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Re: trace_exec_tb(tb, pc) does not have cpu index

From: Alex Bennée
Subject: Re: trace_exec_tb(tb, pc) does not have cpu index
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:55:39 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.11.14; emacs 29.1.50

Igor Lesik <lesikigor@meta.com> writes:

> Hi.
> I am wondering why trace events like trace_exec_tb(tb, pc) do not have
> cpu index, how to make sense of the trace in case of multiple vCPUs?
> I have changed it to trace_exec_tb(tb, pc, cpu->cpu_index) to read my
> trace, and now wondering should not it be there by default? Am I
> missing something?

Not necessarily but be aware trace_exec_tb won't catch every execution
of a TB without -d nochain anyway. There are other trace points/logging
methods you could use (-d cpu) which follow the executed PC more closely
although without the TB associated with it, although again needing
nochain for completeness.

It really depends on what your overall aim is? If you really want to
closely follow what a guest is doing then build an experiment using TCG
plugins where you can flexibly instrument and trace execution. If you
are debugging TB execution does the vCPU it runs on really matter?

> I am using "simple" trace backend.
> Thanks,
> Igor

Alex Bennée
Virtualisation Tech Lead @ Linaro

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