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[Savannah-cvs] administration/content nongnu-content/homepage....
From: |
Ineiev |
Subject: |
[Savannah-cvs] administration/content nongnu-content/homepage.... |
Date: |
Fri, 11 Feb 2022 01:51:39 -0500 (EST) |
CVSROOT: /web/administration
Module name: administration
Changes by: Ineiev <ineiev> 22/02/11 01:51:38
Removed files:
content/nongnu-content: homepage.fr_FR.UTF-8 Makefile
content/nongnu-content/bugs: mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt
content/nongnu-content/mail: about_list_creation.txt
content/nongnu-content/project/admin: index_misc.txt
content/nongnu-content/arch: index.txt
content/nongnu-content/admin: groupedit_sysname.txt
proj_email.txt groupedit_outro.txt
user_email.txt groupedit_intro.txt
content/gnu-content: homepage.fr_FR.UTF-8 menu.txt
forbidden_theme.txt contact.fr_FR.UTF-8
forbidden_group_names.txt hashes.txt
contact.txt homepage.txt page_footer.txt
forbidden_mail_domains.txt dnsbl.txt
content/gnu-content/git: index.txt
content/gnu-content/bugs: mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt
content/gnu-content/svn: index.txt
content/gnu-content/people: index_cat.txt index.txt
editresume.txt viewprofile.txt
createjob.txt index_group.txt
editjob.fr_FR.UTF-8 editjob.txt
content/gnu-content/account: index_intro.txt index_passwd.txt
editsshkeys.fr_FR.UTF-8 login.txt
index_ssh.txt index_ssh.fr_FR.UTF-8
content/gnu-content/mail: about_list_creation.txt
content/gnu-content/register: index.txt basicinfo.fr_FR.UTF-8
license.fr_FR.UTF-8 basicinfo.txt
license.txt confirmation.txt
content/gnu-content/cvs: index.txt
content/gnu-content/hg: index.txt
content/gnu-content/faq: Download_Area_-_How_do_I_add_files.txt
content/gnu-content/my: items.fr_FR.UTF-8
request_for_inclusion.txt groups.txt
content/gnu-content/project/admin: index_misc.txt
content/gnu-content/arch: index.txt
content/gnu-content/bzr: index.txt
content/gnu-content/admin: groupedit_sysname.txt proj_email.txt
groupedit_outro.txt user_email.txt
Log message:
remove obsolete files, sr #110593.
Index: nongnu-content/homepage.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: nongnu-content/homepage.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N nongnu-content/homepage.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- nongnu-content/homepage.fr_FR.UTF-8 17 Aug 2013 09:19:17 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<p>Bienvenue sur <strong>Savannah</strong>, la forge pour les gens
-impliqués dans le <a
-<li>Nous hébergeons les logiciels libres qui fonctionnent sur des
-systèmes libres et sans dépendance propriétaire</li>
-<li>Notre service fonctionne en 100% logiciel libre, y compris <a
- href="/projects/administration/">lui-même</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/WhyChooseSavannah">Pourquoi
- choisir Savannah?</a></li>
-<p><strong>Savannah.nongnu.org</strong> est un point central pour le
-développement, la maintenance et la distribution de <a
-<p>Si vous voulez que votre projet fasse partie du projet GNU, référez
-vous à la page <a href="http://www.gnu.org/help/evaluation.html">GNU
-Software Evaluation</a> pour comprendre les aspects philosophiques et
-techniques du projet GNU. Avant cela, nous vous incitons à lire les
-<a href="http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/">Standards de
-Programmation GNU</a> pour déterminer si votre logiciel y correspond
-et d'en parler à vos co-développeurs.</p>
-<p>Si vous désirez utiliser cette plate-forme pour héberger votre
-projet, allez sur <b>Enregistrer un projet</b> qui s'affichera dans le
-menu de gauche.</p>
-<p>Nous proposons deux listes de diffusion auxquelles vous voudrez
-peut-être vous inscrire:
- annonces à faible volume sur les problèmes importants et les
- changements sur Savannah</li>
- aide sur l'utilisation de Savannah en général (mais pas sur un
- projet en particulier)</li>
-<p>Notre certificat <strong>https</strong> est signé par l'autorité <a
-href="http://www.cacert.org/">CAcert</a>, que vous pouvez <a
-<p>Nous <strong>réécrivons Savane</strong>! Venez nous aider à créer
-le nouveau socle de l'innovation des Forges - cf. <a
Index: nongnu-content/Makefile
RCS file: nongnu-content/Makefile
diff -N nongnu-content/Makefile
--- nongnu-content/Makefile 1 Jun 2008 08:43:36 -0000 1.7
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-.PHONY: all
-DUPS=account contact.txt cvs svn git hg bzr dnsbl.txt \
-forbidden_group_names.txt forbidden_theme.txt hashes.txt menu.txt my \
-page_footer.txt page_header.txt people register
- for i in $(DUPS); do ln -sf ../gnu-content/$$i; done
- rm $(DUPS)
Index: nongnu-content/homepage.txt
RCS file: nongnu-content/homepage.txt
diff -N nongnu-content/homepage.txt
--- nongnu-content/homepage.txt 17 Aug 2013 09:19:17 -0000 1.33
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-<p>Welcome to <strong>Savannah</strong>, the software forge for people
-committed to <a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">free
-<li>We host free projects that run on free operating systems and without
- any proprietary software dependencies.</li>
-<li>Our service runs with 100% free software, including <a
- href="/projects/administration/">itself</a>.</li>
-<li><a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/WhyChooseSavannah">Why
- choose Savannah?</a></li>
-<p><strong>Savannah.nongnu.org</strong> is a central point for
-development, maintenance and distribution of <a
-<p>If you would like to use Savannah to host your
-project, then go to the <b>Register new project</b> menu entry.</p>
-<p>It's not necessary for using Savannah, but if you would like to make
-your project part of the GNU system, please see the <a
-href="http://www.gnu.org/help/evaluation.html">GNU Software
-Evaluation</a> web page. New packages are welcome in GNU.</p>
-<p>We strongly recommend all Savannah users subscribe to this
-mailing list:</p>
-<li><a href="http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/savannah-announce">
- savannah-announce</a>:
- low-volume notifications of important issues and changes at Savannah.</li>
-<p>And this mailing list is a place for Savannah users to communicate and
-ask questions:</p>
-<li><a href="http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/savannah-users">
- savannah-users</a>:
- help with using Savannah in general (not a specific project).</li>
-<p>Happy hacking!</p>
Index: nongnu-content/bugs/mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt
RCS file: nongnu-content/bugs/mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt
diff -N nongnu-content/bugs/mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt
--- nongnu-content/bugs/mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt 17 Sep 2002 12:50:25
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Bugs Tracker this message is added as note about CC List -->
-<!-- $Id: mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt,v 2002/09/17 12:50:25 loic Exp $
-<!-- $Id: mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt,v 2002/09/17 12:50:25 loic Exp $
END -->
\ No newline at end of file
Index: nongnu-content/mail/about_list_creation.txt
RCS file: nongnu-content/mail/about_list_creation.txt
diff -N nongnu-content/mail/about_list_creation.txt
--- nongnu-content/mail/about_list_creation.txt 9 Mar 2008 17:10:34 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Speech added about list creation -->
-<!-- $Id: about_list_creation.txt,v 1.2 2008/03/09 17:10:34 karl Exp $ BEGIN
-<h3>New mailing lists at Savannah</h3>
-<p>New mailing lists created through Savannah have the following
-features enabled by default, in addition to the usual
-<a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/">GNU Mailman</a>
-<li>No footer is added to messages (<tt>footer</tt>, under
-‘Non-digest options’).</li>
-<li>When a new member joins the list, their initial posting is held for
-the list owner's review (<tt>default_member_moderation</tt>, under
-‘Privacy > Sender filters’). This is necessary because
-smart spam systems can now automatically subscribe to mailman lists and
-then start sending their junk mail. However, provided the subscription
-is legitimate (as it usually will be), we strongly recommend
-<i>accept</i>ing their address for future postings.</li>
-<li>Automated (though asynchronous) spam deletion, through the <a
-href="http://www.nongnu.org/listhelper/">listhelper system</a>. More
-details about this:</li>
-<li>The first time a person posts to a list under a particular email
-address, the message is held for review, potentially by the mailman list
-owner(s) (you), the listhelper automated system, and the listhelper
-human volunteers. This is when spam is detected and deleted.</li>
-<li>Therefore, if you are concerned about your list's messages being
-seen by the small group of listhelper volunteers, you should disable
-listhelper (remove listhelper@nongnu.org from the <tt>moderator</tt>
-field on the ‘General Options’ page), and consequently deal
-with any incoming spam yourself.</li>
-<li>By default, Mailman sends a “request for approval”
-notification on every message, and this is critical for listhelper's
-operation. You will probably want to filter these from your inbox, with
-a pattern such as this:<br>
-<tt>^Subject: confirm [a-f0-9]{40}</tt>
-(Despite appearances, that needs to match in the body of the message,
-not the headers.) Alternatively, if you choose to turn off listhelper,
-you may also want to turn off this option (<tt>admin_immed_notify</tt>
-on the ‘General Options’ page).</li>
-<li>For more information, see the <a
-href="http://www.nongnu.org/listhelper/">listhelper home page</a>.</li>
-<p>Of course, as the list owner, you can make changes to the
-configuration at any time, but if in any doubt, please ask. The
-defaults are set to minimize spam, list administrator overhead, and the
-chance of our mail server being blacklisted.</p>
-<!-- $Id: about_list_creation.txt,v 1.2 2008/03/09 17:10:34 karl Exp $ END -->
Index: nongnu-content/project/admin/index_misc.txt
RCS file: nongnu-content/project/admin/index_misc.txt
diff -N nongnu-content/project/admin/index_misc.txt
--- nongnu-content/project/admin/index_misc.txt 18 Jul 2007 08:45:34 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Misc add here details about special features you bring -->
-<p>You can get read-only access to your raw CVS files (the RCS
-<code>,v</code> ones) using rsync:</br>
-global $project;
-print 'rsync cvs.' . $project->getTypeBaseHost() . '::sources/' .
$GLOBALS['group'] . "/\n";
-print 'rsync cvs.' . $project->getTypeBaseHost() . '::web/' .
$GLOBALS['group'] . "/\n";
Index: nongnu-content/arch/index.txt
RCS file: nongnu-content/arch/index.txt
diff -N nongnu-content/arch/index.txt
--- nongnu-content/arch/index.txt 25 Feb 2011 21:20:34 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-<h3>Anonymous Arch Access</h3>
-This project's Arch repository can be accessed through http.
-<?php //'
- global $project;
- print '<pre>tla register-archive
-<h3>Project Member Arch Access</h3>
-This project's Arch repository can be accessed throgh sftp for project members.
-The SSHv2 public key fingerprints for the machine hosting the cvs
-trees are:
-RSA: 1024 80:5a:b0:0c:ec:93:66:29:49:7e:04:2b:fd:ba:2c:d5
-DSA: 1024 4d:c8:dc:9a:99:96:ae:cc:ce:d3:2b:b0:a3:a4:95:a5
-<?php //'
-$username = user_getname();
-if ($username == "NA") {
- // for anonymous user :
- $username = '<<em>membername</em>>';
- global $project;
- print '<pre>tla register-archive
-<h3>More Information</h3>
-For more information see <a
Index: nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_sysname.txt
RCS file: nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_sysname.txt
diff -N nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_sysname.txt
--- nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_sysname.txt 17 Sep 2002 12:50:25 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration administration sys name infos -->
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_sysname.txt,v 2002/09/17 12:50:25 loic Exp $
-The /webcvs subdirectory on which the project will have write access. Empty
-value means that no directory of /webcvs will be given to this project.
-Make sure you fully understand the <a
href=/savannah.html#Web%20CVS%20repositories>rationale</a> associated with this
value. Make sure the directory you
-enter here does <b>not overlap</b> with a directory <a
href=http://www.gnu.org/server/standards/www2savannah.html>already assigned to
a project</a>, except the special <a href=/projects/www/>www project</a>. Every
non-GNU projects
-must be located in the <b>/non-gnu/</b> subdirectory (when doing so it
-is good to change the home page link
-for www.freesoftware.fsf.org/project instead of the default
www.gnu.org/software/project that will not work anyway - since the 23 mai 2002
it is not required).<p>
-Only change the project name <b>if it already exists</b> under another
-name in the GNU project. For instance if <u>gnuedma</u> was submitted,
-it should be changed to <u>edma</u> since the pages exists in
-*auto* means that everything will be set according to the project type.
-Note: if you use the text field to set the Subdirectory, you need to give the
complete url. In this particular case, the System Name will not be added as
subsubdirectory. This field should be used only for web project.
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_sysname.txt,v 2002/09/17 12:50:25 loic Exp $
Index: nongnu-content/admin/proj_email.txt
RCS file: nongnu-content/admin/proj_email.txt
diff -N nongnu-content/admin/proj_email.txt
--- nongnu-content/admin/proj_email.txt 4 Jan 2013 19:45:39 -0000 1.4
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Savannah - Project registration STEP 6 Confirmation mail
-// Here, you can configure the mail sent to user and admins.
-// BEWARE, this file content must be PHP, with no parse-error.
-// Do not modify it until you really know what you're doing.
-// $Id: proj_email.txt,v 1.4 2013/01/04 19:45:39 karl Exp $ BEGIN
-// we include this as function, it's easier to work with vars
-// in this way
-function approval_gen_email ($group_name, $unix_group_name) {
- $message = '
-Your project registration for '.$GLOBALS['sys_name'].' has been approved.
-Project full name: '.$group_name.'
-Project system name: '.$unix_group_name.'
-Project page: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/'.$unix_group_name.'
-Please note, that it will take up to half an hour for the system to
-be updated (CVS repository creation for instance) before your project
-will be fully functional.
-Enjoy the system, and please tell others about '.$GLOBALS['sys_name'].'.
-Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you.
- -- the '.$GLOBALS['sys_name'].' Volunteers
-Post scriptum, important note:
- In order to release your project, you should write copyright notices
- and license notices at the beginning of every source code file, and
- include a copy of the plain text version of the license. If your
- software is published under the GNU GPL license, please read
- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
- ';
- return $message;
-// $Id: proj_email.txt,v 1.4 2013/01/04 19:45:39 karl Exp $ END
Index: nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_outro.txt
RCS file: nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_outro.txt
diff -N nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_outro.txt
--- nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_outro.txt 18 Nov 2004 02:36:44 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration administration sys name infos -->
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_outro.txt,v 1.2 2004/11/18 02:36:44 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN -->
-<a href="gnuevalconfirm.php?group_id=<?php print $GLOBALS[group_id]; ?>">Ask
maintainers@gnu.org if this is a GNU package indeed</a><br />
-<a href="gnueval.php?group_id=<?php print $GLOBALS[group_id]; ?>">Ask
gnueval-input@gnu.org to evaluate for inclusion in the GNU project</a><br />
-<a href="send_registration_notification.php?group_id=<?php print
$GLOBALS[group_id]; ?>">Resend the admin mail notification</a>
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_outro.txt,v 1.2 2004/11/18 02:36:44 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN -->
Index: nongnu-content/admin/user_email.txt
RCS file: nongnu-content/admin/user_email.txt
diff -N nongnu-content/admin/user_email.txt
--- nongnu-content/admin/user_email.txt 26 Nov 2003 10:53:02 -0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// Savannah - User registration reminder to group admins.
-// Here, you can configure the mail sent to group admins.
-// BEWARE, this file content must be PHP, with no parse-error.
-// Do not modify it until you really know what you're doing.
-// $Id: user_email.txt,v 1.1 2003/11/26 10:53:02 yeupou Exp $ BEGIN
-// we include this as function, it's easier to work with vars
-// in this way
-function approval_user_gen_email ($group_name, $unix_group_name, $group_id,
$user_name, $user_full_name, $user_email, $user_message) {
- $message = '
-A new user has registered on '.$GLOBALS['sys_name'].'.
