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[task #16584] Submission of StoneValley

From: Ineiev
Subject: [task #16584] Submission of StoneValley
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 13:58:57 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #32, task #16584 (group administration):

> > I'm not sure I understand the bottom line.  Have you succeeded to
> > confirm with the text of the licenses that including the LGPL
> > in a distribution is a requirement?
> Yes I confirm including the LGPL in a distribution is a requirement in some
> certain circumstances. For example, in the LGPL license, section 3. Object
> Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. There is written b)
> Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
> document.

Thank you.  You are right, it's important to distinguish various cases
of distribution.  What about the case we are discussing, distributing
unmodified source code?

> > Now, the next question is, what files should include them.  What
> > do you think?
> To consider about my experiences to write and read free software libraries,
> think those files which need to be declared copyright should include them.

I feel you should provide more details.  What does "need to be
declared copyright" mean, other than that they should include
the legal notices?

> I have read GLib and glibc the text appears at the top of every C header and
> source files.

The induction is a valid method of obtaining knowledge.  However,
in order to come to correct conclusions, one have to do a few things.

First, it's necessary to check all files, in order to find out both
what files include and don't include the notices.  It isn't clear
from your words if you looked into any files other than C headers
and the source files (by the way, the latter category is uncertain
enough, I'd like to have a further clarification on what you
mean by that term).

Second, it's necessary to make sure that the inspected data set
contains all possible classes of files.  If some classes are missing,
one can't tell anything about them.

Third, it's important to only use the data set that includes
no mistakes.  When the data set is erroneous, one is likely
to get wrong conclusions.

The second and third point aren't easy.  I don't think I really
have an idea how to fulfil them.  Have you?

If not, I suggest using the deduction instead, and revisiting
the documentation I referred to.

> So, I also add these text at the head of each headers and sources of
> StoneValley project. Please see (file #56448).

Thank you!  I'll look into the file when we are done with the questions


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