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[Qemu-devel] [PATCH V2 5/9] Add a debug register

From: Stefan Berger
Subject: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH V2 5/9] Add a debug register
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 15:42:16 -0400
User-agent: quilt/0.48-1

This patch uses the possibility to add a vendor-specific register and
adds a debug register useful for dumping the internal state. This register
is only active in a debug build (#define DEBUG_TIS).

Signed-off-by: Stefan Berger <address@hidden>

 hw/tpm_tis.c |   67 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+)

Index: qemu-git/hw/tpm_tis.c
--- qemu-git.orig/hw/tpm_tis.c
+++ qemu-git/hw/tpm_tis.c
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
 #define TIS_REG_DID_VID               0xf00
 #define TIS_REG_RID                   0xf04
+/* vendor-specific registers */
+#define TIS_REG_DEBUG                 0xf90
 #define STS_VALID                    (1 << 7)
 #define STS_COMMAND_READY            (1 << 6)
@@ -356,6 +358,66 @@ static uint32_t tpm_data_read(TPMState *
+#ifdef DEBUG_TIS
+static void tis_dump_state(void *opaque, target_phys_addr_t addr)
+    static const unsigned regs[] = {
+        TIS_REG_ACCESS,
+        TIS_REG_STS,
+        TIS_REG_DID_VID,
+        TIS_REG_RID,
+        0xfff};
+    int idx;
+    uint8_t locty = locality_from_addr(addr);
+    target_phys_addr_t base = addr & ~0xfff;
+    TPMState *s = opaque;
+    fprintf(stdout,
+            "tpm_tis: active locality      : %d\n"
+            "tpm_tis: state of locality %d : %d\n"
+            "tpm_tis: register dump:\n",
+            s->active_locty,
+            locty, s->loc[locty].state);
+    for (idx = 0; regs[idx] != 0xfff; idx++) {
+        fprintf(stdout, "tpm_tis: 0x%04x : 0x%08x\n", regs[idx],
+                        tis_mem_readl(opaque, base + regs[idx]));
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout,
+            "tpm_tis: read offset   : %d\n"
+            "tpm_tis: result buffer : ",
+            s->loc[locty].r_offset);
+    for (idx = 0;
+         idx < tpm_get_size_from_buffer(&s->loc[locty].r_buffer);
+         idx++) {
+        fprintf(stdout, "%c%02x%s",
+                s->loc[locty].r_offset == idx ? '>' : ' ',
+                s->loc[locty].r_buffer.buffer[idx],
+                ((idx & 0xf) == 0xf) ? "\ntpm_tis:                 " : "");
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout,
+            "\n"
+            "tpm_tis: write offset  : %d\n"
+            "tpm_tis: request buffer: ",
+            s->loc[locty].w_offset);
+    for (idx = 0;
+         idx < tpm_get_size_from_buffer(&s->loc[locty].w_buffer);
+         idx++) {
+        fprintf(stdout, "%c%02x%s",
+                s->loc[locty].w_offset == idx ? '>' : ' ',
+                s->loc[locty].w_buffer.buffer[idx],
+                ((idx & 0xf) == 0xf) ? "\ntpm_tis:                 " : "");
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout,"\n");
  * Read a register of the TIS interface
  * See specs pages 33-63 for description of the registers
@@ -431,6 +493,11 @@ static uint32_t tis_mem_readl(void *opaq
     case TIS_REG_RID:
         val = TPM_RID;
+#ifdef DEBUG_TIS
+    case TIS_REG_DEBUG:
+        tis_dump_state(opaque, addr);
+        break;

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