributed planner that even notes dones
not offer.

(that would also need to control what data you want to make available to
what groupware)

same thing for addressbook : communication between groupwares would
allow to automatically complete fields clicking on retrieve/sync data
from reference groupware

that could also be true for ged : sharing documentss across several
groupwares and making relations between these documents

same thing for tasks... we could have a project done by several
compagnies each having to do a part of the job but tasks obviously would
be inter-dependant

having dependancy relations between tasks distributed on several
groupwares would allow a better co-operation

that sorts of "communication" between groupwares today are offered by no
groupware afaik

we could also imagine data synchronisation between wikis pages (or
groups of pages) or synchronization between knowledge bases

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