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[RP] FIXED: Re: First ratpoison setup,

From: Michael Jinks
Subject: [RP] FIXED: Re: First ratpoison setup,
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2017 13:20:27 -0500

The trouble was that I'm doing this through VNC, and for some reason,
my VNC sessions on ratpoison show up way bigger than they have on any
of the other WM apps I've been shopping around with in the last few
days.  It just so happened that my sessions here were of a size that
barely placed that "one thin line" I described at the right of my
physical display.  Coincidental.

Diagnosis: "C-t : set bargravity s", then try again with (for example)
"C-t w". Output now appears at the bottom of the screen instead, in an
area that's not overriding my VNC layout.  Now I just need to
configure that smaller.

Thanks to abusque on the IRC channel today, and cthuluh last night.

On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 2:54 AM, Michael Jinks <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi all.  First step into ratpoison, I'm running into some issues that
> I thought must be me not understanding the docs, but now it looks like
> the instance I'm using may not be working correctly.
> Short version: I think my instance isn't giving the output we expect
> on the Program Bar.
>   - OS: Gentoo x86_64, up to date;
>   - ratpoison version 1.4.9, built today, package details below.
> Learning from "General Use":
>   http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/doc/General-Use.html
> ...if I bring up a fresh instance and type "C-t c", I get a full
> screen with a fresh shell.  Typing "C-t c" again shows a new shell,
> and so on.  Once there's some text in a shell, I can flip through them
> using "C-t [numeral]", starting with "0" and working up.  So far so
> good.
> But, "C-t w" doesn't give any output.  "C-t :" does give the ":"
> prompt where we expect it, but typing "windows" there behaves the same
> way "C-t w" does.  Other commands I've tried to learn seem to work
> fine, including input I type, but output from the Program Bar doesn't
> appear.  Well, almost:
> While learning to use ":vsplit" and ":hsplit" so that the upper right
> corner was no longer filled by a shell, I've noticed that I am getting
> some output there: a tiny vertical line shows up at the right edge,
> hangs there a few seconds like I'd expect the output to do, then goes
> away.
> OS is Gentoo, up to date.
> Version:
>   % equery l ratpoison | cat
>   x11-wm/ratpoison-1.4.9
> It's Gentoo, so the build may have settings we care about.  Summary of
> options as I've got them currently; "+" set to on, "-" off:
>   % equery u ratpoison | cat
>   +debug
>   -emacs
>   +history
>   -sloppy
>   +xft
>   +xrandr
> The "debug" setting means what you expect.  There's an example at:
>   http://ix.io/A2v
> Happy to make more examples if that'd help.  Give me details.
> Maybe relevant: all of this is being done on a VPN.  Some details there:
> Server:
> *  net-misc/tigervnc
>       Latest version available: 1.8.0
>       Latest version installed: 1.8.0
>       Size of files: 7308 KiB
>       Homepage:      http://www.tigervnc.org
>       Description:   Remote desktop viewer display system
>       License:       GPL-2
> Client runs on the same host that houses the server, and is accessed
> through ssh.  From "ps -ef":
>   /usr/bin/Xvnc :1 -geometry 2000x1000 -auth /home/mjinks/.Xauthority
> -desktop gaea:1 (mjinks) -fp /usr/share/fonts/misc -pn -rfbauth
> /home/mjinks/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5901 -rfbwait 3000
> Happy to provide other info if it's helpful.  Thanks.

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