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Re: [Pingus-Devel] Newer Pingus version

From: Aggro
Subject: Re: [Pingus-Devel] Newer Pingus version
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 13:59:52 -0700 (PDT)

--- pacho <address@hidden> wrote:

> Pingus 0.6 will be removed from portage tree because
> "Clanlib-0.6 is not maintained upstream and has
> become unmanagable."
> Where will be relesed a newer pingus version

Currently we don't have everything done that should be
done for the next release. But the game should be
playable. I'm not sure what is the status of the new
map editor as I haven't tried it yet.

IMHO we should release 0.7 alpha 1 now, as there has
been a lot of changes since 0.6 and progress is
currently really slow.

But I'm not an admin or even listed developer for this
project, so all I can do is make suggestions. 

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