-User Full Name: '.$user_full_name.'
-User Name: '.$user_name.'
-User Email: '.$user_email.'
-Project Full Name: '.$group_name.'
-Project System Name: '.$unix_group_name.'
-Project page:
-Message from user:
-You receive this email because you are registered as an administrator of this
project and the system has been configured to send emails to administrators
when new users register.
-Please login and go to the page
-and approve this new pending user, so he/she can obtain full functionality on
the web site.
- -- the '.$GLOBALS['sys_name'].' team
- ';
- return $message;
-// $Id: user_email.txt,v 1.1 2003/11/26 10:53:02 yeupou Exp $ END
Index: nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_intro.txt
RCS file: nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_intro.txt
diff -N nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_intro.txt
--- nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_intro.txt 17 Sep 2002 12:50:25 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration administration intro -->
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_intro.txt,v 2002/09/17 12:50:25 loic Exp $ BEGIN
-When examining a submission first check the description. If the description
-is unclear, delete the project and ask the submitter to send a more detailed
-description. If the software claims to be Free Software check the existing
-tarbal, some people lie.
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_intro.txt,v 2002/09/17 12:50:25 loic Exp $ BEGIN
Index: nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_grouptype.txt
RCS file: nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_grouptype.txt
diff -N nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_grouptype.txt
--- nongnu-content/admin/groupedit_grouptype.txt 17 Sep 2002 12:50:25
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration administration group type infos -->
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_grouptype.txt,v 2002/09/17 12:50:25 loic Exp $
-To check if a project is a GNU project, read the
fencepost.gnu.org:/gd/gnuorg/maintainers list. If the value of this flag is Y
before moderation it mean that
- the project is either already a GNU project (in which case the user
submitting the project probably added something in the comment to specify this)
-want to apply for inclusion in the GNU project. If the value of this flag
-is N before moderation it means that this package does not want to apply for
-inclusion in the GNU project. If this flag is set to N by the moderator
- and the HTML repository field below is not empty, it must be located
-under the <b>/non-gnu/</b> directory. <BR>
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_grouptype.txt,v 2002/09/17 12:50:25 loic Exp $
Index: gnu-content/homepage.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/homepage.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/homepage.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/homepage.fr_FR.UTF-8 17 Aug 2013 09:19:15 -0000 1.13
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-<p>Bienvenue sur <strong>Savannah</strong>, la forge pour les gens
-impliqués dans le <a
-<li>Nous hébergeons les logiciels libres qui fonctionnent sur des
-systèmes libres et sans dépendance propriétaire</li>
-<li>Notre service fonctionne en 100% logiciel libre, y compris <a
- href="/projects/administration/">lui-même</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/WhyChooseSavannah">Pourquoi
- choisir Savannah?</a></li>
-<p>Savannah est un point central pour le développement, la maintenance
-et la distribution des <a
-href="http://www.gnu.org/gnu/thegnuproject.fr.html">projets GNU
-officiels</a>. De plus, pour les logiciels libres qui ne font pas
-partie du projet GNU, nous proposons <a
-<p>Si vous désirez utiliser cette plate-forme pour héberger votre
-projet, allez sur <b>Enregistrer un projet</b> qui s'affichera dans le
-menu de gauche.</p>
-<p>Nous proposons deux listes de diffusion auxquelles vous voudrez
-peut-être vous inscrire:
- annonces à faible volume sur les problèmes importants et les
- changements sur Savannah</li>
- aide sur l'utilisation de Savannah en général (mais pas sur un
- projet en particulier)</li>
-<p>Notre certificat <strong>https</strong> est signé par l'autorité <a
-href="http://www.cacert.org/">CAcert</a>, que vous pouvez <a
-<p>Nous <strong>réécrivons Savane</strong>! Venez nous aider à créer
-le nouveau socle de l'innovation des Forges - cf. <a
Index: gnu-content/menu.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/menu.txt
diff -N gnu-content/menu.txt
--- gnu-content/menu.txt 15 Jun 2017 18:23:27 -0000 1.39
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-<!-- $Id: menu.txt,v 1.39 2017/06/15 18:23:27 ineiev Exp $ BEGIN -->
-// Savannah - Additional menus sample file
-// $Id: menu.txt,v 1.39 2017/06/15 18:23:27 ineiev Exp $
-global $HTML;
-$HTML->menu_entry('//savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/FaQ', 'User Docs: FAQ');
-$HTML->menuhtml_top('GNU Project');
-$HTML->menu_entry('//www.gnu.org/help/help.html','Help GNU');
-$HTML->menu_entry("//www.gnu.org/software/software.html",'All GNU Packages');
-$HTML->menu_entry('//www.gnu.org/software/devel.html','Dev Resources');
-$HTML->menu_entry('//www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html','License List');
-$HTML->menu_entry('//www.gnu.org/prep/ftp.html','GNU Mirrors');
- <center>
- <br>
- <a
src="https://static.fsf.org/fsforg/img/thin-image.png" alt="Support freedom"
title="Help protect your freedom, join the Free Software Foundation" /></a>
- </center>
-$HTML->menuhtml_top('Free Software Foundation');
-$HTML->menu_entry('//www.fsf.org/events/','Coming Events');
-$HTML->menu_entry("//www.fsf.org/directory/",'Free Software Directory');
software legal notice');
-$HTML->menu_entry('//www.fsf.org/about/dmca-notice','Copyright infringement
-$HTML->menuhtml_top('Related Forges');
-if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'savannah.gnu.org')
- $HTML->menu_entry('//savannah.nongnu.org/','Savannah Non-GNU');
- $HTML->menu_entry('//savannah.gnu.org/','GNU Savannah');
-// You can create other menus here, following the model above. They will be
-// shown in every page. You can also delete the above menu and leave
-// this page empty if you want to.
-<!-- $Id: menu.txt,v 1.39 2017/06/15 18:23:27 ineiev Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/forbidden_theme.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/forbidden_theme.txt
diff -N gnu-content/forbidden_theme.txt
--- gnu-content/forbidden_theme.txt 26 Nov 2003 09:43:46 -0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Savannah - Forbidden themes
-// You can fed $forbid_theme_regexp by a perl regexp
-// with theme names you want to forbid on your system.
-// The theme name given in this regexp must not have the extension
-// .css.
-// This forbid_theme_regexp site specific variable be useful if you
-// do not want to provide to users every themes available for Savannah,
-// for instance because some of them creates troubles with a browser
-// widely used in your company/organisation.
-// By default, Savannah forbid only themes which have been made for
-// a specific installation and are very very close to a more generic
-// theme.
-// The perl regexp:
-// The two slashes (/ /) are mandatory, see the preg_match manual.
-$GLOBALS['forbid_theme_regexp'] = "/^(cern|savanedu)$/";
\ No newline at end of file
Index: gnu-content/contact.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/contact.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/contact.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/contact.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:28 -0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<h2>Contact par courriel</h2>
-<p>Si vous avez besoin d'entrer en contact avec les développeurs d'un
-projet particulier hébergé ici, regardez la page du projet pour
-trouver la liste de diffusion ou l'adresse electronique pour les
-<p>Si vous êtes le développeur de l'un des projets hébergé ici et que
-vous voulez joindre les administrateurs de ce serveur
-(Savannah), vous pouvez contacter les Savanah Hackers en soumettant une
-print '<a
-ou en envoyant un courriel à <a
-Vous pouvez consulter les archives sur <a
-<p>Quand vous voulez nous contacter sur des problèmes de sécurité ou
-confidentiels, vous pouvez utiliser la liste <a
-<p>Si vous avez découvert un bogue dans Savane (le logiciel utilisé
-par ce serveur), ou que vous voulez une nouvelle fonction, vous pouvez
-utiliser le Rapport de Bogues du <a
-href="http://gna.org/projects/savane">Projet Savane</a>.</p>
Index: gnu-content/forbidden_group_names.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/forbidden_group_names.txt
diff -N gnu-content/forbidden_group_names.txt
--- gnu-content/forbidden_group_names.txt 15 Feb 2005 06:56:35 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of the Savane project
-// <http://gna.org/projects/savane/>
-// $Id: forbidden_group_names.txt,v 1.1 2005/02/15 06:56:35 Beuc Exp $
-// Savannah - Forbidden group names
-// You can fed $specific_forbid_group_regexp by a perl regexp
-// with group names you want to forbid on your system.
-// It means that it will not possible to register a project with a name
-// that match that list.
-// This would constitue an additional list of group name to forbid.
-// If you want the system to only take account of that list, not to
-// take account of the Savannah hardcoded list, set the variable
-// $only_specific_forbid_group_regexp = 1;
-// The perl regexp:
-// The two slashes (/ /) are mandatory, see the preg_match manual.
-$GLOBALS['specific_forbid_group_regexp'] = 0;
-// Disregard the Savannah default list (dangerous)
-$GLOBALS['only_specific_forbid_group_regexp'] = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
Index: gnu-content/hashes.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/hashes.txt
diff -N gnu-content/hashes.txt
--- gnu-content/hashes.txt 1 Aug 2009 14:17:55 -0000 1.15
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// With this file, you can adapt the hashes used by your savannah.
-// For instance, you can modify here the set of license available.
-// Remove the license you do not want to be available for your user.
-// In the future, this file will disappear: you'll just type the short names
-// of licenses availables for a type of project via the web interface.
-// Every informations about it will be directly part of Savannah code.
-// FILE.
-$LICENSE['gpl'] = 'GNU General Public License v2 or later';
-$LICENSE['lgpl'] = 'GNU Lesser General Public License';
-$LICENSE['fdl'] = 'GNU Free Documentation License';
-$LICENSE['mbsd'] = 'Modified BSD License';
-$LICENSE['x11'] = 'X11 license';
-$LICENSE['cryptix'] = 'Cryptix General License';
-$LICENSE['zlib'] = 'The license of ZLib';
-$LICENSE['imatrix'] = 'The license of the iMatix Standard Function Library';
-$LICENSE['w3c'] = 'The W3C Software Notice and License';
-$LICENSE['berkeley'] = 'The Berkeley Database License';
-$LICENSE['python16'] = 'The License of Python 1.6a2 and earlier versions';
-$LICENSE['python2'] = 'The License of Python 2.0.1, 2.1.1, and newer versions';
-$LICENSE['cartistic'] = 'The Clarified Artistic License';
-$LICENSE['perl'] = 'The license of Perl (disjunction of the Artistic License
and the GNU GPL)';
-$LICENSE['expat'] = 'Expat License (sometime refered to as MIT License)';
-$LICENSE['affero'] = 'Affero General Public License v1 or later';
-$LICENSE['classpath'] = 'GNU General Public License v2 or later with GNU
Classpath special exception';
-$LICENSE['public domain'] = 'Public domain';
-$LICENSE['website'] = 'WebSite Only';
-$LICENSE['other'] = 'Other';
-$LICENSE['dual-gpl'] = 'GNU General Public License v2 or later (+ dual
-$LICENSE['gplv3orlater'] = 'GNU General Public License v3 or later';
-$LICENSE['agpl'] = 'GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later';
-/* should be equal to '0' when no url exists */
-$LICENSE_URL['gpl'] = 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html';
-$LICENSE_URL['lgpl'] = 'http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html';
-$LICENSE_URL['fdl'] = 'http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html';
-$LICENSE_URL['mbsd'] = 'http://www.xfree86.org/3.3.6/COPYRIGHT2.html#5';
-$LICENSE_URL['x11'] = 'http://www.xfree86.org/3.3.6/COPYRIGHT2.html#3';
-$LICENSE_URL['cryptix'] = 'http://www.cryptix.org/docs/license.html';
-$LICENSE_URL['zlib'] =
-$LICENSE_URL['imatrix'] = '0';
-$LICENSE_URL['w3c'] =
-$LICENSE_URL['berkeley'] = 'http://www.sleepycat.com/license.net';
-$LICENSE_URL['python16'] = 'http://www.python.org/doc/Copyright.html';
-$LICENSE_URL['python2'] = 'http://www.python.org/2.0.1/license.html';
-$LICENSE_URL['cartistic'] =
-$LICENSE_URL['perl'] =
-$LICENSE_URL['expat'] = 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#Expat';
-$LICENSE_URL['affero'] = 'http://www.affero.org/oagpl.html';
-$LICENSE_URL['classpath'] =
-$LICENSE_URL['public domain'] = '0';
-$LICENSE_URL['website'] = '0';
-$LICENSE_URL['other'] = '0';
-$LICENSE_URL['dual-gpl'] = 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html';
-$LICENSE_URL['gplv3orlater'] = 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html';
-$LICENSE_URL['agpl'] = 'http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html';
-$DEVEL_STATUS[0] = '0 - Undefined';
-$DEVEL_STATUS[1] = '1 - Planning';
-$DEVEL_STATUS[2] = '2 - Pre-Alpha';
-$DEVEL_STATUS[3] = '3 - Alpha';
-$DEVEL_STATUS[4] = '4 - Beta';
-$DEVEL_STATUS[5] = '5 - Production/Stable';
-$DEVEL_STATUS[6] = '6 - Mature';
-# 7 must be kept untouched because it has been used on several installation
-# for 'N/A'
-# $DEVEL_STATUS[7] = 'N/A';
-$DEVEL_STATUS[8] = '? - Orphaned/Unmaintained';
Index: gnu-content/contact.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/contact.txt
diff -N gnu-content/contact.txt
--- gnu-content/contact.txt 3 Apr 2015 23:56:52 -0000 1.16
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-<h2>Savannah contact</h2>
-<p>First and foremost: don't use the links here for contact about
-specific projects!
-<p>If you have a question about using a particular program hosted on
-Savannah, or a bug report, please please
-<b>visit the specific project page</b> (i.e., <code>/projects/projname</code>)
-to find the appropriate contact. Savannah administrators generally have
-no knowledge of specific projects and cannot help with questions about
-them, so it is a waste of everyone's time to write us.</p>
-<p>Contact points for Savannah itself:
-<li>For general help with and discussion about using Savannah (<b>not</b>
-about a specific project hosted here), you can use the <a
-mailing list</a>.</li>
-<li>To report an issue or submit a request about the Savannah
-infrastructure (once again: <b>not</b> for a specific project), the best
-way is to
-print '<a href="'
- . $GLOBALS['sys_home']
- . 'support/?func=addsupport&group='
- . $GLOBALS['sys_unix_group_name']
- . '">submit a request to the Savannah administration tracker</a>.';
-<li>As an alternative to submitting a tracker item, you can send mail to the <a
-list, after <a
-the archives</a>.</li>
-<li>Finally, to report security-related or confidential issues, you can
-use the savannah-help-private list, which is not publicly archived
-(unlike all the others here).</li>
Index: gnu-content/homepage.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/homepage.txt
diff -N gnu-content/homepage.txt
--- gnu-content/homepage.txt 17 Aug 2013 09:19:16 -0000 1.46
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<p>Welcome to <strong>Savannah</strong>, the software forge for people
-committed to <a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">free
-<li>We host free projects that run on free operating systems and without
- any proprietary software dependencies.</li>
-<li>Our service runs with 100% free software, including <a
- href="/projects/administration/">itself</a>.</li>
-<li><a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/WhyChooseSavannah">Why
- choose Savannah?</a></li>
-<p>Savannah aims to be a central point for development, maintenance and
-distribution of <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/">official GNU
-software</a>. In addition, for projects that support free software but
-are not part of GNU, we provide <a
-<p>If you would like to use Savannah to host your project, then go to
-the <b>Register new project</b> menu entry.</p>
-<p>We strongly recommend all Savannah users subscribe to this
-mailing list:</p>
-<li><a href="http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/savannah-announce">
- savannah-announce</a>:
- low-volume notifications of important issues and changes at Savannah.</li>
-<p>And this mailing list is a place for Savannah users to communicate and
-ask questions:</p>
-<li><a href="http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/savannah-users">
- savannah-users</a>:
- help with using Savannah in general (not with a specific project).</li>
-<p>Happy hacking!</p>
Index: gnu-content/page_footer.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/page_footer.txt
diff -N gnu-content/page_footer.txt
--- gnu-content/page_footer.txt 1 Jan 2022 16:04:30 -0000 1.34
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<span style="float:right">
-<a href="<?php
-echo 'http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/administration/savane.git/plain/'
- . preg_replace(':/usr/src/savane/:', '',
-?>">Source<br />Code</a>
-Copyright © 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-<br />
-Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is
-permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
-<br />
-The <a href="http://www.gnu.org/graphics/meditate.html">Levitating,
-Meditating, Flute-playing Gnu</a> logo is a GNU GPL'ed image provided
-by the Nevrax Design Team.
