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Re: [Qemu-devel] [RFC] QCFG: a new mechanism to replace QemuOpts and opt

From: Anthony Liguori
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [RFC] QCFG: a new mechanism to replace QemuOpts and option handling
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 10:49:42 -0500
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On 03/22/2011 08:01 AM, Markus Armbruster wrote:
Type checking macros are feasible (see [*] for an existence proof), but
things do get hairy, and the resulting error messages can be less than
clear at times.

That just gives you a warning. You can do much better things with __builtin_types_compatible_p.

But neither really solves the problem I'm talking about. I can go into it in depth but hopefully we both can agree that trying to build introspection macros is pretty difficult if not impossible :-)

this makes it very difficult to support things like lists of lists or
anything else that would basically require a non-concrete type.
Sounds like you want a more expressive type system than C's, and propose
to get it by building your own DSL.  I'm not sure that's wise.

It's an IDL. IDL based RPCs are pretty common with C. The IDL is purely declarative.

If you plan to expose these types in a library, you need to either
explicitly pad each structure and make sure that the padding is
updated correctly each time a new member is added.
As long as the data description is data, writing a program to check that
a new version is compatible with the old one shouldn't be hard.

If you define the structs on your own, you need to either have a data description of the padding or be very careful doing it yourself.

                                                     Alternatively, you
can add an allocation function that automatically pads each structure
Weaker than a comprehensive check, but could be good enough.

qmp-gen.py creates qmp-types.[ch] to do exactly the above and also
generates the type declaration so that you don't have to duplicate the
type marshalling code and the type declaration.  Today, this is close
to 2k LOCs so it's actually a significant amount of code code.

There is also the code that takes the input (via QCFG or QMP) and
calls an appropriate C function with a strongly typed argument.  I've
Not sure I got you here.  Perhaps an example could enlighten me :)

void qapi_free_vnc_info(VncInfo *obj)
    if (!obj) {
    if (obj->has_host) {
    if (obj->has_family) {
    if (obj->has_service) {
    if (obj->has_auth) {
    if (obj->has_clients) {


It's pretty basic boiler plate code that could be written by hand, but why not generate it. It actually all adds up pretty quickly in terms of SLOCs.

The mechanism I described using the visitor pattern is really the
right solution for vmstate.  The hard problems to solve for vmstate

1) How to we support old versions in a robust way.  There are fancy
things we could do once we have a proper visitor mechanism.  We could
have special marshallers for old versions, we could treat the output
of the visitor as an in memory tree and do XSLT style translations,

2) How do we generate the visitor for each device.  I don't think it's
practical to describe devices in JSON.  It certainly simplifies the
problem but it seems ugly to me.  I think we realistically need a C
style IDL and adopt a style of treating it as a header.
Now I'm confused.  Do you mean your JSON-based DSL won't cut it for

If yes, why is it wise to go down that route now?

There are a few paths we could go. We can describe devices in JSON. This makes VMState introspectable with all of the nice properties of everything else. But the question is, do we describe the full device state and then use a separate mechanism to cull out the bits that can be recomputed.

To we only describe the guest visible state and treat that as a separate structure? Is that embedded in the main state object or do we explicitly translate the main state object to this new type?

We can pretty easily have a C-like IDL so I'm not terribly concerned about describing devices in JSON. It's about finding the right way to structure device marshalling in the long term.

So yes, I think JSON is the right approach, but that doesn't mean I've figured out how to do VMState.

Yeah, this is one of the big challenges with vmstate.  There needs to
be a clearer line between internal types and object models vs. the
externally visible interfaces.
Not only with vmstate.  If we couple QMP closely to internal interfaces,
I'm afraid we'll end up in the same unhappy place we're now with

Yeah, it's a tough balance to strike. If you expose too much detail about internals, it's very difficult to maintain compatibility in the long term. If you have a pure external interface, it's difficult to make sure that the external interfaces are actually useful because there's no immediate feedback mechanism.


Anthony Liguori


Anthony Liguori


[*] http://ccan.ozlabs.org/info/check_type.html

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