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[Savannah-cvs] administration/infra/misc crontab
From: |
Sylvain Beucler |
Subject: |
[Savannah-cvs] administration/infra/misc crontab |
Date: |
Thu, 10 Feb 2005 04:48:38 -0500 |
CVSROOT: /cvsroot/administration
Module name: administration
Changes by: Sylvain Beucler <address@hidden> 05/02/10 09:48:38
Modified files:
infra/misc : crontab
Log message:
Compresses the dumps so as to reduce the I/O
Index: administration/infra/misc/crontab
diff -u administration/infra/misc/crontab:1.13
--- administration/infra/misc/crontab:1.13 Sat Dec 4 18:43:49 2004
+++ administration/infra/misc/crontab Thu Feb 10 09:48:37 2005
@@ -1,33 +1,52 @@
- # Main Savannah Crontab
-# One big file, with notification consistency
+# This file is part of the Savane project
+# <http://gna.org/projects/savane/>
+# $Id: crontab,v 1.14 2005/02/10 09:48:37 Beuc Exp $
+# No copyright on this file: no code.
+# Normally, every bin for savane should be in the following paths
+# FIXME: it should depends on configure options.
# Format reminder:
# m h dom mon dow user command
-# Sync database<->system users & groups (every half an hour)
-30 * * * * root /usr/savannah/infra/bin/sv_accounts.cron
-# Regen /etc/aliases (ditto..)
-#10,40 * * * * root /usr/savannah/infra/bin/sv_regen_aliases.cron
-# Sv database cleaner (every morning at 5am)
-#0 5 * * * root /usr/savannah/infra/bin/sv_cleaner.cron
+################################################ MAIL RELATED
+# Commented, since there is no mail service at savannah
+# List of mail-/etc/aliases must be rebuild regularly
+*/10 * * * * root sv_aliases --cron
+# New list creation
+#*/30 * * * * root sv_mailman --cron >> /var/log/sv_database2system.log
+#5 * * * * list sv_mailman_checkqueue --cron
+################################################ DATABASE RELATED
+# This script does not need root access, access to the database is enough
+# Database cleaning
+*/25 * * * * root sv_cleaner --cron
+# Reminder
+4 4 * * * * root sv_reminder --cron
+25 18 * * * * root sv_reminder --cron
+################################################ ACCOUNTS RELATED
+# Sync groups/project in the database and on the system.
+# Sync usere in the database and on the system.
+# These script must run in a correct order, groups before users
+#30 */2 * * * root sv_groups --cron && sv_users --cron
+30 * * * * root sv_groups --webgroup && sv_users --webgroup &&
/usr/savannah/infra/bin/sv_cvs_root_etc.pl &&
# GateKeeper to update download areas
*/5 * * * * gatekpr /home/gatekpr/upload-savannah.pl
-# log_accum cleaner so that notificationt diffs do not contain
-# reference to old unrelated commits
-0 * * * * /usr/savannah/infra/bin/log-accum-cleaner.sh 2>&1
+################################################ RSYNC'S
# Sync projects not maintained at Savannah
# - Automake
40 * * * * amrsync rsync --timeout 120 -z -prltgoD --delete --exclude
'#cvs\.*' --exclude '/CVSROOT/*' rsync://sources.redhat.com/automake-cvs/
/savannah/cvsroot/automake/cvsroot/automake/; rsync --timeout 120 --archive
--exclude '#cvs\.*' --include '/val-tags' --exclude '/*'
rsync://sources.redhat.com/automake-cvs/CVSROOT/ /home/amrsync/cvsroot/; cp -f
@@ -36,11 +55,23 @@
45 * * * * gccrsync rsync --timeout 120 -z -prltgoD --delete
--exclude '#cvs\.*' --exclude '/CVSROOT/*' rsync://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-cvs/
/savannah/cvsroot/gcc/cvsroot/gcc/; rsync --timeout 120 --archive --exclude
'#cvs\.*' --include '/val-tags' --include '/history' --exclude '/*'
rsync://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-cvs/CVSROOT/ /home/gccrsync/cvsroot/; cp -f
/savannah/cvsroot/gcc/cvsroot/gcc/CVSROOT/history; cp -f
# - coreutils
-12 * * * * coreutilsrsync rsync --timeout 120 -z -rltgoD --delete
--exclude '#cvs\.*' --exclude '/CVSROOT/*' rsync://rsync.proulx.com/coreutils/
/savannah/cvsroot/coreutils/cvsroot/coreutils/; rsync --archive --exclude
'#cvs\.*' --include '/val-tags' --include '/history' --exclude '/*'
rsync://rsync.proulx.com/coreutils/CVSROOT/ /home/coreutilsrsync/cvsroot/; cp
-f /home/coreutilsrsync/cvsroot/val-tags
+12 * * * * coreutilsrsync rsync --timeout 120 -z -prltgoD --delete
--exclude '#cvs\.*' --exclude '/CVSROOT/*' rsync://rsync.proulx.com/coreutils/
/savannah/cvsroot/coreutils/cvsroot/coreutils/; rsync --archive --exclude
'#cvs\.*' --include '/val-tags' --include '/history' --exclude '/*'
rsync://rsync.proulx.com/coreutils/CVSROOT/ /home/coreutilsrsync/cvsroot/; cp
-f /home/coreutilsrsync/cvsroot/val-tags
# - libc
30 * * * * libcrsync rsync --timeout 120 -z -prltgoD --delete --exclude
'#cvs\.*' --exclude '/CVSROOT/*' rsync://sources.redhat.com/glibc-cvs
/savannah/cvsroot/libc/cvsroot/libc/; rsync --timeout 120 --archive --exclude
'#cvs\.*' --include '/val-tags' --exclude '/*'
rsync://sources.redhat.com/glibc-cvs/CVSROOT/ /home/libcrsync/cvsroot/; cp -f
-# Daily CVS tarballs (with RCS files)
+################################################ BACKUPS RELATED
+# This section is highly specific to an installation. We provide here
+# only samples.
+# Daily backups of the Savane database: CONFIGURE IT!
+7 5 * * * root mysqldump -C --add-locks -F -l savannah | gzip -c >
/dumps/savannah.sql.gz 2>&1
+# Daily cvs tarball
+#6 5 * * * root sv_daily_cvs_tarball --MISSING PARAMETERS.
+# (try with --help)
+# Daily CVS tarballs (with RCS files) - custom script that works for now
25 3 * * * root /usr/savannah/infra/bin/sv_cvstarballs.cron
+# END
- [Savannah-cvs] administration/infra/misc crontab,
Sylvain Beucler <=