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Re: [PATCH v2] target/riscv: Enable bitmanip Zicbo[m,z,p] instructions

From: Richard Henderson
Subject: Re: [PATCH v2] target/riscv: Enable bitmanip Zicbo[m,z,p] instructions
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 12:17:33 +1100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.14.0

On 1/25/22 1:00 AM, Christoph Muellner wrote:
-ori      ............     ..... 110 ..... 0010011 @i
+  [
+    # *** RV32 Zicbop Sandard Extension (hints in the ori-space) ***
+    prefetch_i  ....... 00000 ..... 110 00000 0010011 @cbo_pref
+    prefetch_r  ....... 00001 ..... 110 00000 0010011 @cbo_pref
+    prefetch_w  ....... 00011 ..... 110 00000 0010011 @cbo_pref
+  ]
+  # *** RV32I ori ***
+  ori      ............     ..... 110 ..... 0010011 @i

Hmm. I would simply add a comment about these, without changing any code. They are implemented as nops, so there's no point in the decode distinguishing these from the "normal" nop that ori r0, rx, y will (not) generate.

+static bool trans_cbo_clean(DisasContext *ctx, arg_cbo_clean *a)
+    gen_helper_cbo_clean(cpu_env, cpu_gpr[a->rs1]);
+    return true;
+static bool trans_cbo_flush(DisasContext *ctx, arg_cbo_flush *a)
+    gen_helper_cbo_clean(cpu_env, cpu_gpr[a->rs1]);
+    return true;

Clean and flush are the same thing?

+/* helper_zicbo_envcfg
+ *
+ * Raise virtual exceptions and illegal instruction exceptions for
+ * Zicbo[mz] instructions based on the settings of [mhs]envcfg.
+ */
+static void helper_zicbo_envcfg(CPURISCVState *env, target_ulong envbits)
+    target_ulong ra = GETPC();

GETPC may only be called from the outermost helper function (the one directly invoked from tcg generated code). This will not unwind the cpu state correctly.

+static void helper_zicbom_access(CPURISCVState *env, target_ulong address)
+    void* phost;
+    int ret = TLB_INVALID_MASK;
+    MMUAccessType access_type = MMU_DATA_LOAD;
+    target_ulong ra = GETPC();


+    address &= ~(RISCV_CPU(env)->cfg.cbolen - 1);

RISCV_CPU is to be applied to CPUState, not CPUArchState. You've dereferenced the wrong pointer. You want env_archcpu() instead. Pull that out to a local variable for clarity and do not...

+    /* Zeroize the block */
+    memset(mem, 0, RISCV_CPU(env)->cfg.cbolen);

... call it twice.  Also, s/zeroize/zero/.


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