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Re: [Qemu-devel] Translation of strings in QEMU w/ gettext ?

From: Kevin Wolf
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] Translation of strings in QEMU w/ gettext ?
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 16:34:09 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Am 02.06.2015 um 14:56 hat Daniel P. Berrange geschrieben:
> In a number of cases libvirt includes the error message from QMP in the
> message we pass back up to the user. Any errors from libvirt are always
> translated, so if running libvirt in a non-en_US locale currently you
> will get a translated message from libvirt which includes a bit english
> text from QEMU.

The problem here is which locale to use. If the server uses a different
locale than the client, not much is won. Can libvirt know on startup
which language should be used?

Would we need a language per QMP connection? (Hopefully not.)

> Also, with the GTK ui frontend of QEMU now, you'll get some translation
> of the user interface menu options thanks to GTK built-in translations,
> but the rest are still english, which is not very satisfactory either.

As you noticed, this is not what happens, but I think this is the most
important point: If you translate something, translate all of it.
Mixed languages is worse than just English.

Currently the split is that the GTK UI is completely translated, and
other parts (especially the monitor) isn't translated at all. This is
a split that is easy to understand and doesn't feel like mixed

If we want to extend it to the monitor, we need to translate all of the
monitor (including all error messages that could eventually be passed to
the monitor) in the same release. Sounds not impossible, but in this
case we really can't do just half of it as we usually do with our


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