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[Qemu-devel] KVM call minutes for Mar 23

From: Chris Wright
Subject: [Qemu-devel] KVM call minutes for Mar 23
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 08:08:07 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-08-17)

migration (we didn't end last week)
- monotonic increasing version doesn't capture individual features
  (backporting features may not require earlier features, now id is
  - use subsections
    - can create new namespace within subsection (ide/$featre/$distro)
    - would need to coordinate section naming
      - documentation of on-wire migration protocol needed, can be there
  - rewind file (non-trivial) to update version to earlier id
  - send maximum always, not worrying about non-linear feature creep

virtIODevice model (see Virtio cleaup thread). What is the best model for this?
- multiple inheritance concern...far enough away, can handle on list,
  nothing pressing here

state and roadmap for upstream merge of in-kernel device models
- glauber has posted, received feedback, working through feedback,
  will respin and repost soon

merging qemu-kvm.git's implementation as is and cleaning it up in qemu.git?
- would need to drop features, so people will still use qemu-kvm
  - extboot, ia64, in-kernel pit, device assignment, associated cmd line options
- the biggest blocking is glauber's smp/irq chip
- kvmctl (ported to qemu now) could go into
- agraf glad to help w/ device assignment
  - avi wants to move it to uio + irqfd
    (need uio iommu support and msi support)

libqemu and libvirt
- simple qmp wrapper would be enough
  - would drop the libvirt functionality (like hv agnostic)
- separate issues...
  - 1) libqemu as a simple mgmt interface to qemu
  - 2) libvirt qemu-direct, libvirt users ability to get all qemu features
  - approaching from different ends of problem...could coexist.
- out of time...next week, on list in the interim

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