Index: gnu-content/forbidden_mail_domains.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/forbidden_mail_domains.txt
diff -N gnu-content/forbidden_mail_domains.txt
--- gnu-content/forbidden_mail_domains.txt 26 Nov 2006 22:13:51 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of the Savane project
-// <http://gna.org/projects/savane/>
-// $Id: forbidden_mail_domains.txt,v 1.1 2006/11/26 22:13:51 Beuc Exp $
-// You can fed $forbid_mail_domains_regexp by a perl regexp
-// with theme domain names you want to forbid on your system.
-// This forbid_mail_domains_regexp site specific variable be useful if you
-// do not want to allow registration of users accounts on the basis of
-// a given domain.
-// For instance, you may not want to allow people to create account
-// with your Savane installation domain, because it would allow people
-// to endlessly create account and mail aliases.
-// Or you may want to allow only people having an address @yourcompany
-// to create account.
-// As it is regexp for the full address, you can basically block from
-// here any address your want.
-// The perl regexp:
-// The two slashes (/ /) are mandatory, see the preg_match manual.
-// $GLOBALS['forbid_mail_domains_regexp'] = "/^(.*\@invalid\.dom)$/";
\ No newline at end of file
Index: gnu-content/dnsbl.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/dnsbl.txt
diff -N gnu-content/dnsbl.txt
Index: gnu-content/page_header.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/page_header.txt
diff -N gnu-content/page_header.txt
--- gnu-content/page_header.txt 1 Jan 2022 16:04:30 -0000 1.13
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<meta name="Author" content="Copyright 2022 Free Software Foundation,
-Inc. Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is
-permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved." />
-<meta name="Description" content="Savannah is a central point for
-development, distribution and maintenance of free software, both GNU and
-non-GNU." />
Index: gnu-content/git/index.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/git/index.txt
diff -N gnu-content/git/index.txt
--- gnu-content/git/index.txt 2 Mar 2017 09:15:02 -0000 1.9
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $project;
- exec ("grep -A 3 '^repo\.url=" . $project->getUnixName()
- . "/' /etc/savane/cgitrepos", $output);
- $n = intval((count ($output) + 1) / 5);
- if ($n > 0)
- {
- echo "<p>Note: this group has multiple Git repositories.</p>";
- $main_desc = exec ("grep -A 2 '^repo\.url=" . $project->getUnixName()
- . "\.git' /etc/savane/cgitrepos");
- $main_desc = preg_replace(':repo.desc=:', '', $main_desc) . "\n";
- }
-<h4>Anonymous clone:</h4>
-if ($n > 0)
- echo $main_desc;
-echo 'git clone https://git.' . $project->getTypeBaseHost()
- . preg_replace(':/srv/git:', '', $project->getTypeDir('git')). "\n";
-for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
- {
- $url[$i] = preg_replace(':repo.url=:', '', $output[$i * 5]);
- $repo[$i] = preg_replace(':repo.path=:', '', $output[$i * 5 + 1]);
- $desc[$i] = preg_replace(':repo.desc=:', '', $output[$i * 5 + 2]);
- }
-for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
- {
- echo "\n" . $desc[$i] . "\n";
- echo "git clone https://git."
- . $project->getTypeBaseHost() . "/" . $url[$i] . "\n";
- }
-<h4>Member clone:</h4>
-$username = user_getname();
-if ($username == "NA") {
- // for anonymous user:
- $username = '<<em>membername</em>>';
-if ($n > 0)
- echo $main_desc;
-echo "git clone " . $username . "@git.sv.gnu.org:"
- . $project->getTypeDir('git') . "\n";
- for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
- {
- echo "\n" . $desc[$i] . "\n";
- echo "git clone " . $username . "@git.sv.gnu.org:" . $repo[$i] . "\n";
- }
-<h4>More information</h4>
Index: gnu-content/bugs/mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/bugs/mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt
diff -N gnu-content/bugs/mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt
--- gnu-content/bugs/mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt 16 Sep 2002 09:08:34 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Bugs Tracker this message is added as note about CC List -->
-<!-- $Id: mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt,v 1.1 2002/09/16 09:08:34 yeupou Exp $
-<!-- $Id: mod_bug_note_about_cc.txt,v 1.1 2002/09/16 09:08:34 yeupou Exp $
END -->
\ No newline at end of file
Index: gnu-content/svn/index.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/svn/index.txt
diff -N gnu-content/svn/index.txt
--- gnu-content/svn/index.txt 12 Sep 2011 00:10:59 -0000 1.6
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-<h3>Anonymous / read-only Subversion access</h3>
-<p>This project's Subversion repository can be checked out anonymously
-as follows. The module you wish to check out must be specified as the
- global $project;
-// if ($project->CanUse("svn")) {
- print '<h4>Access using the SVN protocol:</h4>';
- print '<tt>svn co svn://svn.'
- . $project->getTypeBaseHost()
- . "/"
- . $project->getUnixName()
- . "/<em>modulename</em></tt><br />";
- print '<h4>Access using HTTP (slower):</h4>';
- print '<tt>svn co http://svn.'
- . $project->getTypeBaseHost()
- . "/svn/"
- . $project->getUnixName()
- . "/<em>modulename</em></tt>";
-// }
-<p>Typically, you'll want to use <tt>trunk</tt> for
-<em>modulename</em>. Refer to a project's specific instructions if
-you're unsure, or browse the repository with ViewVC.</p>
-<h3>Project member Subversion access via SSH</h3>
-<p>Member access is performed using the Subversion over SSH method.</p>
-The SSHv2 public key fingerprints for the machine hosting the source
-trees are:
-RSA: 1024 80:5a:b0:0c:ec:93:66:29:49:7e:04:2b:fd:ba:2c:d5
-DSA: 1024 4d:c8:dc:9a:99:96:ae:cc:ce:d3:2b:b0:a3:a4:95:a5
-global $project;
-$username = user_getname();
-if ($username == "NA") {
- // for anonymous user :
- $username = '<<em>membername</em>>';
-//if ($project->CanUse("svn")) {
- print '<h4>Software repository (over SSH) :</h4>';
- print '<tt>svn co svn+ssh://'
- . $username
- . '@svn.'
- . $project->getTypeBaseHost()
- . "/"
- . $project->getUnixName()
- . "/<em>modulename</em></tt>";
-<h3>Importing into Subversion on Savannah</h3>
-<p>If your project already has an existing source repository that you
-want to move to Savannah, check the <a
-documentation</a> and then submit a request for the
-migration in the <a
-Administration</a> project.</p>
-<h3>Exporting Subversion tree from Savannah</h3>
-You can access your subversion raw repository using read-only access via
-rsync, and then use that copy as a local svn repository:
-rsync -avHS rsync://svn.<?php echo $project->getTypeBaseHost(); ?>/svn/<?php
echo $project->getUnixName(); ?>/ /tmp/<?php echo $project->getUnixName();
-svn co file:///tmp/<?php echo $project->getUnixName(); ?>.repo/ trunk
-# ...
-If you want a dump you can also use svnadmin:
-svnadmin dump /tmp/<?php echo $project->getUnixName(); ?>.repo/
Index: gnu-content/people/index_cat.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/people/index_cat.txt
diff -N gnu-content/people/index_cat.txt
--- gnu-content/people/index_cat.txt 27 Jul 2007 13:51:36 -0000 1.4
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - People index introduction if category is defined -->
-<!-- $Id: index_cat.txt,v 1.4 2007/07/27 13:51:36 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN -->
-<H3>Projects looking for <?php global $category_id; echo
people_get_category_name($category_id); ?></H3>
-Click job titles for more detailed descriptions.
-<!-- $Id: index_cat.txt,v 1.4 2007/07/27 13:51:36 Beuc Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/people/index.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/people/index.txt
diff -N gnu-content/people/index.txt
--- gnu-content/people/index.txt 2 Jun 2013 05:25:41 -0000 1.4
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - People index introduction -->
-<!-- $Id: index.txt,v 1.4 2013/06/02 05:25:41 ineiev Exp $ BEGIN -->
-<h3>Projects Needing Help</h3>
-Browse through the category menu to find projects looking for your help.
-If you're a project admin, log in, enter your project page, follow
-the project admin link (in the navigation bar) and you will find a
-<i>Post Jobs</i> section where you can submit help wanted requests
-to appear in this list.
-To suggest new job categories, visit the
-<a href="https://savannah.gnu.org/support/?group=administration">
-support manager</a>.
-<!-- $Id: index.txt,v 1.4 2013/06/02 05:25:41 ineiev Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/people/editresume.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/people/editresume.txt
diff -N gnu-content/people/editresume.txt
--- gnu-content/people/editresume.txt 11 Aug 2006 21:50:18 -0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<h3>Edit Your Profile</h3>
-Now you can edit/change the list of your skills and your resume.
-The list of skills can then be matched with the list of jobs in
-our system.
Index: gnu-content/people/viewprofile.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/people/viewprofile.txt
diff -N gnu-content/people/viewprofile.txt
--- gnu-content/people/viewprofile.txt 12 Aug 2002 10:33:37 -0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - View profile introduction -->
-<!-- $Id: viewprofile.txt,v 1.1 2002/08/12 10:33:37 yeupou Exp $ BEGIN -->
-<!-- $Id: viewprofile.txt,v 1.1 2002/08/12 10:33:37 yeupou Exp $ END -->
\ No newline at end of file
Index: gnu-content/people/createjob.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/people/createjob.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/people/createjob.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/people/createjob.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Job creation introduction -->
-<!-- $Id: createjob.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN -->
-<h3>Créer une nouvelle tâche</h3>
-Commencez par remplir les champs ci-dessous.
-Lorsque vous cliquerez sur "poursuivre", on vous montrera une liste de
compétences et d'expériences,
-afin que vous puissiez définir quels sont requises par votre tâche.
-<!-- $Id: createjob.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/people/index_group.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/people/index_group.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/people/index_group.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/people/index_group.fr_FR.UTF-8 16 Oct 2008 06:15:00 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - People index introduction if group is defined -->
-<!-- $Id: index_group.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.4 2008/10/16 06:15:00 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN
-<h3>Demande de contribution au projet <?php echo
group_getname($GLOBALS['group_id']); ?></h3>
-Voici une liste des positions disponibles pour ce projet.
-<!-- $Id: index_group.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.4 2008/10/16 06:15:00 Beuc Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/people/createjob.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/people/createjob.txt
diff -N gnu-content/people/createjob.txt
--- gnu-content/people/createjob.txt 27 Jun 2003 16:40:06 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Job creation introduction -->
-<!-- $Id: createjob.txt,v 1.2 2003/06/27 16:40:06 babar Exp $ BEGIN -->
-<h3>Create a New Job</h3>
-Start by filling in the fields below. When you click continue, you
-will be shown a list of skills and experience levels that this job requires.
-<!-- $Id: createjob.txt,v 1.2 2003/06/27 16:40:06 babar Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/people/index_group.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/people/index_group.txt
diff -N gnu-content/people/index_group.txt
--- gnu-content/people/index_group.txt 16 Oct 2008 06:15:00 -0000 1.5
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - People index introduction if group is defined -->
-<!-- $Id: index_group.txt,v 1.5 2008/10/16 06:15:00 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN -->
-<h3>Project Help Wanted for <?php echo group_getname($GLOBALS['group_id']);
-Here is a list of positions available for this project.
-<!-- $Id: index_group.txt,v 1.5 2008/10/16 06:15:00 Beuc Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/people/index.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/people/index.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/people/index.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/people/index.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - People index introduction -->
-<!-- $Id: index.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN -->
-<h3>Projets recherchant de l'aide</h3>
-Naviguez dans le menu des catégories pour trouver les projets qui ont besoin
de votre aide.
-Si vous êtes un administrateur de projet, authentifiez-vous, allez sur la
page de votre projet,
-suivez le lien d'administrateur de projet (dans la barre de navigation),
-et vous trouverez une section <i>Proposer un travail</i> dans laquelle vous
pourrez demander de l'aide
-et apparaître dans cette liste.
-Pour suggérer des nouvelles catégories, voir "support manager"
-<!-- $Id: index.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/people/editjob.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/people/editjob.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/people/editjob.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/people/editjob.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Job creation introduction -->
-<!-- $Id: editjob.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN -->
-<h3>Choix des compétences requises</h3>
-Maintenant, vous pouvez éditer ou changer la liste des compétences requises
pour cette tâche.
-Les développeurs seront capables de comparer leurs compétences avec celles
qui sont requises ici.
-All postings are automatically closed after two weeks.
-<!-- $Id: editjob.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/people/editjob.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/people/editjob.txt
diff -N gnu-content/people/editjob.txt
--- gnu-content/people/editjob.txt 22 Aug 2011 23:06:50 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Job creation introduction -->
-<!-- $Id: editjob.txt,v 1.2 2011/08/22 23:06:50 karl Exp $ BEGIN -->
-<H3>Select Required Skills</H3>
-Here you can edit/change the list of skills attached to this posting,
-so that developers can match their skills against your requirements.
-<!-- $Id: editjob.txt,v 1.2 2011/08/22 23:06:50 karl Exp $ END -->
\ No newline at end of file
Index: gnu-content/account/index_intro.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/account/index_intro.txt
diff -N gnu-content/account/index_intro.txt
Index: gnu-content/account/index_passwd.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/account/index_passwd.txt
diff -N gnu-content/account/index_passwd.txt
Index: gnu-content/account/login_msiemac.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/account/login_msiemac.txt
diff -N gnu-content/account/login_msiemac.txt
--- gnu-content/account/login_msiemac.txt 20 Jun 2003 15:58:32 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Login error message with MSIE+mac -->
-<!-- $Id: login_msiemac.txt,v 1.2 2003/06/20 15:58:32 babar Exp $ BEGIN -->
-<h2 class="warn">Microsoft Internet Explorer on the Apple Macinosh is not
supported currently. Please use another browser.<br>
-This software is non-free. You should consider using browser like Mozilla.</h2>
-<!-- $Id: login_msiemac.txt,v 1.2 2003/06/20 15:58:32 babar Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/account/index_passwd.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/account/index_passwd.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/account/index_passwd.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/account/index_passwd.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29
-0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - User account modification page info about password-->
-<!-- $Id: index_passwd.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN
-Votre mot de passe <?php print $GLOBALS['sys_name']; ?> vous permet d'accéder
à l'interface Web.
-<!-- $Id: index_passwd.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN
Index: gnu-content/account/editsshkeys.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/account/editsshkeys.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/account/editsshkeys.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/account/editsshkeys.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<h3>Clés Publiques SSH</h3>
-<p>Pour générer une clé publique, lisez la FAQ sur <a
-<p>Ce que vous devez copier/coller ressemble à ceci:<br>
-<nobr><div style="font: x-small, fixed">ssh-dss
-<p>Cela se trouve couramment dans <code>~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub</code>.</p>
Index: gnu-content/account/login.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/account/login.txt
diff -N gnu-content/account/login.txt
Index: gnu-content/account/index_ssh.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/account/index_ssh.txt
diff -N gnu-content/account/index_ssh.txt
--- gnu-content/account/index_ssh.txt 3 Feb 2015 01:10:50 -0000 1.5
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Your <?php print $GLOBALS['sys_name']; ?> password is used only for
-logging into the Savannah web interface. It is not used for bzr, cvs,
-git, hg, rsync, scp, sftp or other services. Only an ssh rsa key is
-used for those purposes.
