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[task #16584] Submission of StoneValley

From: Ineiev
Subject: [task #16584] Submission of StoneValley
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 13:08:37 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #3, task #16584 (group administration):

[comment #2 comment #2:]
> I altered NOTICE file in the main directory and write:
> The whole project is published under <Public Domain license>.

[// Public domain isn't a
license], public domain means that the material is not copyrighted.

> It means that the following files are published with Public Domain license:


NOTICE is a text file, its usage conditions should be written in it, so it
doesn't belong in that list.

> And at the same time, I have already wrote in the README file of main
directory about this(Line 10):

Such statements [//
make the situation clear for that particular release]. However, programmers
often copy source files from one free program into another. If a source file
contains no statement about what its license is, then moving it into another
context eliminates all trace of that point. This invites confusion and error.

> Each program file in ./src/ has a header about:

What we are discussing is legal formalities. From the legal point of view,
there is no distinction between 'program' files and other copyrightable
material.  If people redistribute a tarball containing a file without a
license, they technically infringe copyright no matter what that file does.

> The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
> a legal notice, here is a blessing:

By the way, this wording is confusing.  If the blessing could be considered
the terms of usage, StoneValley would qualify as proprietary.

> Please check this site for additional information of git repositories:

I'd rather avoid visiting GitHub.  Many its functions rely on proprietary


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