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[Qemu-devel] linux 2.6.21 tickless kernel problem

From: zjs
Subject: [Qemu-devel] linux 2.6.21 tickless kernel problem
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 21:33:58 +0800
User-agent: IceDove (X11/20070329)

Hi, all

Host os:linux(kernel 2.6.21 with CONFIG_NO_HZ=y to enable tickless feature)
Guest os:RTEMS or Haiku etc.
QEMU:0.9.0, no kvm and no kqemu

The Guest oses halted. RTEMS gave a message:"problem #2 in offset computation in Calibrate_loop_1ms in file libbsp/i386/pc386/timer/timer.c".

I recompiled my host os kernel with CONFIG_NO_HZ=n, then everything was ok. Is this a bug of qemu or of kernel of RTEMS and haiku?

Best Wishes,
JiSheng Zhang

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