On Mon, 2010-03-29 at 16:49 +0200, Olivier Berger wrote:
Le jeudi 25 mars 2010 à 00:31 +1100, Dave Hall a écrit :
Can you point me to some more details about incompatibility with PHP
5.3 ?
Because that would indeed be a show stopper for next stable (squeeze), I
phpGW 0.9.16 depends on the PHP4 object handling hack ( aka
ini_set('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode', 1); ) which was dropped in PHP5.3
There is no easy way around this, without it phpGW is pretty much
Feel free to quote this in any bug report.
I'm dubious... it spits a lot of errors in apache logs, but it seems
phpgroupware nevertheless works (screens look nice right
after installation) when installed on a Debian testing machine (with PHP
If you had real examples of what breaks exactly, and how hard (or not)
it is to fix or workaround, it'd be really helpful.
There is a lot of places in the code where phpGW assumes objects are
passed by value not by reference - especially the db object. To work
around that phpGW relied on zend.ze1_compatibility_mode being set to
true. zend.ze1_compatibility_mode was dropped in PHP 5.3 (see
http://php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php ) and so I expect a lot of things
to break. I don't have time to run a phpGW install on one of my PHP5.3
test boxes atm to document what has broken. There is no easy work
around for this either.