I installed the debian version of Pyformex in Ubuntu 12.04 x64.(Version 0.9.0), and I have some problems in working with it.
I would be so pleased if you could answer my following questions:
1. How can I export Pyformex mesh file into Fluent ANSYS? I have seen an example in Youtube website(bifmesh18May), it's pyformex version is 0.8.2 a6,
and I see some plugins such as export to Fluent and export to Abaqus and etc in Bifmesh tab which doesn't exist in my installed version, Is there any problem
in the installation process or I should have installed the plugins in other ways?
In the Pyformex support forum it has mentioned to use the f2flu.py to export mesh file into Gambit and Fluent, How can we use this script file
after completing mesh generation process?
2. Treemesh is a way for creating structured mesh for complex geometries, This method has been used in the paper as title "Full-hexahedral structured meshing for image-based computational vascular modeling" which used pyformex. Is it possible to use bifmesh plugin to generate mesh for such geometry? or there is another plugin for generating mesh in such cases?
Best Regards,
Omid Atlaschian,
Master graduate in Mech Dept,
Isfahan University of Technology.