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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] VMware SVGA II emulation

From: James Pellow
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] VMware SVGA II emulation
Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 10:40:01 -0700
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6

Hi Andrew and others working on vmware hardware,

I noticed the small patch made recently to the vmwarevga hardware in qemu, so 
I decided to test it again.  Here is what I am getting on my tests:

Host:    Kubuntu 7.04
Qemu:  CVS from May third.
Guest:  Windows 2000
Driver:  From VMware 5.5.3 build 34685
CPU:     Opteron 165 dual core.
Guest Memory:  256M
Host Memory: 1G
KQemu: No

address@hidden:~/qemu$ qemu -hda win2k.raw -cdrom windows.iso -boot c -m 
256 -vmwarevga
Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated: No such 
file or directory
vmsvga_value_write: guest runs Windows 2000.
vmmouse: unknown command 1e
vmmouse: unknown command 1e
vmmouse: unknown command 1e
vmmouse: unknown command 1e
vmmouse: unknown command 1e
vmmouse: unknown command 1e
vmmouse: unknown command 1e
vmmouse: unknown command 1e

The initial portion of the boot (text mode bars advancing at the bottom of the 
screen) works perfectly, then when it switches to graphics mode (Win2k splash 
screen with small progress bar below) I actually see the progress bar, but 
only the blue channel and it is disproportionately large.  Once the progress 
bar completes and windows 2k kernel is fully booted, I get small vertical 
blue bars covering the entire screen (see screenshot).  It appears like qemu 
is no longer responding to paint messages from the window manager because it 
will not repaint, again as you can see from the screenshot.

I'm happy to gather any additional information that may be helpful, and to 
look at the code if you point me in the right direction.  I imagine the best 
documentation is the source code for the vmware X drivers.



James Pellow, President
Alent Design Solutions

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