Index: gnu-content/account/index_ssh.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/account/index_ssh.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/account/index_ssh.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/account/index_ssh.fr_FR.UTF-8 3 Feb 2015 01:10:50 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Votre mot de passe <?php print $GLOBALS['sys_name']; ?> est utilisé
-seulement pour connexion à l'interface web de Savannah. Il ne est pas
-utilisé pour bzr, cvs, git, hg, rsync, scp, sftp ou d'autres
-services. Seulement une clé ssh est rsa utilisé à ces fins.
Index: gnu-content/account/login_msiemac.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/account/login_msiemac.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/account/login_msiemac.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/account/login_msiemac.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29
-0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Login error message with MSIE+mac -->
-<!-- $Id: login_msiemac.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $
-<h2 class="warn">Microsoft Internet Explorer pour Mac n'est pas supporté pour
l'instant. Utilisez un autre navigateur.<br>
-Ce programme n'est pas libre. Vous devriez utiliser un autre navigateur,
Mozilla par exemple</h2>
-<!-- $Id: login_msiemac.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ END
Index: gnu-content/account/editsshkeys.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/account/editsshkeys.txt
diff -N gnu-content/account/editsshkeys.txt
--- gnu-content/account/editsshkeys.txt 11 Jun 2010 22:17:57 -0000 1.11
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<h3>SSH Public Keys</h3>
-<p>To generate a public key, see the <a
-FAQ entry for ssh</a>. Please use only RSA keys, not DSA keys.</p>
-<p>What you need to copy/paste looks like this:<br>
-<nobr><div style="font: x-small, fixed">ssh-rsa
-<p>This public key data is commonly located in
-<code>~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub</code>. If questions, check the FAQ.</p>
-<p>If your key gets truncated, it is probably because your browser
-limits the maximum length of the text fields. Try with <a
-href="http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/">IceCat</a> (or Firefox),
-which is known to work.</p>
Index: gnu-content/account/login_msie.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/account/login_msie.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/account/login_msie.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/account/login_msie.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Login error message with old MSIE-->
-<!-- $Id: login_msie.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN
-<h2 class="warn">Les utilisateurs de Microsoft Internet Explorer doivent se
mettre à jour pour arriver à la version 5.01 ou supérieure, de préférence
avec SSL sur 128 bits.<br>
-Ce programme n'est pas libre. Vous devriez utiliser un autre navigateur,
Mozilla par exemple.</h2>
-<!-- $Id: login_msie.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/account/login_msie.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/account/login_msie.txt
diff -N gnu-content/account/login_msie.txt
--- gnu-content/account/login_msie.txt 20 Jun 2003 15:58:32 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Login error message with old MSIE-->
-<!-- $Id: login_msie.txt,v 1.2 2003/06/20 15:58:32 babar Exp $ BEGIN -->
-<h2 class="warn">Microsoft Internet Explorer users need to upgrade to IE 5.01
or higher, preferably with 128-bit SSL.<br>
-This software is non-free. You should consider using browser like Mozilla.</h2>
-<!-- $Id: login_msie.txt,v 1.2 2003/06/20 15:58:32 babar Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/account/index_intro.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/account/index_intro.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/account/index_intro.fr_FR.UTF-8
Index: gnu-content/mail/about_list_creation.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/mail/about_list_creation.txt
diff -N gnu-content/mail/about_list_creation.txt
--- gnu-content/mail/about_list_creation.txt 9 Mar 2008 17:10:28 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Speech added about list creation -->
-<!-- $Id: about_list_creation.txt,v 1.2 2008/03/09 17:10:28 karl Exp $ BEGIN
-<h3>New mailing lists at Savannah</h3>
-<p>New mailing lists created through Savannah have the following
-features enabled by default, in addition to the usual
-<a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/">GNU Mailman</a>
-<li>No footer is added to messages (<tt>footer</tt>, under
-‘Non-digest options’).</li>
-<li>When a new member joins the list, their initial posting is held for
-the list owner's review (<tt>default_member_moderation</tt>, under
-‘Privacy > Sender filters’). This is necessary because
-smart spam systems can now automatically subscribe to mailman lists and
-then start sending their junk mail. However, provided the subscription
-is legitimate (as it usually will be), we strongly recommend
-<i>accept</i>ing their address for future postings.</li>
-<li>Automated (though asynchronous) spam deletion, through the <a
-href="http://www.nongnu.org/listhelper/">listhelper system</a>. More
-details about this:</li>
-<li>The first time a person posts to a list under a particular email
-address, the message is held for review, potentially by the mailman list
-owner(s) (you), the listhelper automated system, and the listhelper
-human volunteers. This is when spam is detected and deleted.</li>
-<li>Therefore, if you are concerned about your list's messages being
-seen by the small group of listhelper volunteers, you should disable
-listhelper (remove listhelper@nongnu.org from the <tt>moderator</tt>
-field on the ‘General Options’ page), and consequently deal
-with any incoming spam yourself.</li>
-<li>By default, Mailman sends a “request for approval”
-notification on every message, and this is critical for listhelper's
-operation. You will probably want to filter these from your inbox, with
-a pattern such as this:<br>
-<tt>^Subject: confirm [a-f0-9]{40}</tt>
-(Despite appearances, that needs to match in the body of the message,
-not the headers.) Alternatively, if you choose to turn off listhelper,
-you may also want to turn off this option (<tt>admin_immed_notify</tt>
-on the ‘General Options’ page).</li>
-<li>For more information, see the <a
-href="http://www.nongnu.org/listhelper/">listhelper home page</a>.</li>
-<p>Of course, as the list owner, you can make changes to the
-configuration at any time, but if in any doubt, please ask. The
-defaults are set to minimize spam, list administrator overhead, and the
-chance of our mail server being blacklisted.</p>
-<!-- $Id: about_list_creation.txt,v 1.2 2008/03/09 17:10:28 karl Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/register/index.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/register/index.txt
diff -N gnu-content/register/index.txt
--- gnu-content/register/index.txt 14 Jul 2007 09:49:12 -0000 1.15
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 0 -->
-Savannah is a hosting facility for the free software movement. Our
-mission is to spread the freedom to copy and modify software.
-<p><strong>Important</strong>: check <a
-Project - How to get it approved quickly</a>
-<br /> It contains a few advices to get your package compliant with
-our hosting policies. Following them will considerably speed up the
-registration process.</p>
-You are welcome to host your project in Savannah if it falls within one
-of these groups:
-<dt><strong>Software Project</strong></dt>
-<dd>A Free Software package that can run on a completely free operating
-system, without depending on any non-free software. You can only provide
-versions for non-free operating systems if you also provide free
-operating systems versions with the same or more functionalities. Large
-software distributions are not allowed; they should be split into separate
-<dt><strong>Free Documentation Projects</strong></dt>
-<dd>Documentation for Free Software programs, released under a Free
-Documentation License.</dd>
-<dt><strong>Free Educational Textbook Projects</strong></dt>
-<dd>Projects aimed to create educational textbooks, released under a Free
-Documentation License.</dd>
-<dt><strong>FSF/GNU projects</strong></dt>
-<dd>Internal projects of the FSF and projects that have been approved
-by the GNU Project management.</dd>
-<dt><strong>GNU/Linux User Groups (GUG)</strong></dt>
-<dd>Organisational project for your user group. GUG need to be listed
-at <a href="http://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-user-groups.html">GNU Users
-Groups page<a> - contact <a
-href="mailto:user-groups@gnu.org">user-groups@gnu.org</a> for
-In the following 5 registration steps you will be asked to describe your
-project and choose a Free License for it. Your project does not have to be
-part of the GNU project or be released under the GPL to be hosted here, but if
-you want to take the opportunity to make your project part of GNU, you can
-request that later on in the registration process.
-To keep compatibility among Savannah projects, we only accept Free Software
-licenses that are compatible with the GPL. The list of GPL-compatible licenses
-covers several of the most commonly used licenses; if you are not familiar
-with that list, please take some time to read <a
- target="_blank">GPL-Compatible, Free Software Licenses</a>.
-Keep in mind that your project is not approved automatically
-after you follow the registration steps, but it will have to be evaluated
-by one of the Savannah administrators. That process may take from one day
-to a week, depending on the current number of pending projects.
-To ease handling the large number of projects we receive, whenever we ask you
-to provide more information that we think is missing from your registration
-or when we ask you to make some changes, your registration will be removed
-and you will have to register your project again after the changes are done.
-This does not imply that we are reluctant to host your project; it is fairly
-common for projects to undergo more than one registration before they
-are finally approved, so please be prepared for that.
-<!-- $Id: index.txt,v 1.15 2007/07/14 09:49:12 stevenr Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/register/basicinfo.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/register/basicinfo.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/register/basicinfo.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/register/basicinfo.fr_FR.UTF-8 27 Sep 2007 16:26:44 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 2 -->
-<!-- $Id: basicinfo.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.3 2007/09/27 16:26:44 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN -->
-Nous avons maintenant besoin d'une courte description de votre projet.
-Celle-ci doit donner assez de détails techniques pour justifier sa
-correspondance à l'un des 4 groupes de projets hébergés sur Savannah,
-et en quoi il se conforme à notre politique du Logiciel Libre.
-Si les administrateurs de Savannah (savannah-hackers@gnu.org) approuvent
-votre projet, les ressources mises à disposition doivent êtres utilisées
-pour atteindre les objectifs déterminés dans cette déclaration. Si vous avez
-besoin de changer cette déclaration à n'importe quel moment, veuillez obtenir
-l'accord des administrateurs de Savannah.
-<h3>Description du Projet</h3>
-<font class="error">OBLIGATOIRE:</font> Fournissez une description
-technique détaillée (une demi-page suffira). N'oubliez pas d'inclure
-une URL pointant vers le code source de votre projet.
-Nous aimerions jeter un oeil sur votre code source, même si celui-ci n'est
-pas encore fonctionnel, afin de vous aider à résoudre les problèmes
-légaux potentiels, ce qui sera bien plus difficile une fois que le projet
-aura été approuvé. Fournir une URL vers une version préliminaire
n'implique pas
-la diffusion de votre projet, puisque la description que vous avez donnée
-ici ne passera pas automatiquement sur la page du projet une fois qu'il sera
-approuvé. Si vous préférez envoyer une copie du code par courriel,
-(savannah-hackers@gnu.org) Ã qui vous devez l'envoyer. Si vous n'avez aucun
-code source pour l'instant, dites-le explicitement dans la description.
-<p><font class="error">REQUIS:</font> Rédigez votre demande en anglais.
-L'anglais est la seule langue que toute l'équipe de Savannah comprend,
-et est nécessaire par soucis de transparence et tracabilité.
-Nous demanderons aux projets soumis dans d'autres langues d'enregistrer
-leur projet à nouveau.
-<!-- $Id: basicinfo.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.3 2007/09/27 16:26:44 Beuc Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/register/license.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/register/license.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/register/license.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/register/license.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 4 -->
-<!-- $Id: license.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN -->
-Choisir une licence est une chose délicate, et vous devriez déjà avoir
-Ã quelle licence utiliser avant d'enregistrer ce projet (si ce n'est pas le
-consultez : <a
- target="_blank">Licences Libres Compatibles GPL</a>). Si vous avez plusieurs
-composants avec plusieurs licences différentes mais compatibles, la licence
-globale du projet doit être la plus restrictive d'entre elles.
-Pour être sûr que votre Logiciel Libre est légalement protégé,
-devriez écrire des avis de copyright et des récapitulatifs de permissions au
-de chaque fichier de code source</strong> et inclure une copie de la licence
-au lieu de simplement donner une URL. Si votre logiciel est distribué sous
licence GNU GPL,
-lisez la section <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC4"
-Comment Appliquer Ces Conditions A Votre Programme</a>.
-Pour plusieurs raisons légales, vous ne pouvez pas changer la licence d'un
-à moins que *tous* les auteurs soient d'accord. Et même dans ce cas, les
-déjà distribuées sous une Licence de Logiciel Libre resteront soumises Ã
-Licence Libre.
-Si vous croyez que vous êtes dans un cas particulier et que vous avez la
-capacité légale de changer la licence d'un paquet existant, nous étudierons
-ceci avec vous au cas-par-cas.
-Si vous êtes WebMaster d'une partie du site www.gnu.org et qu'un dépôt CVS
-est prévu pour cette partie, veuillez choisir "website-only" dans la liste
-de licences ci-dessous.
-Vérifiez que le répertoire dans lequel vous travaillez n'est pas déjÃ
-avec <a href="http://www.gnu.org/server/standards/www2savannah.html"
-un projet Savannah existant</a>.
-<!-- $Id: license.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/register/basicinfo.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/register/basicinfo.txt
diff -N gnu-content/register/basicinfo.txt
--- gnu-content/register/basicinfo.txt 9 Apr 2006 13:37:11 -0000 1.6
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 2 -->
-We now need a short description of your project. This description should
-give enough technical details to make it clear that it falls within one
-of the 4 groups of projects hosted in Savannah and that it does conform
-to our Free Software policies.
-If the Savannah administrators (savannah-hackers@gnu.org)
-approve your project, the resources provided should be used purely to meet
-the goals set forth in this statement. If you need to change this statement at
-any time, please get the approval from the Savannah administrators.
-<h3>Project Description</h3>
-<font class="error">REQUIRED:</font> Provide a detailed technical
-description (half a page will do). Do not forget to include a URL where
-the source code of the project can be found.
-We would like to look at your source code, even if it is still not functional,
-to help you fix potential legal issues which would be harder to find and to
-solve after the project gets approved. Including a URL to a preliminary
-version does not imply releasing your project, since the description you enter
-here will not pass automatically to the project's page once it is approved. If
-you still prefer sending a copy of the code by e-mail, ask us
-(savannah-hackers@gnu.org) who to send it to. If you do not have yet any
-source code at all, say that explicitly in the description.
-<p> <font class="error">REQUIRED:</font> Your registration must be
-submitted in english. English is the only language that the whole
-Savannah team understand and is needed for transparency and
-archival. Projects that are submitted in other languages will be asked
-to register again in english.
Index: gnu-content/register/requirements.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/register/requirements.txt
diff -N gnu-content/register/requirements.txt
--- gnu-content/register/requirements.txt 26 May 2016 22:37:15 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-<p>Please read these usage terms carefully. If you don't follow them,
-we will not accept your project; if we don't have enough information
-determine whether your project follows these terms, we will
-have to ask you to register the project again with more details.
-Once your project is accepted, you are expected to continue following
-these terms.</p>
-<p>Our intent is to provide a permanent home for all versions of your project.
-We do reserve the right, however, to discontinue hosting a project.</p>
-<h3>Use of project account</h3>
-<p>The space given to you on this server is given for the expressed
-purpose of advancing free software that can run in free operating systems,
-documenting such software, or creating free educational textbooks.
-Using it to host or advertise non-free software is considered harmful to
-free software. For more information, please read the <a
-href=http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html target="_blank">Philosophy
-of the GNU Project</a>.</p>
-<p>In order to preserve history and complete transparency, we will not
-remove projects with substantive content.
