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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Revisiting hosted wiki software

From: Karl Berry
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Revisiting hosted wiki software
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 12:53:23 -0600

    Btw, Karl, could you give a brief estimate of the workload currently
    necessary to moderate the GNU lists? 

Perhaps 15 minutes a day x 3 people, on average.

    I remembered you managed to recruit a team of vulunteers, 

There are three people: Oleg Katsitadze, Bob Proulx, and me.  We don't
all do the same thing.

    but I don't know how many list are checked 

Nearly every list on is checked to some extent.  The only
exceptions are the ones which explicitly did not want any checking,
namely fsfe-uk, bug-freedink, savannah.*private, and Aubrey's lists
(slib|jacal|scm|wb)-*.  (The exception list is embodied in the script
~/bin/oldestheld on lists.)


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