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[Quilt-dev] [PATCH] Hide error about missing git-desc script

From: Jean Delvare
Subject: [Quilt-dev] [PATCH] Hide error about missing git-desc script
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 14:49:15 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6 (enterprise 20070904.708012)

The git-desc script is only found in the git repository of quilt and
not in the released tarballs. This causes error messages to be
displayed when building quilt from a tarball. While these errors are
not fatal, they still look bad. Testing for the presence of the script
before attempting to run it works around the problem.

Alternatively, GIT_DESC could be evaluated late (=) rather than early

Another alternative solution would be to modify the git-desc script to
return an arbitrary string when not in a git repository, and include
the script in tarballs.

I don't quite care which solution is chosen, as long as the error
messages are no longer displayed.

 Makefile.in |    2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

--- quilt-0.48.orig/Makefile.in 2009-01-31 18:09:47.000000000 +0100
+++ quilt-0.48/Makefile.in      2009-06-10 14:29:07.000000000 +0200
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ SRC +=              changes2changelog
 NON_EXEC_IN := doc/quilt.1 doc/README quilt/scripts/patchfns
-GIT_DESC :=    $(shell ./git-desc)
+GIT_DESC :=    $(shell test ! -x ./git-desc || ./git-desc)
 TESTS :=       $(filter-out test/patch-wrapper.test,$(wildcard test/*.test))
 DIRT +=                test/.depend $(wildcard test/.*.ok)

Jean Delvare
Suse L3

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