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Re: [PATCH 1/3] qsd: Add pre-init argument parsing pass

From: Hanna Reitz
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/3] qsd: Add pre-init argument parsing pass
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2022 09:43:10 +0100
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On 21.01.22 07:10, Markus Armbruster wrote:
Hanna Reitz <hreitz@redhat.com> writes:

On 20.01.22 17:00, Markus Armbruster wrote:
Kevin Wolf <kwolf@redhat.com> writes:

Am 19.01.2022 um 14:44 hat Hanna Reitz geschrieben:
On 19.01.22 13:58, Markus Armbruster wrote:
Hanna Reitz <hreitz@redhat.com> writes:

We want to add a --daemonize argument to QSD's command line.
OK, s/we/I/.  I find it useful, because without such an option, I need to
have whoever invokes QSD loop until the PID file exists, before I can be
sure that all exports are set up.  I make use of it in the test cases added
in patch 3.

I suppose this could be worked around with a special character device, like

ncat --listen -U /tmp/qsd-done.sock </dev/null &

qemu-storage-daemon \
      ... \
      --chardev socket,id=signal_done,path=/tmp/qsd-done.sock \
      --monitor signal_done \
      --pidfile /tmp/qsd.pid &

wait $ncat_pid

But having to use an extra tool for this is unergonomic.  I mean, if there’s
no other way...
I know duplicating this into every program that could server as a daemon
is the Unix tradition.  Doesn't make it good.  Systemd[*] has tried to
make it superfluous.
Well.  I have absolutely nothing against systemd.  Still, I will not
use it in an iotest, that’s for sure.
My point isn't "use systemd in iotests".  It's "consider doing it like
systemd", i.e. do the daemonization work in a utility program.  For what
it's worth, Linux has daemonize(1).

The problem I face is that currently there is no ergonomic way to wait until the QSD is up and running (besides looping until the PID file exists), and I don’t think a utility program that doesn’t know the QSD could provide this.  (For example, it looks like daemonize(1) will have the parent exit immediately, regardless of whether the child is set up or not.)


Care to put a brief version of the rationale for --daemonize and for
forking early in the commit message?
Well, my rationale for adding the feature doesn’t really extend beyond
“I want it, I find it useful, and so I assume others will, too”.
Don't pretend to be obtuse, it's not credible :)  You mentioned iotests,
which makes me guess your rationale is "I want this for iotests, and
there may well be other uses."

Oh, I also want it for other things, like the script I have to use the QSD to make disk images accessible as raw files.  Thing is, the stress is on “want” in contrast to “need”.  I can do without --daemonize, I have already done so, even before there was --pidfile (I just queried the block exports through QMP until they were all there).  It’s just that it’s kind of a pain.

Same with the iotests, it’s absolutely possible to get away without --daemonize.  It’s just that I wrote the test, wanted to use some form of --daemonize option, noticed there wasn’t any yet, and thought “Oh, that’d be nice to have”.

I would love a --daemonize option, but I can’t say it’s necessary. If the way it’d need to be implemented isn’t acceptable, then I won’t force it into the code.

I don’t really like putting “qemu-nbd has it” there, because... it was
again me who implemented it for qemu-nbd.  Because I found it useful.
But I can of course do that, if it counts as a reason.
Useful *what for*, and we have rationale.

I can certainly (and understand the need to, and will) elaborate on
the “This will require forking the process before we do any complex
initialization steps” part.

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