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[Rule-list] Web browsers & TinyX

From: Eugene Wong
Subject: [Rule-list] Web browsers & TinyX
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 09:26:08 -0800

From: Colin Mattoon <address@hidden>
As an aside, if anyone at this list hasn't looked at Dillo, they should. It's still pretty much "pre-beta" but it demonstrates that a graphical browser doesn't have to be bloated. Since Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, Galeon, Konqueror, etc., have become so huge, they're part of the problem when considering how to put slow, low memory machines into service with Linux. If a machine can run an Xserver, it can run Dillo, and it will load quickly as an application -- and load web pages quickly after it is opened. Takes very little hard drive space as well. It's about 2% of the size of most contemporary browsers.

Sounds good, but how does it compare to Phoenix and Skipstone? Maybe someone should start a special project that compares all of the small browsers and tries to pick out the one thats the smallest and most featureful, without being bloated.

While we're at it, we should get some docs on how to install TinyX. Is it still being maintained?

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