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Re: [RFC] Add assert statement to make unit testing easier for Poke code

From: Jose E. Marchesi
Subject: Re: [RFC] Add assert statement to make unit testing easier for Poke code
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2020 09:37:36 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Mohammad.

Thanks for your proposal :)

> == Proposal
> I suggest to support the following `assert` statements:
>     assert (condition);
>     assert (condition, message);
>     assert condition;
>     assert condition, message;
> The parser will replace this statement with the following function call:
>     _pkl_assert (condition, message, lineinfo)
> The `lineinfo` is a string containing the location of the statement:
>     "<filename>:<line>:<col>"
> And implementation of `_pkl_assert` will something like this in `pkl-rt.pk`:
> ```poke
> fun _pkl_assert = (uint<1> condition, string msg, string lineinfo)
>   {
>     if (cond)
>       return;
>     raise Exception {
>       code = EC_assert,
>       msg = "Assertion failed at " + lineinfo + (msg'length ? ": " + msg : 
> ""),
>       exit_status = 1,
>     };
>   }
> ```

I think this can be achieved without having to introduce a special form
`assert'.  Something like this:

fun assert (int condition, string msg,
            int line, string file) = void:
  if (!condition)
    raise Exception {
      code = EC_generic,
      msg = "Assertion failed at " + itos (line) + file + (msg'length ?
            ": " + msg : ""),
      exit_status = 1

That you invoke like:

  assert ("foo"[n] == 102UB, "", __LINE__, __FILE);

We don't have an `itos' (integer to string) function in the standard
library yet though.  You may want to write it :)

> == Usage
> The main use of `assert` in unit testing of Poke codes.
> For example, this is the re-write of some of string tests in
> `testsuite/poke.pkl/`:
> ```poke
> type TestFn = () void;
> type Test = struct
>   {
>     string name;
>     TestFn func;  /* Currently doesn't work! error: invalid type in struct 
> field */

This will be possible soon.

>   };
> var tests = [
>   Test {
>     name = "index",
>     func = lambda void:
>       {
>         var n = 0;
>         assert ("foo"[n] == 102UB);
>         assert ("foo"[0] == 102UB);
>         var s = "bar";
>         n = 3;
>         assert (("foo" + s)[n] == 98UB);
>         assert (("foo" + "bar")[3] == 98UB);
>       }
>   },
>   Test {
>     name = "escape sequence",
>     func = lambda void:
>       {
>         var s = "\1\12\1234;\12==\n";
>         assert (s'length == 0o11UL);
>         assert (s[0] == 0o1UB);
>         assert (s[1] == 0o12UB);
>         assert (s[2] == 0o123UB);
>         assert (s[3:] == "4;\n==\n");
>         assert ("\\"[0] == 0x5c);
>       }
>   },
> ];
> for (t in tests)
>   {
>     try t.func();
>     catch (Exception ex)
>       {
>         printf ("FAIL %s: %s\n", t.name, ex.msg);
>         continue;
>       }
>     print ("PASS " + t.name + "\n");
>   }
> ```
> We also can define a pickle called `unittest` test to add some types and 
> functions
> to make writing unit tests easier.
> I think this is very useful Poke users. And very easy to implement.
> The only thing `assert` give us is the location of the statement.
> Any suggestion?

I think a simple native test harness written in Poke is a good idea.

But not precisely for testing things like `"foo"[n] == 102UB', i.e. not
for testing that the language is properly supported by the compiler: if
this can't be assumed, we can't actually trust the test harness itself!

However, testing the logic or pickles (or other Poke code) is a
completely different matter: a Poke test harness is ferfect for that.

For example, I have started adding tests for the pickles distributed
with poke, like in testsuite/poke.id3v1/*.pk, using the dejagnu dg test
harness, like the rest of the project.  But if an infrastructure like
you suggest was in place I would certainly be open to use it instead for
these tests.


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