-<h3>No dependencies on non-free software</h3>
-<p>To be hosted on Savannah, your project must be free software, and it
-must be kept independent of any non-free software. The package must
-not refer the user to any non-free software; in particular, it must
-not automatically download or install any non-free software.</p>
-<p>The program should deliver its full functionality and convenience on a
-completely free platform based on a free operating system, such as
-GNU/Linux, working entirely with other free software. Otherwise, it
-would be an inducement to install non-free operating systems or other
-non-free software.</p>
-<p>It is ok for the program to run on non-free platforms or non-free
-operating systems, and to work with well-known non-free applications,
-in addition to working with free software, provided it gives the free
-software at least as good support as it gives to other
-alternatives. In other words, at no time, in no way, should your
-program put free software users at a disadvantage compared to those
-willing to use proprietary software.</p>
-<h3>Regarding Android phones</h3>
-<p>Provided Savannah's maintainers have the capacity, projects running on
-Replicant may be hosted on Savannah. Projects having dependencies on
-non-free software, such as proprietary software drivers or AndroidOS,
-are not permissible.</p>
-<h3>No non-free formats</h3>
-<p>Using a format such as Flash, RealPlayer and QuickTime, that can in
-practice only be created or played using non-free software is, in
-effect, to recommend use of that non-free player software. When the
-free software alternative is not as good as the proprietary one, using
-such a format is also implicitly recommending the non-free solution.
-Therefore, your package shouldn't contain or recommend materials in
-these non-free formats.</p>
-<p>In general, you may not advertise anything commercial on a site hosted
-here. However, as exceptions, you can point people to commercial
-support offerings for your free software project, and you can mention
-fan items about your free software project that you sell directly to
-the users.</p>
-<h3>Speaking about free software</h3>
-<p>Savannah is a free software hosting site: we host projects such as
-yours for the sake of the ideals of freedom and community that the
-free software movement stands for. We offer Savannah hosting to free
-software packages, as free software packages; therefore, please
-describe your package clearly as a free software package. Please
-label it as "free software" rather than as "open source".</p>
-<p>Savannah is part of the GNU Project, developer of the free software
-operating system GNU. The GNU/Linux system (GNU with Linux as the
-kernel) runs Savannah now. While using our hosting services, please
-acknowledge our work by referring to this system as "GNU/Linux", not
-just "Linux", when you mention it in connection with this package.</p>
-<p>If you'd like to help correct other confusions, you can find some
-suggestions at <a
-<h3>Project naming</h3>
-<p>Project identifiers should be reasonably descriptive, rather than
-terse abbreviations or confusingly general. If we believe this to be an
-issue, we will discuss it with you.</p>
-<h3>Free software licenses</h3>
-<p>You will be presented with a choice of free software licenses for
-your project. For hosting on Savannah, you must use one of these
-licenses, which give the freedom to anyone to use, study, copy, and
-distribute the source code and distribute modified versions of it, and
-which are compatible with the GNU GPL. We recommend GPLv3-or-later; in
-any case, we require the “or any later version” formulation
-for the GNU GPL, GNU AGPL, and GNU LGPL. You will remain the copyright
-holder of whatever you create for your project.</p>
-<p>For manuals, we recommend GNU FDL version X-or-later, where X is the
-latest released version of the <a
-href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html">FDL</a>; other
-licensing compatible with that is acceptable.</p>
-<p>Proper license notices should be applied to, at least, each source
-(non-derived) file in your project. For example, for the GPL, see the
-page on <a href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html">how to use
-GNU licenses</a>. In the case of binary source files, such as images,
-it is ok for the license to be stated in a companion <tt>README</tt> or
-similar file. It is desirable for derived files to also include license
-notices. A copy of the full text of all applicable licenses should also
-be included in the project.</p>
-<p>If you need to use another license that is not listed, let us know
-and we, or most likely the FSF licensing group, will review these
-requests on a case-by-case basis. Software licenses must be
Index: gnu-content/register/projecttype_short.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/register/projecttype_short.txt
diff -N gnu-content/register/projecttype_short.txt
--- gnu-content/register/projecttype_short.txt 28 Aug 2005 16:00:01 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Now choose the project type. If you want this package to become part of the
-GNU project, choose GNU as the project type (make sure you read the
-explanation above).
-If you do not want to apply for inclusion in the GNU project, choose non-GNU.
-If you already received a message from Richard Stallman stating that your
-project is part of GNU, choose GNU as the type and please enter a comment
-about it in the final registration step.
-If your project is dedicated to www.gnu.org webmastering, choose www.gnu.org
-as the project type.
- // Default Project Type
- // This value, really, should be set !
- // Type 'name' is expected, and not 'type_id'
- $default_group_type_value="non-GNU";
Index: gnu-content/register/projecttype_long.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/register/projecttype_long.txt
diff -N gnu-content/register/projecttype_long.txt
--- gnu-content/register/projecttype_long.txt 28 Aug 2005 16:00:01 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-You should now specify whether your project is already part of the
-GNU project or not. A program is considered part of the GNU project only
-if it has been approved by the coordinator of the GNU project
-(Richard M. Stallman).
-That approval is accompanied by an e-mail message stating that
-you have become an official GNU maintainer.
-The source repository and web pages for a GNU package are not hosted
-in Savannah but in ftp.gnu.org and www.gnu.org. However, the webpages
-CVS repository is in Savannah (administrators of GNU projects can also
-choose to use other FTP and HTTP servers outside the gnu.org domain).
-Developers of GNU packages must agree to some rules and coding standards.
-If you are considering to request the GNU project to include your software,
-read carefully <a
-href="http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain_toc.html" target="_blank">Information
-for Maintainers of GNU Software</a> and the <a
-href="http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards_toc.html" target="_blank">GNU Coding
-<p>If you want your package to <i>become</i> part of the GNU project,
-this is a separate process. You do not need a Savannah account for
-this. You need to contact the GNU Evaluation team; for this please
-check http://www.gnu.org/help/evaluation.html . If you want a Savannah
-account before to get part of the GNU project, then select the non-GNU
-project type instead. If your project gets approved by GNU, we will
-later move it to the GNU area.</p>
-Assigning copyright of your program to the FSF is a separated issue; it does
-not make your program automatically part of the GNU project. And GNU
-maintainers are not obliged to assign copyright of their programs to the FSF
-either. Transferring copyright to the FSF serves a legal purpose: to allow the
-FSF to defend you in court should someone violate your program's license.
-Assigning copyright to the FSF requires signing a copyright transfer form
-that can be obtained from the FSF.
Index: gnu-content/register/requirements.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/register/requirements.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/register/requirements.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/register/requirements.fr_FR.UTF-8 26 Nov 2006 22:14:11
-0000 1.5
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-<p>Note: les conditions officielles sont en anglais ci-après; une
-traduction française suivra ici.</p>
-<p>Ãcrivez la description de votre projet, ainsi que tout autre texte,
-<strong>en anglais</strong>. L'équipe de Savannah de vous comprendra
-pas sans cela.</p>
-<!-- Old translation:
-Veuillez lire attentivement ces conditions d'utilisation. Si vous ne parvenez
-pas à satisfaire toutes ces conditions, votre projet pourra être rejeté, ou
-vous ne fournissez pas suffisamment d'informations pour déterminer si oui ou
non votre
-projet respecte ces conditions, nous pourrons être amenés à vous demander de
-réenregistrer votre projet avec plus de détails.
-<h3>Utilisation d'un Compte Projet</h3>
-L'espace qui vous est alloué sur ce serveur l'est dans le but exprimé
-de faire avancer un Logiciel Libre qui peut fonctionner sur un Système
-Libre, de documenter un tel logiciel ou de créer un tutoriel Libre.
-Utiliser cet espace pour stocker ou faire la promotion de logiciels non-libres
-est considéré comme nocif aux Logiciels Libres. Pour plus d'informations,
-lisez la<a href=http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html target="_blank">
-Philosophie du Projet GNU</a>.
-<h3>Aucune dépendance envers un logiciel non-libre</h3>
-Même si votre pojet est un Logiciel Libre, si vous voulez l'héberger ici,
-vous devez accepter de le maintenir indépendant vis-à -vis de n'importe quel
-logiciel non-libre. Le programme ne doit pas faire référence à un logiciel
-non-libre, et, en particulier, il ne doit pas installer ou télécharger
-automatiquement un logiciel non-libre.
-Il doit également fonctionner sur un système d'exploitation libre, comme
-GNU/Linux par exemple. Nous avons adopté cette politique car il existe
-des systèmes d'exploitation complètement libres, et nous ne voulons pas
-encourager les utilisateurs de tels systèmes à utiliser des systèmes
-d'exploitation propriétaires.
-Si vous êtes disposés à maintenir une version pour les systèmes
-libres qui fonctionnent au moins aussi bien que les autres portages, vous
-pouvez fournir des versions pour les systèmes non-libres si vous le désirez.
-L'idée est de ne pas désavantager les utilisateurs de systèmes libres
-par rapport aux utilisateurs de logiciels propriétaires. Votre projet doit
-fonctionner sur un système Libre aussi bien que toutes les autres versions
que vous
-fournissez. Si vous avez des modules pour des systèmes non-libre, vous pouvez
-différer leur mise à disposition tant que vous n'avez pas diffusé la version
-destinée aux systèmes d'exploitation libres.
-Vous ne devez pas placer de publicités lucratives sur un site
-hébergé ici. Mais il n'est pas défendu de diriger les gens vers un support
-commercial pour votre Logiciel Libre.
-<h3>Pas de fichiers GIF</h3>
-Vous ne devez pas placer de fichiers GIF sur un site hébergé ici. Pour plus
-d'informations, lisez <a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/gif.html"
-Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas d'images GIF sur les pages Web GNU</a>.
-<h3>Logiciels Libres/Droits sur le Code</h3>
-Vous allez être amené à choisir une Licence Libre pour votre projet.
-Vous serez toujours le propriétaire du contenu de votre projet.
-Néanmoins, toutes ces licences donnent le droit à quiconque d'utiliser,
-copier, étudier le code source et de modifier le programme qu'il contient.
-Si vous souhaitez utiliser une autre licence qui n'est pas listée ici,
-faites nous le savoir et nous étudierons ces requêtes au cas-par-cas.
-Notre intention est de fournir un endroit permanent pour toutes les versions
de votre
-projet. Nous nous réservons tout de même le droit de mettre un terme Ã
votre projet
-si cela est justifié.
Index: gnu-content/register/confirmation.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/register/confirmation.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/register/confirmation.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/register/confirmation.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29
-0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 6 Confirmation -->
-<!-- $Id: confirmation.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN
-<h2>Enregistrement terminé !</h2>
-Votre projet a été soumis, et est en attente d'examen par un administrateur
-<?php print $GLOBALS['sys_name']; ?>.
-Vous recevrez rapidement un courriel à propos de l'approbation de votre
-ou des modifications à y apporter avant qu'il ne soit approuvé.
-<!-- $Id: confirmation.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ END
Index: gnu-content/register/basicinfo_description.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/register/basicinfo_description.txt
diff -N gnu-content/register/basicinfo_description.txt
--- gnu-content/register/basicinfo_description.txt 1 Apr 2003 17:49:07
-0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Replace this paragraph by the technical description of your
-project (approximately 20 lines should be OK). Do not
-forget to include a URL to the source code, even if it
-is not a functional version (it will be easier to sort out
-licensing problems now, rather than having your project
-rejected later on). If you do not have any code
-to show yet, then say that explicitly.
Index: gnu-content/register/basicinfo_description.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/register/basicinfo_description.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/register/basicinfo_description.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/register/basicinfo_description.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005
10:22:29 -0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Remplacez ce paragraphe par une descriprion technique de votre projet
-(environ 20 lignes semble approprié). N'oubliez pas d'inclure une URL
-pointant vers le code source, même si ce n'est pas une version fonctionnelle
-(celà sera plus simple de faire éventuellement apparaître des problèmes de
-maintenant, plutôt que de voir votre projet rejeté plus tard).
-Si vous n'avez pas de code à montrer maintenant, dites-le explicitement.
Index: gnu-content/register/basicinfo_comments.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/register/basicinfo_comments.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/register/basicinfo_comments.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/register/basicinfo_comments.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29
-0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 2 additional comments -->
-<!-- $Id: basicinfo_comments.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $
-Vous pouvez entrer ici n'importe quel commentaire supplémentaire.
-Par exemple, si vous avez déjà envoyé une copie de votre code source à l'un
-des administrateurs Savannah, signalez-le ici. Si votre projet a déjà été
-approuvé par la FSF ou un coordinateur du projet GNU, précisez le ici.
-<!-- $Id: basicinfo_comments.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $
END -->
Index: gnu-content/register/projecttype_short.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/register/projecttype_short.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/register/projecttype_short.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/register/projecttype_short.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29
-0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 5 reminder -->
-<!-- $Id: projecttype_short.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $
-Maintenant, choisissez le type de projet. Si vous voulez que ce projet
devienne part
-intégrante du projet GNU, choisissez GNU comme type de projet (lisez les
explications ci-dessus).
-Si vous ne voulez pas que votre projet soit inclus dans le projet GNU,
choisissez non-GNU.
-Si vous avez déjà reçu un message de la part de Richard Stallman à propos
-l'inclusion de votre projet dans GNU, choisissez GNU comme type de projet et
-entrez un commentaire à ce propos dans l'étape finale d'enregistrement.
-Si votre projet est destiné à être hébergé par www.gnu.org, choisissez
-comme type de projet.
- // Default Project Type
- // This value, really, should be set !
- // Type 'name' is expected, and not 'type_id'
- $default_group_type_value="non-GNU";
-<!-- $Id: projecttype_short.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $
END -->
Index: gnu-content/register/basicinfo_software.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/register/basicinfo_software.txt
diff -N gnu-content/register/basicinfo_software.txt
--- gnu-content/register/basicinfo_software.txt 23 Aug 2007 21:45:13 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 2 required software-->
-<!-- $Id: basicinfo_software.txt,v 1.4 2007/08/23 21:45:13 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN
-Please list here any libraries and external programs in which your program
-depends (or will depend) and which are not normally found in a minimum Free
-Operating system.
-<p>If you project includes Java classes, please make sure that they
-can be run in one of the available Free Java environments (see <a
-and <a
-And explain that in this registration form. (OpenJDK is not completely
-<!-- $Id: basicinfo_software.txt,v 1.4 2007/08/23 21:45:13 Beuc Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/register/basicinfo_software.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/register/basicinfo_software.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/register/basicinfo_software.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/register/basicinfo_software.fr_FR.UTF-8 23 Aug 2007 21:45:13
-0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 2 required software-->
-<!-- $Id: basicinfo_software.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.2 2007/08/23 21:45:13 Beuc Exp $
-Veuillez lister ici toutes les librairies ou programmes externes sur lesquels
votre projet dépend (ou dépendra)
-et qui ne sont pas normalement présents sur un Système d'Exploitation Libre
-<p>Si votre projet comporte des classes Java, assurez-vous qu'elles
-puissent être interprétées avec un environnement Java Libre (voir <a
-et <a
-Si c'est le cas, signalez-le clairement dans le formulaire
-d'enregistrement. (OpenJDK n'est pas complètement libre).</p>
-<!-- $Id: basicinfo_software.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.2 2007/08/23 21:45:13 Beuc Exp $
END -->
Index: gnu-content/register/index.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/register/index.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/register/index.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/register/index.fr_FR.UTF-8 7 Aug 2005 21:54:06 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 0 -->
-Vous pouvez héberger votre projet sur Savannah s'il répond aux critères
-de l'un de ces 4 groupes :
-<p><strong>Important</strong>: lisez
-Project - How to get it approved quickly</a>
-<br />Ce document contient des conseils pour rendre votre logiciel
-compatible avec nos politiques d'hébergement, accélérant
-considérablement le processus de soumission de projet.</p>
-<dt><strong>Projet Logiciel</strong></dt>
-Un projet Logiciel Libre qui peut tourner sur un système d'exploitation
-complètement libre, sans avoir de dépendances non-libres. Vous pouvez
-fournir une version pour des systèmes d'exploitation non-libres si et
-seulement si vous fournissez également une version capable de fonctionner
-avec un système d'exploitation libre, avec au moins les mêmes
-Les distributions massives de logiciels ne sont pas autorisées : elles doivent
-être séparées en plusieurs projets.
