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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v2 0/5] backdoor: lightweight guest-to-QEMU back

From: Lluís Vilanova
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v2 0/5] backdoor: lightweight guest-to-QEMU backdoor channel
Date: Thu, 08 Dec 2011 19:57:18 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.92 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Hajnoczi writes:
>> * Support for tracing guest code through TCG.

> I'm not clear on whether a backdoor mechanism is needed or not.  A
> backdoor mechanism allows a modified guest to participate in tracing.

> Depending on the type of analysis you are doing it might be possible
> to achieve the same thing by emitting calls to custom instrumentation
> in TCG (or is this too low-level for what you're trying to trace in
> the guest?).  The advantage is also that you can do this to unmodified
> guests.

You're right with the first; it exists for two reasons:

* simplicity: it's easier to have, for example, a backdoor + linux tracepoints
  than obtaining the IP of an "interesting" function (think of the
  multiprogramming on a full system)

* performance: it's faster to let the guest tell you rather than (ab)using
  breakpoints or checking the IP of every instruction

The main use of this is to get semanticful events on the guest (my previous
example was about knowing when linux changes the current process, but you could
use anything else as well - e.g., a certain function of a specific thread on the
guest -).

>> * Support for different sets of enabled guest tracing events on a per-vCPU 
>> basis.

> This feature is very specific but potentially useful.  I haven't
> reviewed patches yet but I can imagine that this would be merged.

I'll send it after the initial TCG tracing support.

>> * Support for instrumenting tracing events (including those for guest code).

> Although I typically use post-processing rather than filtering, I can
> see your point about the power and flexibility in being able to react
> on the spot to events inside QEMU.  Given the ad-hoc nature of the
> instrumentation, as well as that this is really in the guts of QEMU
> and TCG, I think we should make it easy to write instrumentation but
> keep the infrastructure and APIs minimal.

> Is there even a need to add "instrumentation" support on top of QEMU
> tracing?  As an instrumentation implementor you are working with the
> QEMU source tree and need to be somewhat familiar with the internals.
> Why not just add custom functions into QEMU and call them from
> relevant points?

Well, the point is to just use the existing tracing points in QEMU. Of course, I
could just modify tracetool and add support for a new tracing backend that uses
my library.

The intention was just to make it brain-dead simple and repeatable (no manual
editing of the auto-generated tracing files), as well as able to reuse existing
backends when the user sees fit.

> The documentation and tracetool extensions you posted provide some
> structure but IMO they don't cut down the workflow significantly over
> adding plain old functions in places of interest.  i.e. by the time I
> have read the docs and begun trying to add instrumentation I could
> have already added a custom function in QEMU and built a binary.  Plus
> it's harder to understand/debug instrumentation code if it sits on top
> of the tracing instrumentation - yet another layer to understand.

True. Maybe an unofficial [1] instrumentation tracing backend would be simpler
to use and maintain.

[1] I'm assuming from Anthony's comments that such a thing would not be accepted

> So I'm suggesting that we don't *need* explicit support for
> instrumenting trace events.  Instead add plain old functions where you
> need them.  You may decide to invoke trace events from your
> instrumentation function, but that's already covered today by
> docs/tracing.txt.

> Am I missing the point of instrumentation tracing events or do you
> agree that we can work well without it?

The point is to avoid diving into QEMU's code and instead use the current
out-of-the-box tracing points as the instrumentation hooks, which can be
achieved both through the current approach or an unofficial tracing backend.

The nice thing about the current approach is that the user can do some extra
checks on the tracing event and then (maybe) call the original backend-generated
tracing routine (as a quick and easy way to extend what to actually trace).


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