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Re: [PATCH] configure: check for bison, flex before dtc submodule build

From: Claudio Fontana
Subject: Re: [PATCH] configure: check for bison, flex before dtc submodule build
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2020 09:52:40 +0200
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On 4/8/20 3:57 AM, David Gibson wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 07, 2020 at 12:20:15PM +0100, Peter Maydell wrote:
>> On Tue, 7 Apr 2020 at 12:16, Claudio Fontana <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> if fdt is required, and the system DTC (libfdt) is not usable,
>>> check for the dtc submodule requirements before trying to build it,
>>> and error out with a helpful message in case the dependencies are not met.
>>> Signed-off-by: Claudio Fontana <address@hidden>
>> Does the dtc module actually need bison/flex, or does it just
>> print an ugly warning about it? We only want the 'libfdt' part
>> of dtc, which doesn't need the parser, we don't need to build
>> the actual dtc compiler.
> Assuming we're just invoking "make libfdt" within the submodule,
> rather than "make" which will build dtc as well, then bison / flex
> shouldn't be needed.

Indeed; I just sent a patch that works for me,
tried a few in-tree and out-of-tree full builds, and it seems to work as 
patchew complains about docker builds/tests though, although running the same 
TEST SCRIPTs manually with docker works for me.

The libfdt target inside dtc/Makefile actually causes more than just libfdt to 
be built:

~/git/qemu/dtc> make libdtc
         DEP tests/dumptrees.c
         DEP tests/trees.S
         DEP tests/testutils.c
         DEP tests/value-labels.c
         DEP tests/asm_tree_dump.c
         DEP tests/truncated_memrsv.c
         DEP tests/truncated_string.c
         DEP tests/truncated_property.c
         DEP tests/check_full.c
         DEP tests/check_header.c
         DEP tests/check_path.c
         DEP tests/overlay_bad_fixup.c
         DEP tests/overlay.c
         DEP tests/subnode_iterate.c
         DEP tests/property_iterate.c
         DEP tests/integer-expressions.c
         DEP tests/utilfdt_test.c
         DEP tests/path_offset_aliases.c
         DEP tests/add_subnode_with_nops.c
         DEP tests/dtbs_equal_unordered.c
         DEP tests/dtb_reverse.c
         DEP tests/dtbs_equal_ordered.c
         DEP tests/extra-terminating-null.c
         DEP tests/incbin.c
         DEP tests/boot-cpuid.c
         DEP tests/phandle_format.c
         DEP tests/path-references.c
         DEP tests/references.c
         DEP tests/string_escapes.c
         DEP tests/propname_escapes.c
         DEP tests/appendprop2.c
         DEP tests/appendprop1.c
         DEP tests/del_node.c
         DEP tests/del_property.c
         DEP tests/setprop.c
         DEP tests/set_name.c
         DEP tests/rw_tree1.c
         DEP tests/open_pack.c
         DEP tests/nopulate.c
         DEP tests/mangle-layout.c
         DEP tests/move_and_save.c
         DEP tests/sw_states.c
         DEP tests/sw_tree1.c
         DEP tests/nop_node.c
         DEP tests/nop_property.c
         DEP tests/setprop_inplace.c
         DEP tests/stringlist.c
         DEP tests/addr_size_cells2.c
         DEP tests/addr_size_cells.c
         DEP tests/notfound.c
         DEP tests/sized_cells.c
         DEP tests/char_literal.c
         DEP tests/get_alias.c
         DEP tests/node_offset_by_compatible.c
         DEP tests/node_check_compatible.c
         DEP tests/node_offset_by_phandle.c
         DEP tests/node_offset_by_prop_value.c
         DEP tests/parent_offset.c
         DEP tests/supernode_atdepth_offset.c
         DEP tests/get_path.c
         DEP tests/get_phandle.c
         DEP tests/getprop.c
         DEP tests/get_name.c
         DEP tests/path_offset.c
         DEP tests/subnode_offset.c
         DEP tests/find_property.c
         DEP tests/root_node.c
         DEP tests/get_mem_rsv.c
         DEP libfdt/fdt_overlay.c
         DEP libfdt/fdt_addresses.c
         DEP libfdt/fdt_empty_tree.c
         DEP libfdt/fdt_strerror.c
         DEP libfdt/fdt_rw.c
         DEP libfdt/fdt_sw.c
         DEP libfdt/fdt_wip.c
         DEP libfdt/fdt_ro.c
         DEP libfdt/fdt.c
         DEP util.c
         DEP fdtoverlay.c
         DEP fdtput.c
         DEP fdtget.c
         DEP fdtdump.c
         LEX convert-dtsv0-lexer.lex.c
make: flex: Command not found
         DEP srcpos.c
         BISON dtc-parser.tab.c
make: bison: Command not found
         LEX dtc-lexer.lex.c
make: flex: Command not found
         DEP treesource.c
         DEP livetree.c
         DEP fstree.c
         DEP flattree.c
         DEP dtc.c
         DEP data.c
         DEP checks.c
        CHK version_gen.h
         LEX convert-dtsv0-lexer.lex.c
make: flex: Command not found
         BISON dtc-parser.tab.c
make: bison: Command not found
         LEX dtc-lexer.lex.c
make: flex: Command not found
make: *** No rule to make target 'libdtc'.  Stop.

so I just used dtc/libfdt/Makefile.libfdt directly and removed the recursion 

Let me know what you think about the idea in general, or if anybody knows what 
is wrong in the patch that makes patchew complain?



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