-<dt><strong>Projets de Documentation Libre</strong></dt>
-Documentation pour des Logiciels Libres, distribuée sous la licence
-FDL (Free Documentation Licence).
-<dt><strong>Free Educational Textbook Projects</strong></dt>
-<dd>Projects aimed to create educational textbooks, released under a Free
-Documentation License.</dd>
-<dt><strong>Projets FSF/GNU</strong></dt>
-<dd>Projets internes à la FSF, et projets qui ont été approuvés par
-le coordinateur du projet GNU, Richard Stallman.</dd>
-Dans les 5 étapes d'enregistrement qui vont suivre, vous devrez décrire votre
-projet, et choisir une Licence Libre pour ce dernier. Votre projet ne doit pas
-obligatoirement être distribué sous licence GPL ou faire partie du projet GNU
-pour être hébergé ici, mais si toutefois vous désirez ultérieurement que
-votre projet devienne partie intégrante du projet GNU, vous pouvez le demander
-plus loin dans la procédure d'enregistrement.
-Afin de préserver la compatibilité parmi les projets Savannah, nous acceptons
-uniquement les Licences Libres compatibes avec la GPL. La liste des licences
-compatibles avec la GPL couvre la majeure partie des licences les plus
-Si vous n'êtes pas familier avec cette liste, prenez le temps de lire
-Licences du Logiciel Libre compatibles GPL</a>.
-Gardez à l'esprit que votre projet n'est pas accepté automatiquement une fois
-que vous avez rempli le formulaire d'enregistrement, mais qu'il doit être
-évalué par les administrateurs de Savannah. Ce processus peut prendre d'une
-Ã une semaine, en fonction du nombre de projets en attente.
-Afin de faciliter le traitement du nombre important des projets que nous
-à chaque fois que nous vous demandons un complément d'information sur ce que
nous jugeons
-manquant dans votre enregistrement, ou que nous vous demandons d'effectuer des
-votre enregistrement sera enlevé et vous devrez réenregistrer votre projet
une fois les
-modifications effectuées. Ceci ne veut pas dire que nous sommes réticents
-à l'hébergement de votre projet, car il est très courant que des projets
soient soumis
-plusieurs fois avant d'être définitivement approuvés, alors soyez prêt Ã
quelques refus...
-<!-- $Id: index.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.2 2005/08/07 21:54:06 Beuc Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/register/projectname_test.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/register/projectname_test.txt
diff -N gnu-content/register/projectname_test.txt
--- gnu-content/register/projectname_test.txt 7 Jan 2003 11:27:27 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Savannah - Project registration STEP 3 Project name Test
-// Here, you can test the project name as you want. If ok,
-// user must be redirected to the next step, if not, user should
-// change the project's name
-// BEWARE, this file content must be PHP, with no syntax errors.
-// Do not modify it unless you really know what you're doing.
-// $Id: projectname_test.txt,v 1.3 2003/01/07 11:27:27 villate Exp $ BEGIN
-// On savannah.gnu.org, we want encourage people to choose "free"
-// instead of "open".
-// this appears as a function - it's easier to include it
-// without trouble with $vars
-function projectname_do_the_test ($test_on_name, $form_unix_name,
$form_full_name) {
- // we test only if is hasnt been already done
- if ($test_on_name != "1") {
- $search="open";
- // we test if $search is in unix_name
- if (preg_match("/$search/i", $form_unix_name)) {
- $need_to_print_warning = "1";
- }
- // we test if $search is in group_name
- if (preg_match("/$search/i", $form_full_name)) {
- $need_to_print_warning = "1";
- }
- }
- if ($need_to_print_warning != "1") {
- $need_to_print_warning = "0";
- }
- return $need_to_print_warning;
-// we define here the error message
-function projectname_test_error_message() {
- return 'Our aim is to host Free Software projects, and we want to
- the public to think of them as Free Software projects. A project
- name that says "open" is likely to encourage people to think of
- the project as "Open Source" instead of "Free Software". Would
- you please choose a project name with "free" instead of "open"?
- If you think in this case the use of "open" in the name will not
- create that confusion, please add a comment about it in your registration
- - you can do this at the final confirmation step.<br>
- To proceed, you can either choose a different name or remember to
- add a comment later on.';
-// $Id: projectname_test.txt,v 1.3 2003/01/07 11:27:27 villate Exp $ END
Index: gnu-content/register/projectname.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/register/projectname.txt
diff -N gnu-content/register/projectname.txt
--- gnu-content/register/projectname.txt 7 Jan 2003 11:27:27 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 2 additional comments -->
-<!-- $Id: projectname.txt,v 1.1 2003/01/07 11:27:27 villate Exp $ BEGIN -->
-You now have to choose a name for your project.
-There are two types of names that will be associated with this project.
-The "Full Name" is descriptive, not too restrictive (except from
-a 40 character limit) and you can change it later on. The "System Name"
-can only be changed by the Savannah administrators and
-has several restrictions because it is used in many places around the
-filesystem in Savannah ("system" refers to the fact that it will identify
-areas of your project in the filesystem, and not to the operating system
-your project uses).
-The restrictions for the system name are:
-<li>It cannot match the system name of any other project</li>
-<li>It must be between 2 and 12 characters in length</li>
-<li>It can only contain text characters, numbers, and dashes
-(no + signs)</li>
-<li>It must be a valid GNU/Linux username</li>
-<li>It cannot match one of our reserved domains</li>
-<li>To avoid confusion, it cannot include "gnu" in it, unless your
-project is already part of the GNU project</li>
-Your system name is important because it will be used for
-many things, including:
-<li>Directory names</li>
-<li>CVS repository name</li>
-<li>Group names</li>
-<li>Project searches throughout the site</li>
-<!-- $Id: projectname.txt,v 1.1 2003/01/07 11:27:27 villate Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/register/projectname.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/register/projectname.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/register/projectname.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/register/projectname.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29
-0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 2 additional comments -->
-<!-- $Id: projectname.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ BEGIN
-Vous devez maintenant choisir un nom pour votre projet.
-Il y a deux types de noms qui seront associés au projet.
-Le "Nom Complet" est descriptif, peu restrictif (limité à 40 caractères)
-et vous pouvez le modifier plus tard. Le "Nom Système" peut uniquement être
-changé par les administrateurs savannah et a plusieurs rectrictions car
-il est utilisé à plusieurs endroits dans le système de fichiers de Savannah
-("système" réfère au fait qu'il va identifier les zones de votre projet
-dans le système de fichiers, et non pas au système d'exploitation visé par
-votre projet).
-Les restrictions pour le nom système sont :
-<li>Il ne peut être identique à celui d'un autre projet sur Savannah</li>
-<li>Il doit faire entre 2 et 12 caractères de longueur</li>
-<li>Il ne peut contenir que du texte, des nombres ou des tirets (pas de signe
-<li>Il doit constituer un nom d'utilisateur GNU/Linux correct</li>
-<li>Il ne peut pas être identique à l'un de nos répertoires réservés</li>
-<li>Pour éviter toute confusion, il ne peut contenir la chaîne "gnu", Ã
-moins que votre projet ne fasse déjà partie du projet GNU</li>
-Votre nom système est important, car il sera utilisé utilisé pour
-plusieurs choses :
-<li>Noms de répertoires</li>
-<li>Nom du dépôt CVS</li>
-<li>Nom de groupe</li>
-<li>Recherche de projets à travers le site</li>
-<!-- $Id: projectname.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/register/confirmation_mail.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/register/confirmation_mail.txt
diff -N gnu-content/register/confirmation_mail.txt
--- gnu-content/register/confirmation_mail.txt 7 Jan 2003 11:27:27 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-// Savannah - Project registration STEP 6 Confirmation mail
-// Here, you can configure the mail sent to user and admins.
-// BEWARE, this file's content must be PHP, with no syntax errors.
-// Do not modify it until you really know what you're doing.
-// $Id: confirmation_mail.txt,v 1.3 2003/01/07 11:27:27 villate Exp $ BEGIN
-// we include this as function, it's easier to work with vars
-// in this way
-function confirmation_gen_email ($type_base_host, $user_realname, $user_email,
$type_admin_email_address, $form_license, $form_license_other, $form_full_name,
$unix_name, $type, $form_purpose, $form_required_sw, $form_comments) {
- $message = "\n" .
- "A package was submitted to $type_base_host\n" .
- "This mail was sent to $user_email, $type_admin_email_address\n".
- "\n".
- "\n".
- "$user_realname <$user_email> described the package as follows:\n".
- "License: $form_license\n".
- "Other License: $form_license_other\n".
- "Package: $form_full_name\n".
- "System name: $unix_name\n".
- "Type: $type\n".
- "\nDescription:\n".
- "$form_purpose\n".
- "\nOther Software Required:\n".
- "$form_required_sw\n".
- "\nOther Comments:\n".
- "$form_comments\n";
- return $message;
-// $Id: confirmation_mail.txt,v 1.3 2003/01/07 11:27:27 villate Exp $ END
Index: gnu-content/register/projectname_test.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/register/projectname_test.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/register/projectname_test.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/register/projectname_test.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29
-0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Savannah - Project registration STEP 3 Project name Test
-// Here, you can test the project name as you want. If ok,
-// user must be redirected to the next step, if not, user should
-// change the project's name
-// BEWARE, this file content must be PHP, with no syntax errors.
-// Do not modify it unless you really know what you're doing.
-// $Id: projectname_test.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $
-// On savannah.gnu.org, we want encourage people to choose "free"
-// instead of "open".
-// this appears as a function - it's easier to include it
-// without trouble with $vars
-function projectname_do_the_test ($test_on_name, $form_unix_name,
$form_full_name) {
- // we test only if is hasnt been already done
- if ($test_on_name != "1") {
- $search="open";
- // we test if $search is in unix_name
- if (preg_match("/$search/i", $form_unix_name)) {
- $need_to_print_warning = "1";
- }
- // we test if $search is in group_name
- if (preg_match("/$search/i", $form_full_name)) {
- $need_to_print_warning = "1";
- }
- }
- if ($need_to_print_warning != "1") {
- $need_to_print_warning = "0";
- }
- return $need_to_print_warning;
-// we define here the error message
-function projectname_test_error_message() {
- return 'Notre but est d'héberger des projets de Logiciels Libres, et
- voulons encourager le public à les voir comme des projets de Logiciel Libre.
Un nom
- de projet qui laisse entendre "ouvert" encourage plutôt les gens à voir le
- comme "Open Source" et non pas comme "Logiciel Libre". Voudriez-vous s'il
vous plaît
- choisir un nom de projet avec "free" au lieu de "open" ?
- Si vous pensez que dans ce cas l'utilisation de "open" ne va pas porter Ã
- ajoutez un commentaire à ce sujet dans votre enregistrement. Vous pouvez le
faire dans
- l'étape finale de confirmation.<br>
- Pour ce faire, vous pouvez soit choisir un nom différent ou ajouter un
- Ã ce propos par la suite.';
-// $Id: projectname_test.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ END
Index: gnu-content/register/basicinfo_comments.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/register/basicinfo_comments.txt
diff -N gnu-content/register/basicinfo_comments.txt
--- gnu-content/register/basicinfo_comments.txt 7 Jan 2003 11:27:27 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 2 additional comments -->
-<!-- $Id: basicinfo_comments.txt,v 1.1 2003/01/07 11:27:27 villate Exp $ BEGIN
-You may enter here any additional comments. For instance, if you have
-already e-mailed a copy of the source code to one of the Savannah
-administrators, say it here. If your project has already been approved
-by the FSF or coordinator of the GNU project, give details here.
-<!-- $Id: basicinfo_comments.txt,v 1.1 2003/01/07 11:27:27 villate Exp $ END
Index: gnu-content/register/confirmation_mail.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/register/confirmation_mail.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/register/confirmation_mail.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/register/confirmation_mail.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug 2005 10:22:29
-0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-// Savannah - Project registration STEP 6 Confirmation mail
-// Here, you can configure the mail sent to user and admins.
-// BEWARE, this file's content must be PHP, with no syntax errors.
-// Do not modify it until you really know what you're doing.
-// $Id: confirmation_mail.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $
-// we include this as function, it's easier to work with vars
-// in this way
-function confirmation_gen_email ($type_base_host, $user_realname, $user_email,
$type_admin_email_address, $form_license, $form_license_other, $form_full_name,
$unix_name, $type, $form_purpose, $form_required_sw, $form_comments) {
- $message = "\n" .
- "Un projet a été soumis à $type_base_host\n" .
- "Ce courriel a été envoyé à $user_email, $type_admin_email_address\n".
- "\n".
- "\n".
- "$user_realname <$user_email> a décrit le projet comme suit :\n".
- "Licence: $form_license\n".
- "Autre Licence: $form_license_other\n".
- "Paquet: $form_full_name\n".
- "Nom système: $unix_name\n".
- "Type: $type\n".
- "\nDescription:\n".
- "$form_purpose\n".
- "\nDépendances logicielles:\n".
- "$form_required_sw\n".
- "\nAutres Commentaires:\n".
- "$form_comments\n";
- return $message;
-// $Id: confirmation_mail.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.1 2005/08/06 10:22:29 Beuc Exp $ END
Index: gnu-content/register/projecttype_long.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/register/projecttype_long.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/register/projecttype_long.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/register/projecttype_long.fr_FR.UTF-8 28 Aug 2005 16:00:01
-0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Vous devez maintenant spécifier si votre projet fait déjà partie du projet
-GNU ou non. Un programme est considéré comme faisant partie du projet GNU
-si et seulement s'il a été approuvé par le coordinateur du projet GNU
(Richard M. Stallman).
-Cette approbation est accompagnée d'un courriel confirmant votre
-nomination au titre de défenseur GNU officiel.
-Le dépôt CVS des sources et des pages web pour un projet GNU n'est pas
hébergé par
-Savannah, mais par ftp.gnu.org et www.gnu.org. Néanmoins, les pages Web du
dépôt CVS
-est dans Savannah (les administrateurs de projets GNU peuvent également
-d'utiliser d'autres serveur FTP ou HTTP en dehors du domaine gnu.org).
-Les développeurs de projets GNU doivent accepter quelques règles et
standards de programmation.
-Si vous êtes sur le point de demander au projet GNU d'inclure votre programme,
-lisez attentivement <a href="http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain_toc.html"
-pour les administrateurs de projets GNU</a> ainsi que <a
-href="http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards_toc.html" target="_blank">Standards de
code GNU</a>.
-<p>Si vous voulez que votre projet <i>devienne</i> part intégrante du
-projet GNU, il s'agit d'un processus séparé. Vous n'avez pas besoin
-d'un compte Savannah pour cela. Vous devez contacter l'équipe
-d'Ãvaluation GNU; pour cela référez vous Ã
-http://www.gnu.org/help/evaluation.html . Si vous voulez un compte
-Savannah avant de faire partie du projet GNU, alors sélectionner le
-type de projet non-GNU. Si votre projet est approuvé par GNU, nous le
-déplacerons ensuite dans la zone GNU. Si vous ne spécifiez pas d'URL
-pour le code source dans la description de votre projet, nous
-n'enverrons pas la requête et vous devrez demander vous-même au projet
-GNU d'évaluer votre programme (dans ce cas, n'entrez pas GNU dans le
-type de projet SVP).</p>
-Assigner le copyright de votre programme à la FSF est une autre chose. Cela ne
-fait pas automatiquement de votre programme un programme GNU. Et les
-GNU ne sont pas obligés d'assigner un copyright sur leurs programmes à la
FSF non plus.
-Transférer un copyright à la FSF ne sert que dans un bute légal : permettre
à la FSF
-de vous défendre si quelqu'un vient à violer la licence de votre programme.
-Assigner un copyright à la FSF requiert la signature d'un formulaire de
transfert de copyright,
-formulaire disponible à la FSF.
