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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v4 2/5] qapi: add qapi-introspect.py code genera

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v4 2/5] qapi: add qapi-introspect.py code generator
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 17:35:59 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.3.0

On 02/03/2014 05:15 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
> On 01/23/2014 07:46 AM, Amos Kong wrote:
>> This is a code generator for qapi introspection. It will parse
>> qapi-schema.json, extend schema definitions and generate a schema
>> table with metadata, it references to the new structs which we used
>> to describe dynamic data structs.  The metadata will help C code to
>> allocate right structs and provide useful information to management
>> to checking suported feature and QMP commandline detail. The schema
> s/suported/supported/
>> table will be saved to qapi-introspect.h.

> I am NOT a python expert.  But what I _can_ do is apply this patch and
> review the generated code for sanity.

>> +fdecl.write(mcgen('''
>> +
>> +/*
>> + * Head file to store parsed information of QAPI schema


> Like I said, I think my review will be more helpful by looking at the
> generated file; I'll follow up in another email (probably tomorrow,
> since it's now late for me) with more comments once I actually finish that.

It took me longer than planned to get back to this.  But here goes my
impressions of the generated file:

-rw-rw-r--. 1 eblake eblake 667643 Feb 10 16:16 qapi-introspect.h
-rw-rw-r--. 1 eblake eblake 126261 Feb  7 17:12 qapi-schema.json
-rw-rw-r--. 1 eblake eblake  80170 Feb  7 17:12 qapi-types.h

Wow, that's a LOT of code.  Why does it take 6 times more C code than
what qapi itself represented everything in?  Are we going too far with
inlining type information?  A larger file MIGHT be okay, if that's what
it takes to make C code that is expressive of the information at hand
(after all, the whole point of our qapi is to give us some shorthand, so
that we can quickly define types in less syntax than C) - but I want to
be sure that we really need that much content.  For comparison, the
generated qapi-types.h is smaller than the input; sure, that's in part
due to the comments being stripped out of the input file, but it's
evidence that the C code representation of qapi should be about the same
size as the input file, not approaching an order of magnitude larger.

const char *const qmp_schema_table[] = {
    /* OrderedDict([('enum', 'ErrorClass'), ('data', ['GenericError',
'CommandNotFound', 'DeviceEncrypted', 'DeviceNotActive',
'DeviceNotFound', 'KVMMissingCap'])]) */
    "{'_obj_member': 'False', '_obj_type': 'enum', '_obj_name':
'ErrorClass', '_obj_data': {'data': ['GenericError', 'CommandNotFound',
'DeviceEncrypted', 'DeviceNotActive', 'DeviceNotFound',
'KVMMissingCap']}, '_obj_recursive': 'False'}",

    /* OrderedDict([('command', 'add_client'), ('data',
OrderedDict([('protocol', 'str'), ('fdname', 'str'), ('*skipauth',
'bool'), ('*tls', 'bool')]))]) */
    "{'_obj_member': 'False', '_obj_type': 'command', '_obj_name':
'add_client', '_obj_data': {'data': {'_obj_type': 'anonymous-struct',
'_obj_member': 'True', '_obj_name': '', '_obj_data': {'*skipauth':
'bool', 'protocol': 'str', 'fdname': 'str', '*tls': 'bool'},
'_obj_recursive': 'False'}}, '_obj_recursive': 'False'}",

Long lines!  Just because it's generated doesn't mean it can't have nice
line wraps.  Make your generator output some strategic whitespace, so
that a human perusing the file stands a chance of understanding it (look
at qapi-types.h for comparison).

No sorting?  This looks like you just dumped the output in hash-table
order.  Please sort the array by type and/or name, so that if we add
filtering, the C code can then do O(log n) lookup via bsearch rather
than an O(n) linear crawl (or maybe even multiple tables, one per type,
with each table sorted by name within that type).

The comments before each string entry is redundant.  Cut your file in
half by listing only what the C compiler cares about - after all the
information is supposed to be self-describing enough that if the comment
actually added anything, we failed at introspecting enough useful
information to the user.

A flat-out array of pre-compiled strings?  I guess it makes generating
the output of your command a little faster (just replay the pre-computed
strings, instead of having to stringify a QObject), but it is lousy if
you ever have to process the data differently.  I was totally expecting
an array of structs.  And not just any struct, but an array of the C
struct that gets generated from the QAPI code.  That is, since qapi is
_already_ the mechanism for generating decent C code structs, and we
want introspection to be self-describing, then your 'struct DataObject'
from qapi-types.h (as generated by patch 1/5) should already be
sufficient as the base of your array.  Or maybe we make an array of yet
one more layer of type:

typedef struct QIntrospection QIntrospection;
struct QIntrospection {
    DataObject data;
    const char *string;

so that the C code has access to both the qapi struct and the
pre-rendered string, and can thus get at whichever piece of information
is needed (array[i].data.name when filtering by name, array[i].string
when outputting pre-formatted text).

What I find most appalling about the generated file is that each entry
of the array is a JSON string, but that the JSON string does NOT match
the JSON that would be sent over the wire when sending a DataObject.
Thus, the only way your generated file is usable is if you run the
string through a JSON parser, peel out the portions of the string you
need, and then reconstruct things back into the QMP command.  You REALLY
want either a DataObject[] or a QIntrospection[], so that you DON'T have
to parse strings in your C code.  The python code should have already
generated the header file with everything already placed in C structs
and/or QMP wire format strings in the format that best suits your needs!

That is, I think you want something more like this (rendering the first
two lines that I quoted above in pseudo-C):

const DataObject qmp_schema_table[] = {
    { .has_name = true,
      .name = "ErrorClass",
      .enumeration = { .value = "GenericError",
             .next = { .value = "CommandNotFound",
             .next = { .value = "DeviceEncrypted",
             .next = { .value = "DeviceNotActive",
             .next = { .value = "DeviceNotFound",
             .next = { .value = "KVMMissingCap",
             .next = NULL } } } } } },
      .has_recursive = false,
    { .has_name = true,
      .name = "add_client",
      .command = {
          .has_data = true,
          .data = { .value = { .type = { .kind =
                               .has_name = true,
                               .name = "protocol",
                               .has_optional = false,
                               .has_recursive = false },
          .next = { .value = { .type = { .kind =
                               .has_name = true,
                               .name = "skipauth",
                               .has_optional = true,
                               .optional = true,
                               .has_recursive = false },
          .next = NULL }...},
          .has_returns = false,
          .has_gen = false,
      .has_recursive = false,

and so on.  Of course, as I typed that, I realize that you can't
actually initialize DataObjectCommand* and other object pointers via
simple {} initializers; so you actually need to be more verbose and use
some C99 typed initializers:

.enumeration = &(DataObjectEnumeration) { .value = "GenericError",
       .next = &(DataObjectEnumeration) { .value = "CommandNotFound",

Or maybe all you need is:

const QIntrospection qmp_schema_table[] = {
    { .name = "ErrorClass",
      .str = "{\"name\":\"ErrorClass\","
    { .name = "add_client",
      .str = "{\"name\":\"add_client\","

with just the object name and pre-rendered string in each array entry.
But my point remains - let the python code generate something USEFUL,
and not something that the C code has to re-parse.  If you're going to
store a string, store it in the format that QMP will already hand over
the wire.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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