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[Savannah-hackers] elisp mode for savannah

From: Mathieu Roy
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] elisp mode for savannah
Date: 14 Aug 2002 23:54:02 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

I've just added a savannah.el in savannah/gnuscripts

While loading this elisp code, you can access to functions
named like sv-this-thing that should insert a defined message
usefull for moderation.

For instance, M-x sv-no-tarball print:

Could you create a tarbal with the code as it
now exists and make it available to a temporary URL?

We want to help you to fix potential legal issues.
For example, in order to release your project under
the GPL you should write copyright notice and copying
conditions at the beginning of every source code
file, following the advice of

And M-x sv-open-and-free

Note that Savannah supports projects of the Free Software
movement, not projects of the Open Source movement.
We are careful about ethical issues and insist on
producing software that is not dependent on proprietary
While Open Source as defined by it's founders means 
Free Software, it's frequently misunderstood.
For more informations, read

or M-x sv-end-message

Could you resubmit once it's done?
You can resubmit your project with ease by copying
the big re-registration URL provided in the mail
you receive at submission


or M-x sv-use-proprietary

Your project requires proprietary software and cannot be
hosted on Savannah for this reason.

Savannah is willing to provide resources and time to
developers writing Free Software that can be used
without the need to ask for permission to a proprietary
software vendor.
        Thanks for your understanding,

So if you read you mail with Emacs (hum, Jaime, you use Mutt, no?), it
should speed up your works.

You're welcome to send your comments, to add new functions, to correct


Mathieu Roy (GPG Key)

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