Index: gnu-content/register/license.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/register/license.txt
diff -N gnu-content/register/license.txt
--- gnu-content/register/license.txt 21 Jun 2003 12:46:50 -0000 1.4
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 4 -->
-<!-- $Id: license.txt,v 1.4 2003/06/21 12:46:50 yeupou Exp $ BEGIN -->
-Choosing a license is a serious decision and you should have already spent
-some time deciding what license to use, before registering this project
-(if you haven't, take a look at: <a
- target="_blank">GPL-Compatible, Free Software Licenses</a>). If
-you have several components with different compatible licenses, the license of
-the overall project should be the most restrictive among them.
-In order to make sure your Free Software is legally protected, <strong>you
-should write copyright notices and copying permission statements at the
-beginning of every single source code file</strong> and include a copy of the
-complete license, instead of simply giving a URL to it. If
-your software is released under the GNU GPL license, read the section <a
-href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC4" target="_blank">How to Apply
-These Terms to Your Program</a>.
-For many legal reasons, you may not change the license of a project unless
-all authors agree to do so. And even in that case, versions already released
-under Free Software licenses will continue to apply to those versions.
-If you feel that you have a special case and legal capability to change the
-license of an existing package, we will work with you on a case-by-case basis.
-If you are a webmaster of a part of the
-www.gnu.org website and this project is intended to create the CVS repository
-for that part, please select "website-only" from the licenses list below.
-Check that the directory you are working on is not already associated with any
-<a href="http://www.gnu.org/server/standards/www2savannah.html"
-target="_blank">existing Savannah projects</a>.
-<!-- $Id: license.txt,v 1.4 2003/06/21 12:46:50 yeupou Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/register/confirmation.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/register/confirmation.txt
diff -N gnu-content/register/confirmation.txt
--- gnu-content/register/confirmation.txt 30 Jun 2003 09:42:32 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration STEP 6 Confirmation -->
-<!-- $Id: confirmation.txt,v 1.3 2003/06/30 09:42:32 babar Exp $ BEGIN -->
-<h2>Registration Complete!</h2>
-<p>Your project has been submitted and is waiting to be reviewed by a
-<?php print $GLOBALS['sys_name']; ?>
-administrator. You will shortly receive a mail message telling you whether
-your project has been approved, or you have to do some changes before it is
-<!-- $Id: confirmation.txt,v 1.3 2003/06/30 09:42:32 babar Exp $ END -->
Index: gnu-content/cvs/index.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/cvs/index.txt
diff -N gnu-content/cvs/index.txt
--- gnu-content/cvs/index.txt 3 Mar 2017 22:10:34 -0000 1.17
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-<h3>Anonymous CVS Access</h3>
-This project's CVS repository can be checked out through anonymous
-CVS with the following instruction set. The module you wish
-to check out must be specified as the <I>modulename</I>.
-global $project;
-if ($project->Uses("cvs")) {
- print "<h4>Software repository:</h4>\n";
- print "<pre>cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs."
- . $project->getTypeBaseHost()
- . ":" . $project->getTypeDir('cvs')
- . " co "
- . $project->getUnixName()
- . "</pre>\n";
- print "<h5>With other project modules:</h5>\n";
- print "<pre>cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs."
- . $project->getTypeBaseHost()
- . ":"
- . $project->getTypeDir('cvs')
- . " co <<em>modulename</em>></pre>\n";
-if ($project->CanUse("homepage") || $project->UsesForHomepage("cvs")) {
- print "<h4>Webpages repository:</h4>\n";
- print "<pre>cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs."
- . $project->getTypeBaseHost()
- . ":"
- . $project->getTypeDir('homepage')
- . " co "
- . $project->getUnixName()
- . "</pre>\n";
-<p><em>Hint:</em>When you update your working copy from within the
-module's directory (with <em>cvs update</em>) you do not need the -d
-option anymore. Simply use:
-cvs update
-cvs -qn update
-to preview and status check.
-<h3>Project Member CVS Access via SSH </h3>
-<p>Member access is performed using the CVS over SSH method. The
-pserver method can only be used for anonymous access.</p>
-The SSHv2 public key fingerprints for the machine hosting the cvs
-trees are:
-RSA: 1024 80:5a:b0:0c:ec:93:66:29:49:7e:04:2b:fd:ba:2c:d5
-DSA: 1024 4d:c8:dc:9a:99:96:ae:cc:ce:d3:2b:b0:a3:a4:95:a5
-global $project;
-$username = user_getname();
-if ($username == "NA") {
- // for anonymous user:
- $username = '<<em>membername</em>>';
-if ($project->Uses("cvs")) {
- print "<h4>Software repository:</h4>\n";
- print "<pre>cvs -z3 -d:ext:"
- . $username
- . "@cvs."
- . $project->getTypeBaseHost()
- . ":"
- . $project->getTypeDir("cvs")
- . " co "
- . $project->getUnixName()
- . "</pre></p>\n";
- print "<h5>With other project modules:</h5>\n";
- print "<pre>cvs -z3 -d:ext:"
- . $username
- . "@cvs."
- . $project->getTypeBaseHost()
- . ":"
- . $project->getTypeDir("cvs")
- . " co <<em>modulename</em>></pre></p>\n";
-if ($project->CanUse("homepage") || $project->UsesForHomepage("cvs")) {
- print "<h4>Webpages repository:</h4>\n";
- print "<pre>cvs -z3 -d:ext:"
- . $username
- . "@cvs."
- . $project->getTypeBaseHost()
- . ":"
- . ereg_replace('/$', "", $project->getTypeDir("homepage"))
- . " co "
- . $project->getUnixName()
- . "</pre></p>\n";
-<h3>CVS Newbies</h3>
-<p>If you've never used CVS, you should read some documentation about
-it; a useful URL is <a
-CVS is not complex but you have to understand what is going on. The
-best way to start is to ask a friend to show you the way.</p>
-The basic information described further on this page is detailed in
-<a href="<?php print
$GLOBALS['sys_home'].'faq/?group='.$GLOBALS['sys_unix_group_name']; ?>">
-the savannah user doc</a>.
- if ($project->CanUse("cvs")) {
- print '<h3>What are CVS modules?</h3>';
- print '<p>The CVS repository of each project is divided into
modules which you can download separately. ';
- print 'The list of existing modules for this project can be
obtained by looking at <a href="'. $project->getTypeUrl("cvs_viewcvs").'">the
root of the CVS repository</a>; ';
- print 'each <strong>File</strong> listed there is the name of a
module, which can substitute the generic <<em>modulename</em>> used below
in the examples of the <em>co</em> command of CVS.';
- print 'Note that <strong>.</strong> (dot) is always also a
valid module name which stands for "all available modules" in a project. ';
- print 'Most projects have a module with the same name of the
project, where the main software development takes place.</p>';
- }
- print '<p>The same applies to the Webpages Repository.</p>';
-<h3>Import your CVS tree</h3>
-<p>If your project already has an existing CVS repository that you
-want to move to Savannah, make an appointment with us for the
-<h3>Symbolic Links in HTML CVS</h3>
-<p>As a special feature in CVS web repositories (only), a file named
-<tt>.symlinks</tt> can be put in any directory where you want to make
-symbolic links. Each line of the file lists a real file name followed by
-the name of the symbolic link. The symbolic links are built once a
-day. <a
-global $project;
-if ($project->getTypeBaseHost() == "savannah.gnu.org") {
- print '<h3>Web pages for GNU packages</h3>';
- print '<p>When writing web pages for official GNU packages,'."\n";
- print 'please keep the ';
- print '<a href="http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/maintain.html#Web-Pages">';
- print 'guidelines</a> in mind.</p>'."\n";
Index: gnu-content/hg/index.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/hg/index.txt
diff -N gnu-content/hg/index.txt
--- gnu-content/hg/index.txt 29 May 2008 21:13:23 -0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $project; ?>
-<h4>Anonymous checkout:</h4>
-<pre>hg clone http://hg.<?php echo $project->getTypeBaseHost() . '/hgweb'
.preg_replace(':/srv/hg:', '', $project->getTypeDir('hg')); ?></pre>
-<h4>More information</h4>
Index: gnu-content/faq/Download_Area_-_How_do_I_add_files.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Download_Area_-_How_do_I_add_files.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Download_Area_-_How_do_I_add_files.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Download_Area_-_How_do_I_add_files.txt 25 Nov 2006
10:48:06 -0000 1.4
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/DownloadArea
Index: gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_to_do_anonymous_access.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_to_do_anonymous_access.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_to_do_anonymous_access.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_to_do_anonymous_access.txt 17 Mar 2007
20:22:59 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/CvsAnonymous
RCS file:
diff -N
25 Nov 2006 10:48:06 -0000 1.8
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/CvsFromBehindFirewall
Index: gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_How_do_I_configure_my_SSH_access.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_How_do_I_configure_my_SSH_access.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_How_do_I_configure_my_SSH_access.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_How_do_I_configure_my_SSH_access.txt 18 Mar
2007 13:38:01 -0000 1.7
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/SshAccess
Index: gnu-content/faq/Project_-_How_to_get_it_approved_quickly.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Project_-_How_to_get_it_approved_quickly.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Project_-_How_to_get_it_approved_quickly.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Project_-_How_to_get_it_approved_quickly.txt 19 Mar
2007 21:21:40 -0000 1.5
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here:
Index: gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Are_there_some_delays_on_update.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Are_there_some_delays_on_update.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Are_there_some_delays_on_update.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Are_there_some_delays_on_update.txt 8 Apr
2007 16:40:32 -0000 1.5
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/SavannahUpdateDelays
Index: gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_How_to_reset_list_admin_password.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_How_to_reset_list_admin_password.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_How_to_reset_list_admin_password.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_How_to_reset_list_admin_password.txt 17 Mar 2007
21:10:46 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/MailListAdminPasswordReset
RCS file:
diff -N
8 Apr 2007 16:40:32 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/SavannahMoreInfo
Index: gnu-content/faq/Homepage_-_How_do_I_upload_my_homepage.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Homepage_-_How_do_I_upload_my_homepage.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Homepage_-_How_do_I_upload_my_homepage.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Homepage_-_How_do_I_upload_my_homepage.txt 17 Mar 2007
20:22:59 -0000 1.8
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/HomepageUpload
Index: gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Are_there_some_URL_shortcuts.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Are_there_some_URL_shortcuts.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Are_there_some_URL_shortcuts.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Are_there_some_URL_shortcuts.txt 17 Mar 2007
21:30:53 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/SavannahURLShortcuts
RCS file:
diff -N
8 Apr 2007 16:40:32 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/SavannahTLSInfo
Index: gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Hey_this_is_not_valid_HTML.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Hey_this_is_not_valid_HTML.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Hey_this_is_not_valid_HTML.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Hey_this_is_not_valid_HTML.txt 17 Mar 2007
21:30:53 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/SavannahInvalidHTML
Index: gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Lost_Mailman_password.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Lost_Mailman_password.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Lost_Mailman_password.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Lost_Mailman_password.txt 17 Mar 2007 21:10:46
-0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/MailLostMailmanPassword
RCS file:
diff -N
17 Mar 2007 20:22:59 -0000 1.3
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/CvsEmailOnCommit
RCS file:
diff -N
--- gnu-content/faq/Project_-_What_is_the_status_of_my_project_registration.txt
19 Mar 2007 21:21:40 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here:
Index: gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Why_chosing_Savannah.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Why_chosing_Savannah.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Why_chosing_Savannah.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_Why_chosing_Savannah.txt 17 Mar 2007 21:30:53
-0000 1.3
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/WhyChooseSavannah
Index: gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_Why_log_in.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_Why_log_in.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_Why_log_in.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_Why_log_in.txt 17 Mar 2007 20:22:59
-0000 1.3
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/WhyLogin
Index: gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_How_do_I_use_GPG.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_How_do_I_use_GPG.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_How_do_I_use_GPG.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_How_do_I_use_GPG.txt 18 Feb 2007 22:51:35
-0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/UsingGpg
Index: gnu-content/faq/Project_-_What_is_the_registration_process.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Project_-_What_is_the_registration_process.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Project_-_What_is_the_registration_process.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Project_-_What_is_the_registration_process.txt 19 Mar
2007 21:21:40 -0000 1.3
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here:
Index: gnu-content/faq/Project_-_Is_there_a_way_to_clean_it_all.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Project_-_Is_there_a_way_to_clean_it_all.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Project_-_Is_there_a_way_to_clean_it_all.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Project_-_Is_there_a_way_to_clean_it_all.txt 19 Mar
2007 21:21:40 -0000 1.3
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/HowDoIResetMyProject
Index: gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Why_do_I_not_receive_email_from_Savannah.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Why_do_I_not_receive_email_from_Savannah.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Why_do_I_not_receive_email_from_Savannah.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Why_do_I_not_receive_email_from_Savannah.txt 17 Mar
2007 21:10:46 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/MailWhyNoMailFromSavannah
Index: gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_Lost_password.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_Lost_password.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_Lost_password.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/User_Account_-_Lost_password.txt 18 Feb 2007 22:51:35
-0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/LostPassword
Index: gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_do_I_start_using_the_repository.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_do_I_start_using_the_repository.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_do_I_start_using_the_repository.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_do_I_start_using_the_repository.txt 26 Jan
2007 22:32:12 -0000 1.6
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/CvsGettingStarted
Index: gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Where_can_I_retreive_mailing_lists_mboxes.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Where_can_I_retreive_mailing_lists_mboxes.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Where_can_I_retreive_mailing_lists_mboxes.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Where_can_I_retreive_mailing_lists_mboxes.txt
17 Mar 2007 21:10:46 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here:
Index: gnu-content/faq/Homepage_-_Are_PHP_and_MySQL_available.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Homepage_-_Are_PHP_and_MySQL_available.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Homepage_-_Are_PHP_and_MySQL_available.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Homepage_-_Are_PHP_and_MySQL_available.txt 17 Mar 2007
20:22:59 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here:
Index: gnu-content/faq/Project_-_How_do_I_set_up_a_FAQ.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Project_-_How_do_I_set_up_a_FAQ.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Project_-_How_do_I_set_up_a_FAQ.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Project_-_How_do_I_set_up_a_FAQ.txt 19 Mar 2007 21:21:40
-0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/HowDoISetUpAProjectFAQ
Index: gnu-content/faq/Project_-_How_do_I_add_searchterms.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Project_-_How_do_I_add_searchterms.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Project_-_How_do_I_add_searchterms.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Project_-_How_do_I_add_searchterms.txt 19 Mar 2007
21:21:40 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/HowDoIAddSearchTerms
RCS file:
diff -N
8 Apr 2007 16:40:32 -0000 1.3
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here:
Index: gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_can_I_import_an_existing_repository.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_can_I_import_an_existing_repository.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_can_I_import_an_existing_repository.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_can_I_import_an_existing_repository.txt 26 Jan
2007 22:32:12 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/CvsImportExistingRepo
Index: gnu-content/faq/Project_-_What_does_it_mean_to_become_a_GNU_package.txt
RCS file:
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Project_-_What_does_it_mean_to_become_a_GNU_package.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Project_-_What_does_it_mean_to_become_a_GNU_package.txt
19 Mar 2007 21:21:40 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here:
Index: gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_How_do_I_get_help.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_How_do_I_get_help.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_How_do_I_get_help.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Savannah_-_How_do_I_get_help.txt 17 Mar 2007 21:30:53
-0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/GettingHelp
Index: gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Is_there_a_searchable_list_of_mailing_lists.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Is_there_a_searchable_list_of_mailing_lists.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Is_there_a_searchable_list_of_mailing_lists.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/Mail_-_Is_there_a_searchable_list_of_mailing_lists.txt
17 Mar 2007 21:10:46 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here:
Index: gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_can_I_import_my_project.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_can_I_import_my_project.txt
diff -N gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_can_I_import_my_project.txt
--- gnu-content/faq/CVS_-_How_can_I_import_my_project.txt 26 Jan 2007
22:32:12 -0000 1.3
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-FAQ moved here: http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/CvsImportExistingProject
Index: gnu-content/my/items.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/my/items.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/my/items.fr_FR.UTF-8
Index: gnu-content/my/request_for_inclusion.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/my/request_for_inclusion.txt
diff -N gnu-content/my/request_for_inclusion.txt
--- gnu-content/my/request_for_inclusion.txt 16 Oct 2005 15:20:47 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of the Savane project
-// <http://gna.org/projects/savane/>
-// $Id: request_for_inclusion.txt,v 1.3 2005/10/16 15:20:47 Beuc Exp $
-// Savannah - User registration reminder to group admins.
