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Re: poke prompt by default

From: Mohammad-Reza Nabipoor
Subject: Re: poke prompt by default
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 18:45:10 +0100

Hi Jose.

On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 05:15:47PM +0100, Jose E. Marchesi wrote:
> I would like to avoid introducing more dot-commands as much as possible.

That's very good!

> IMO what you suggest (hooks and all) is way more complicated than
> providing a prompt function that handles a format string:
>   var pk_prompt_format = "(%e:%i)";
>   fun pk_prompt_default = string:
>   {
>     /* ... form prompt using pk_prompt_format and retur it ... */
>   }
>   fun pk_prompt = string:
>   {
>     return pk_prompt_default;
>   }
> So we would document:
> 1. poke will call the pk_prompt function (which has ()string signature)
>    in order to get a string with the prompt, every time it needs one.
> 2. The default definition of pk_prompt uses the format string in
>    pk_prompt_format in order to format a prompt string, then returns it.
>    Supported tags are %e, %i, etc.
> 3. You can use your own definition of pk_prompt just by re-defining it.
>    Any function is good provided it returns a string.  You can call
>    pk_prompt_default (which uses the global format string) from your
>    new definition of pk_prompt.
> That is all Poke, no need for dot-commands.
> The question is: is it worth it?

IMHO we can just implement a few pk_prompt_* functions, and document them
and tell the user that by re-defining the `pk_prompt' function, they can
use one of them (simple short copy-pastable code snippet).
That's better than having this `pk_prompt_format'.


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