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[Qemu-devel] KVM call minutes for Feb 1

From: Chris Wright
Subject: [Qemu-devel] KVM call minutes for Feb 1
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2011 07:54:14 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

KVM upstream merge: status, plans, coordination
- Jan has a git tree, consolidating
- qemu-kvm io threading is still an issue
- Anthony wants to just merge
  - concerns with non-x86 arch and merge
  - concerns with big-bang patch merge and following stability
- post 0.14 conversion to glib mainloop, non-upstreamed qemu-kvm will be
  a problem if it's not there by then
- testing and nuances are still an issue (e.g. stefan berger's mmio read issue)
- qemu-kvm still evolving, needs to get sync'd or it will keep diverging
- 2 implementations of main init, cpu init, Jan has merged them into one
  - qemu-kvm-x86.c file that's only a few hundred lines
- review as one patch to see the fundamental difference

QMP support status for 0.14
- declare QMP fully supported
  - caveats: specific errors aren't guaranteed yet (primarily documentation)
  - human monitor passthrough command is best effort
- device tree structure is not reliable, use name not path
- will send out patch to update qmp-commands.hx to document this (and Cc
- schema file (json subset which is python) and code generator to
  generate code with C structures, also generates client library for
  test cases (can test against new and old qmp server to verify hasn't
  - HMP implemented in terms of QMP only
  - at the end should have a test framework to test all commands
  - glib/gtest framework

0.14 stable fork today
already posted 0.14 patches?
- will pick up all those patches before forking, fork at the end of the day
- will grab latest SeaBIOS and vgabios

SeaBIOS update for 0.14 (AHCI boot capable version)
- need to check if (and why) AHCI is disabled by default 
  - assuming no fundamental issues, could be enabled and become an
    experimental new 0.14 feature

Summer of code 2011
- http://wiki.qemu.org/Google_Summer_of_Code_2011
- update wiki page with project ideas (let Anthony or Luiz know if you
  want to be a mentor)
- application is due at end of the month
- mentors...be prepared that projects may take longer than just the
  summer of code to complete
- join #qemu-gsoc on OFTC for gsoc discussions

Going to FOSDEM?  agraf will be there...

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