-// Here, you can configure the mail sent to group admins.
-// BEWARE, this file content must be PHP, with no parse-error.
-// Do not modify it until you really know what you're doing.
-// we include this as function, it's easier to work with vars
-// in this way
-function approval_user_gen_email ($group_name, $unix_group_name, $group_id,
$user_name, $user_full_name, $user_email, $user_message) {
- $message = '
-'.$user_full_name.' requested membership to the group '.$group_name.'
-at '.$GLOBALS['sys_name'].'
-User Details:
-Name: '.$user_full_name.'
-Login: '.$user_name.'
-Email: '.$user_email.'
-Project Details:
-Name: '.$group_name.'
-Unix Name: '.$unix_group_name.'
-Main Page: '.$GLOBALS['sys_https_url'].'/projects/'.$unix_group_name.'
-Message from user:
-You receive this email because you are registered as an administrator of this
project and the system has been configured to send emails to administrators
when new users register.
-Please login and go to the page
-and approve or discard this membership request.
- -- the '.$GLOBALS['sys_name'].' team
- ';
- return $message;
Index: gnu-content/my/groups.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/my/groups.txt
diff -N gnu-content/my/groups.txt
--- gnu-content/my/groups.txt 18 Dec 2009 19:43:39 -0000 1.3
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-To remove a project, please contact the <a
-Hackers</a> indicating the new project location - we only remove
-projects if they are available at another place - and optionally the reason
why you leave :)
Index: gnu-content/my/items.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/my/items.txt
diff -N gnu-content/my/items.txt
Index: gnu-content/project/admin/index_misc.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/project/admin/index_misc.txt
diff -N gnu-content/project/admin/index_misc.txt
--- gnu-content/project/admin/index_misc.txt 10 Nov 2007 19:57:40 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Misc add here details about special features you bring -->
-<p>You can get read-only access to your raw CVS files (the RCS
-<code>,v</code> ones) using rsync:</br>
-global $project;
-print 'rsync cvs.' . $project->getTypeBaseHost() . '::sources/' .
$GLOBALS['group'] . "/\n";
-print 'rsync cvs.' . $project->getTypeBaseHost() . '::web/' .
$GLOBALS['group'] . "/\n";
-<h4>ftp.gnu.org area</h4>
-Each GNU project has a download area at ftp.gnu.org. This area is not managed
via Savannah.
-Write to <a href="mailto:account@gnu.org">account@gnu.org</a> to get access.
Index: gnu-content/project/admin/index_misc.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/project/admin/index_misc.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/project/admin/index_misc.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/project/admin/index_misc.fr_FR.UTF-8 26 May 2008 20:13:09
-0000 1.3
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Misc add here details about special features you bring -->
-<!-- $Id: index_misc.fr_FR.UTF-8,v 1.3 2008/05/26 20:13:09 Beuc Exp $ -->
-<p>Vous avez accès en lecture seule aux fichiers CVS bruts (les
-<code>,v</code> de RCS) via rsync:</br>
-global $project;
-print 'rsync cvs.' . $project->getTypeBaseHost() . '::sources/' .
$GLOBALS['group'] . "/\n";
-print 'rsync cvs.' . $project->getTypeBaseHost() . '::web/' .
$GLOBALS['group'] . "/\n";
-<h4>Zone ftp.gnu.org</h4>
-Chaque projet GNU possède une zone de téléchargement sur ftp.gnu.org.
-Cette zone n'est pas gérée par Savannah. Ecrivez Ã
-<a href="mailto:account@gnu.org">account@gnu.org</a> pour obtenir un accès.
Index: gnu-content/arch/index.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/arch/index.txt
diff -N gnu-content/arch/index.txt
--- gnu-content/arch/index.txt 25 Feb 2011 21:17:16 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-<h3>Anonymous Arch Access</h3>
-This project's Arch repository can be accessed through http.
-<?php //'
- global $project;
- print '<pre>tla register-archive
-<h3>Project Member Arch Access</h3>
-This project's Arch repository can be accessed throgh sftp for project members.
-The SSHv2 public key fingerprints for the machine hosting the cvs
-trees are:
-RSA: 1024 80:5a:b0:0c:ec:93:66:29:49:7e:04:2b:fd:ba:2c:d5
-DSA: 1024 4d:c8:dc:9a:99:96:ae:cc:ce:d3:2b:b0:a3:a4:95:a5
-<?php //'
-$username = user_getname();
-if ($username == "NA") {
- // for anonymous user :
- $username = '<<em>membername</em>>';
- global $project;
- print '<pre>tla register-archive
-<h3>More Information</h3>
-For more information see <a
Index: gnu-content/bzr/index.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/bzr/index.txt
diff -N gnu-content/bzr/index.txt
--- gnu-content/bzr/index.txt 25 Jan 2013 23:35:25 -0000 1.20
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $project; ?>
-<h4>Anonymous read-only access</h4>
-<p>The Bazaar repositories for projects use separate directories for
-each branch. You can see the branch names in the repository by pointing
-a web browser to:<br>
-<tt>http://bzr.<?php echo $project->getTypeBaseHost(). "/r/" .
$project->getUnixName(); ?></tt></p>
-<li><p>For a repository with separate branch directories (<tt>trunk</tt>,
-<tt>devel</tt>, …), use:
-<pre>bzr branch bzr://bzr.<?php echo $project->getTypeBaseHost(). "/" .
$project->getUnixName(); ?>/<i>branch</i></pre>
-where <i>branch</i> is the name of the branch you want.
-<li>For a repository with only a top-level <tt>.bzr</tt> directory, use:
-<pre>bzr branch bzr://bzr.<?php echo $project->getTypeBaseHost(). "/" .
$project->getUnixName(); ?></pre>
-<li>If you need the low-performance HTTP access, this is the url:
-<pre>http://bzr.<?php echo $project->getTypeBaseHost(). "/r/" .
$project->getUnixName(); ?></pre>
-<h4>Developer write access (ssh)</h4>
-$username = user_getname();
-if ($username == "NA") {
- // for anonymous user :
- $username = '<<em>membername</em>>';
-<pre>bzr branch bzr+ssh://<?php echo $username ?>@bzr.<?php echo
$project->getTypeBaseHost(). "/" . $project->getUnixName();
-<h4>More introductory documentation</h4>
-<p>Check the <a
-href="http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/UsingBzr">UsingBzr</a> page
-at the documentation wiki.</p>
Index: gnu-content/admin/groupedit_sysname.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/admin/groupedit_sysname.txt
diff -N gnu-content/admin/groupedit_sysname.txt
--- gnu-content/admin/groupedit_sysname.txt 24 Jun 2003 10:05:57 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration administration sys name infos -->
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_sysname.txt,v 1.3 2003/06/24 10:05:57 babar Exp $ BEGIN
-The /webcvs subdirectory on which the project will have write access.
-Empty value means that no directory of /webcvs will be given to this project.
-Make sure you fully understand the <a
href=/savannah.html#Web%20CVS%20repositories>rationale</a> associated with this
-Make sure the directory you enter here does <b>not overlap</b> with a
directory <a href=http://www.gnu.org/server/standards/www2savannah.html>already
assigned to a project</a>, except the special <a href=/projects/www/>www
-Every non-GNU projects must be located in the <b>/non-gnu/</b> subdirectory
-(when doing so it is good to change the home page link for
www.freesoftware.fsf.org/project instead of the
-default www.gnu.org/software/project that will not work anyway - since the 23
mai 2002 it is not required).
-Only change the project name <b>if it already exists</b> under another
-name in the GNU project. For instance if <u>gnuedma</u> was submitted,
-it should be changed to <u>edma</u> since the pages exists in
-*auto* means that everything will be set according to the project type.
-Note: if you use the text field to set the Subdirectory, you need to give the
complete url.
-In this particular case, the System Name will not be added as subsubdirectory.
-This field should be used only for web project. In fact, this field generally
must be used for web project.
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_sysname.txt,v 1.3 2003/06/24 10:05:57 babar Exp $ BEGIN
Index: gnu-content/admin/proj_email.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/admin/proj_email.txt
diff -N gnu-content/admin/proj_email.txt
--- gnu-content/admin/proj_email.txt 4 Jan 2013 19:45:38 -0000 1.4
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Savannah - Project registration STEP 6 Confirmation mail
-// Here, you can configure the mail sent to user and admins.
-// BEWARE, this file content must be PHP, with no parse-error.
-// Do not modify it until you really know what you're doing.
-// $Id: proj_email.txt,v 1.4 2013/01/04 19:45:38 karl Exp $ BEGIN
-// we include this as function, it's easier to work with vars
-// in this way
-function approval_gen_email ($group_name, $unix_group_name) {
- $message = '
-Your project registration for '.$GLOBALS['sys_name'].' has been approved.
-Project full name: '.$group_name.'
-Project system name: '.$unix_group_name.'
-Project page: http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/'.$unix_group_name.'
-Please note, that it will take up to half an hour for the system to
-be updated (CVS repository creation for instance) before your project
-will be fully functional.
-Enjoy the system, and please tell others about '.$GLOBALS['sys_name'].'.
-Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you.
- -- the '.$GLOBALS['sys_name'].' Volunteers
-Post scriptum, important note:
- In order to release your project, you should write copyright notices
- and license notices at the beginning of every source code file, and
- include a copy of the plain text version of the license. If your
- software is published under the GNU GPL license, please read
- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
- ';
- return $message;
-// $Id: proj_email.txt,v 1.4 2013/01/04 19:45:38 karl Exp $ END
Index: gnu-content/admin/groupedit_outro.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/admin/groupedit_outro.txt
diff -N gnu-content/admin/groupedit_outro.txt
Index: gnu-content/admin/user_email.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/admin/user_email.txt
diff -N gnu-content/admin/user_email.txt
--- gnu-content/admin/user_email.txt 26 Nov 2003 10:53:01 -0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// Savannah - User registration reminder to group admins.
-// Here, you can configure the mail sent to group admins.
-// BEWARE, this file content must be PHP, with no parse-error.
-// Do not modify it until you really know what you're doing.
-// $Id: user_email.txt,v 1.1 2003/11/26 10:53:01 yeupou Exp $ BEGIN
-// we include this as function, it's easier to work with vars
-// in this way
-function approval_user_gen_email ($group_name, $unix_group_name, $group_id,
$user_name, $user_full_name, $user_email, $user_message) {
- $message = '
-A new user has registered on '.$GLOBALS['sys_name'].'.
-User Full Name: '.$user_full_name.'
-User Name: '.$user_name.'
-User Email: '.$user_email.'
-Project Full Name: '.$group_name.'
-Project System Name: '.$unix_group_name.'
-Project page:
-Message from user:
-You receive this email because you are registered as an administrator of this
project and the system has been configured to send emails to administrators
when new users register.
-Please login and go to the page
-and approve this new pending user, so he/she can obtain full functionality on
the web site.
- -- the '.$GLOBALS['sys_name'].' team
- ';
- return $message;
-// $Id: user_email.txt,v 1.1 2003/11/26 10:53:01 yeupou Exp $ END
Index: gnu-content/admin/groupedit_intro.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/admin/groupedit_intro.txt
diff -N gnu-content/admin/groupedit_intro.txt
--- gnu-content/admin/groupedit_intro.txt 9 Apr 2010 17:00:59 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration administration intro -->
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_intro.txt,v 1.3 2010/04/09 17:00:59 karl Exp $ BEGIN -->
-When examining a submission first check the description. If the description
-is unclear, delete the project and ask the submitter to send a more detailed
-description. If the software claims to be Free Software check the submitted
-tarball, some people are confused and/or misled.
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_intro.txt,v 1.3 2010/04/09 17:00:59 karl Exp $ BEGIN -->
Index: gnu-content/admin/groupedit_grouptype.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/admin/groupedit_grouptype.txt
diff -N gnu-content/admin/groupedit_grouptype.txt
--- gnu-content/admin/groupedit_grouptype.txt 9 Apr 2010 16:57:54 -0000
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Savannah - Project registration administration group type infos -->
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_grouptype.txt,v 1.2 2010/04/09 16:57:54 karl Exp $ BEGIN
-To check if a package is official GNU software, see the file
-fencepost.gnu.org:/gd/gnuorg/maintainers. If it is not listed there,
-and no official dubbing message has been sent, it must <b>not</b> be
-approved as “Official GNU Software”. The type should be
-changed to non-GNU in this case. If the submitter wants to offer the
-project to GNU, please point them to <a
-<!-- $Id: groupedit_grouptype.txt,v 1.2 2010/04/09 16:57:54 karl Exp $ BEGIN
Index: gnu-content/predefined_mails/project_apparently_dead.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/predefined_mails/project_apparently_dead.txt
diff -N gnu-content/predefined_mails/project_apparently_dead.txt
--- gnu-content/predefined_mails/project_apparently_dead.txt 3 Apr 2003
22:51:59 -0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Hi %admins,
-It seems that the account on savannah for the project %project that you
-are associated with is not currently utilized.
-It doesn't seem to point to a homepage, the CVS tree and download areas
-are empty, and there don't seem to be any mailing lists.
-If you have plans to use this space to continue hosting it. However,
-we have a great deal of interest in savannah, and we want to host as
-many active projects as possible.
-We have hidden the project from the public search temporarily, until
-we hear from you about the project. If we don't hear from you in 60 days
-we'll have to delete the project to save space. However, if the
-project becomes active, you are always welcome to recreate it.
\ No newline at end of file
Index: gnu-content/predefined_mails/project_apparently_dead.fr_FR.UTF-8
RCS file: gnu-content/predefined_mails/project_apparently_dead.fr_FR.UTF-8
diff -N gnu-content/predefined_mails/project_apparently_dead.fr_FR.UTF-8
--- gnu-content/predefined_mails/project_apparently_dead.fr_FR.UTF-8 6 Aug
2005 10:22:29 -0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Bonjour %admins,
-Il semble que le compte auquel vous êtes associé sur Savannah pour le projet
%projext ne soit plus utilisé
-De plus, il semble qu'il ne pointe vers aucune page personnelle,
-que l'arborescence CVS et les zones de téléchargement soient vides,
-et qu'il n'y ai aucune liste de diffusion.
-Notre but pour savannah, c'est d'héberger le plus de projets *actifs*
-Nous avons caché votre projet au public temporairement, jusqu'à ce que nous
-ayons de vos nouvelles. Si vous ne nous contactez pas dans les 60 jours,
-nous serons dans l'obligation d'effacer votre projet pour gagner de la place.
-Dans le cas ou le projet redeviendrait actif, vous serez toujours le bienvenu
-et vous pourrez recréer sans problème un compte pour ce projet.
Index: gnu-content/predefined_mails/project_still_pending.txt
RCS file: gnu-content/predefined_mails/project_still_pending.txt
diff -N gnu-content/predefined_mails/project_still_pending.txt
--- gnu-content/predefined_mails/project_still_pending.txt 2 Jul 2003
22:23:29 -0000 1.1
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-There are several projects that was registered since a long time (the
-delay depends on your installation configuration), without still being
-Someone of the admins may handle these registrations, to help the admin
-in charge. If, as admin, you do so, please tell others admin directly via
-a mail, in order to avoid duplicating efforts.
\ No newline at end of file
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