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[sr #110917] dead links on older email archive pages

From: sha256
Subject: [sr #110917] dead links on older email archive pages
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 11:52:46 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #6, sr #110917 (group administration):

This is fsedarati aka sha.  I have some functions I called about through my
banks api the other day but it's been so long since I used them I don't think
I input what I needed done correctly.   I have some javascripts that I need to
import export assets from into an account with $10,000,000 transferred from
the total of all the javascript.  If there's not enough take it from foo or
bar accounts for the transfer to x=097400356, y=8476187; x=y, y=x,
xy=z($10,000,000).  I also have a=Duke energy,  b=center point energy, c=
straight talk wireless: abc=$balance due every 4th of the month.  Address for
a&b is 1311 liberty ave terre haute in 47807.  I also need my four pay cards
for shell speedway Microsoft Frank's hotdogs cards replaced with balances
transferred to new cards preferably once that don't expire like previous ones
used.  My computer is down so I can't access anything to get account details
each company or recall them for the cards. I need the xy=z done first thing to
have access to some cash and handle business transactions for taxes. I also
need to audit everything I own, all transactions with details to review. 
Disconnect on utilities abc mentioned above.  I need to check deeds I have
somewhere about addresses needing remodeled and empty lots for building new
projects. I need to replace disrespectful and rude staff members at some real
estate places I have here in terre haute and staff with my hotel company
candlewood suites here and regionally as well.  Hire some guys to dig up
someone to resurrection of my mother once I find my prayer and have a bottle
of dry gin seagrams to do it. File some evictions for rude disrespectful
people.  Get my laptop made by Sony or a p machine shop from the copy of my
old one. With fastest processor and most memory wifi card paid for buy a new
car fix other one, and a bunch of other stuff. Bad emails for everyone. Can't
reach people.


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