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[Savannah-cvs] [776] document recent incident

From: ineiev
Subject: [Savannah-cvs] [776] document recent incident
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2024 08:46:19 -0400 (EDT)

Revision: 776
Author:   ineiev
Date:     2024-04-01 08:46:17 -0400 (Mon, 01 Apr 2024)
Log Message:
document recent incident

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/sviki/RecoveredAccounts.mdwn
--- trunk/sviki/RecoveredAccounts.mdwn  2024-02-24 18:00:49 UTC (rev 775)
+++ trunk/sviki/RecoveredAccounts.mdwn  2024-04-01 12:46:17 UTC (rev 776)
@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@
 This page lists requests to recover Savannah accounts, with relevant
 links and summaries, in reverse chronological order since May, 2020.
+* 2024-03-26 savannah-help-private <>:
+  It was pointed out that raghunandan297 has 'real name' saying the account
+  was compromized.  The password was reset, and the email was changed
+  from @gmail to, with notifying the admin
+  of the only Savannah group the account was member of (gnucap).
+  The admin silently removed the account from that group within a day.
+  On 2024-04-01, the 'real name' was changed to say the account was disabled.
 * 2024-01-11 savannah-users
   The OP was able to recover when told the email registered in the account.

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