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[Qexo-general] IRC Bot in Qexo

From: Terje Pedersen
Subject: [Qexo-general] IRC Bot in Qexo
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 20:52:16 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.5.1

I have used the PircBot Java API package found 
at http://www.jibble.org/pircbot.php to make myself an IRC Bot in Qexo. 

Since its not possible to extend the PircBot class from Qexo I think, you 
can't make the complete bot in Qexo but the main class could be made. Here is 
an example of a Qexo bot which is using a bot.xml configuration file. 

declare namespace bot = "class:Qexobot"

let $bot := bot:new()
let $config := doc("bot.xml")/bot
return (
  if ($config/name) then (bot:changeNick($bot,string($config/name/text()))) 
else (),
  for $c in $config/channel
    return bot:joinChannel($bot,string($c/text()))

<!--   <channel>#stangaland</channel> -->

import org.jibble.pircbot.*;
import gnu.xquery.lang.XQuery;
import java.io.FileReader;

public class Qexobot extends PircBot
  public Qexobot()

  public void onMessage(String channel, String sender, String login, String 
hostname, String message)
    if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("time"))
      String time = new java.util.Date().toString();
      sendMessage(channel,sender + ": The time is now " + time);
    else if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("qexo"))
        XQuery xq = new XQuery();
        String send = null;
        try {
           Object result = xq.eval(new FileReader("test.xql"));
           send = result.toString();
        catch(Throwable identifier) {}
        sendMessage(channel,sender + ": " + send);

The last bit of code is just there to test the possibility delivering the 
answer from running the test.xql 

What I want to do now I think is to make some sort of bot module support for 
calling modules written in Qexo, which would make it possible to change the 
modules while the bot is still running and it would be easy delivering xml 
based content.

And it should also easily be possible to make some sort of Qexo test bot like 
you have the Sandbox (http://www.cocoonhive.org/xquery/xqueryform.html) for 
the web and "java kawa.repl --xquery" for the command line. 

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