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[Savannah-hackers] [support #103156] Import CVS or LDIF address book

From: Elfyn McBratney
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] [support #103156] Import CVS or LDIF address book
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 11:45:53 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040206 Firefox/0.8

This mail is an automated notification from the support tracker
 of the project: Savannah Administration.

[support #103156] Latest Modifications:

Changes by: 
                Elfyn McBratney <address@hidden>
                Fri 06/25/2004 at 15:43 (Europe/London)

            What     | Removed                   | Added
          Resolution | None                      | Invalid
         Assigned to | None                      | beu
              Status | Open                      | Closed

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
This is the support for Savannah administration.
Please address this request to the appropriate project tracker or

[support #103156] Full Item Snapshot:

URL: <>
Project: Savannah Administration
Submitted by: 0
On: Fri 06/25/2004 at 07:49

Category:  None
Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  1 - None
Resolution:  Invalid
Assigned to:  beu
Originator Email:  address@hidden
Status:  Closed

Summary:  Import CVS or LDIF address book

Original Submission:  CVS Importation:
I tried to import CVS adress book from outlook to phpgroupware 's address book. 
The importation seams to be OK until i opened my personnal address book : all 
new entries were blank fieds.
Anybody could explain me what to do to perform correctly CVS importation ?
LDIF Importation: 
So, i tried to perform LDIF importation. From Mozilla , I have been imported 
address book from Outlook. Then , from phpgroupware, I've been imported LDIF 
address book with specific opetion "from Netscape". Most of the address book 
fileds are not coorectly imported as Name, Work phone but goodly, the email 
field is OK
Is there a solution to improove a coorect importation ?

Thanks for your answer

PS: I saw the same item but no answer. Sorry , but I really need an answer 

Follow-up Comments

Date: Fri 06/25/2004 at 15:43       By: beu
This is the support for Savannah administration.
Please address this request to the appropriate project tracker or

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