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Re: [PATCH v4 2/7] system/physmem: poisoned memory discard on reboot

From: David Hildenbrand
Subject: Re: [PATCH v4 2/7] system/physmem: poisoned memory discard on reboot
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 15:00:58 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

If we can get the current set of fixes integrated, I'll submit another
fix proposal to take the fd_offset into account in a second time. (Not
enlarging the current set)

But here is what I'm thinking about. That we can discuss later if you want:

@@ -3730,11 +3724,12 @@ int ram_block_discard_range(RAMBlock *rb,
uint64_t start, size_t length)

               ret = fallocate(rb->fd, FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE |
-                            start, length);
+                            start + rb->fd_offset, length);
               if (ret) {
                   ret = -errno;
                   error_report("%s: Failed to fallocate %s:%" PRIx64 "
+%zx (%d)",
-                             __func__, rb->idstr, start, length, ret);
+                             __func__, rb->idstr, start + rb->fd_offset,
+                            length, ret);
                   goto err;

Or I can integrate that as an addition patch if you prefer.

Very good point! We missed to take fd_offset into account here.

Can you send that out as a separate fix?

Fixed: 4b870dc4d0c0 ("hostmem-file: add offset option")


David / dhildenb

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