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[task #16596] Submission of simphone

From: simphone
Subject: [task #16596] Submission of simphone
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 22:28:07 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #2, task #16596 (group administration):

We have updated the files in our tarball (in the simcore/, qsimphone/, build/
and doc/ subdirectories, and at the top-level) with copyright and license
notices to hopefully be compliant with these GNU requirements. 

For the patches/ subdirectory, added an explanation to patches/PATCHES.txt
that the copyright of the diff files belongs to the original copyright

To explain the copyright situation of non-text and automatically generated
files, added README.txt files to the following subdirectories:
qsimphone/icons, qsimphone/flags, qsimphone/resources and build/config-win32.

Added GFDL.html to the doc/ subdirectory and links to it inside all html files
in that directory. Also added copyright/copying notices to all txt
"documentation" files.

If there is any omission or misunderstanding, please let us know, so it can be
fixed. You can find the new tarball here:

Following is the list of dependency licenses that you requested:

cares/: MIT license

cryptopp/: boost license, but all individual files supposed to be in the
public domain

dht/: MIT license

efence/: GPL2
        Note this is a windows port of a GNU library. It is not part of 
Simphone by
default, neither at compile time nor at any other time. Still it sits in the
source code archive so that developers can optionally enable memory debugging
on windows just as they already can on GNU/Linux. I am unable to provide a
link, because the site it used to be hosted on no longer exists on the
Internet; the license text is available as efence/COPYING. If any of this is a
problem, it can be removed from the source tree and done with. 

expat/: MIT (?) license

miniupnpc/: BSD license

npth/: LGPL 2.1

openssl/: Apache license

        Note openssl version 1.1.1 in our source tree still uses their old
OpenSSL/SSLeay license, but we are going to update to the new openssl version
for the next Simphone release, and that one has an Apache license.

portaudio/: MIT (?) license

qsimphone/icons/qdarkstyle.qss, qsimphone/icons/qdarkstyle/: MIT license

        Note the file was taken from the Internet, there is no official primary 
that we know of, but copyright notice and license text are inside the file.

qsimphone/resources/ip*.bin: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

qtbase/: LGPL 2.1

        Note Qt is not part of the source tree, but is part of compiled Simphone
binaries. None of the "third party" Qt components are part of Simphone
binaries, so their licenses are irrelevant (only the "qtbase" license might be

qtsingleapplication/: BSD license (embedded in all source files)

speex/, speexdsp/: BSD-style license

udev/libudev/: LGPL 2.1

        Note this is not the official link. The latest udev/libudev has been
integrated into systemd. But the version in our source tree has a GPL2 udev
and an LGPL libudev inside (as the above link also shows), whereas only
libudev is used by Simphone; the rest of the top-level udev code is there only
to provide the original source structure for reference. If this would be a
problem, we could delete everything except for udev/libudev. Libudev is needed
for audio device hotplug detection under GNU/Linux.

build/rlink/: RCSL/RPSL/GPL2
        Unable to provide a link, because "RealNetworks" has removed the source 
from their website. The texts of their licenses are available in the
build/rlink directory inside the source tree. The rlink script is used by the
simphone compilation process on windows as a substitute for the missing
--gc-sections option of GNU ld.
build/makedepend/: X11 license

build/ MIT license

build/ public domain

        Note this script was posted to UseNET in the year 1995. The Simphone 
installer calls it to extract uuencoded binary resources (icons).


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